Could someone explain what does "anti social vehicle" means?
Could someone explain what does "anti social vehicle" means?
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It scares suburban moms.
Read section 59 duh
Wouldn't a Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc. be considered a social vehicle? It's looks are loud and attention seeking, rightfully so. It was a fucking $200k+ car brand new.
Just bongs being bongs. Brits should be gassed.
It's because people act like dumbasses in them and terrorize society. That car has prior warnings so it got seized.
That's fucking bullshit tho, you don't just seize something because it annoyed some suburban moms.
Or maybe the drivers shouldn't be breaking the law?
Ripping around populated areas is dumb and the driver should be punished. Idiots like them ruin it for the rest of us.
welcome to britbong land, where this is how they've been fooled into thinking civil rights should work.
>That car has prior warnings so it got seized.
Maybe they should start warning the driver instead of an inanimate object.
>looked it up
>it's real
I hate this country sometimes.
>"dr help me i think i have Alzheimers"
>"why, what are your symptoms?"
>"I dont recognise my country anymore"
They do, the vehicle also matters though.
>seizing someone's car because they were being 'anti-social'
What crime had they actually committed? Dangerous driving or speeding are offences that would result in prosecution, having your vehicle seized for an ill-defined 'anti-social' act is fucking stupid.
Meanwhile in the land of the FREE
>She broke her ankle in 3 places, dislocated her foot, and tore a bunch of ligaments in her foot which ended up requiring surgery. After she was cleared to return to work, her dickhead employer told her that her position had been filled and she had no job anymore.
>hurt leg
>have to sell you car
>get fired
Revving your engine is a criminal offense. Racing your car down the streets is against the law.
Y'know, probably the kinda shit they were doing. I fully support this, but it's probably some Arab's car so it's not like it matters anyway.
>implying I'm from the land of the REEEEE
Sorry nigger, I got the best of both worlds
anti-social behavior doesn't refer to socializing but to society. vandalism, theft, stuff like that is considered anti-social.
>hurr noise ordinances don't exist or don't apply to vehicles
>hurr if you want quietness just move away from me
>Racing your car down the streets is against the law.
That's speeding or dangerous driving though, the penalty for which is clearly defined.
Again, it's a public order offence which carries a fine. Not getting personal property seized.
Looks alike the meme police we got in italy: a gang of 3 armed thugs racing up and down italy with a yellow Audi RS4 at 200km/h? Who cares we can't go after them lol
Someone removed the DPF? R E A L S H I T?!?
British people love buzzwords and made up terms like "antisocial vehicles"
I once saw a fully grown man on national television doing a report about how "males" don't get enough "me-time"... Almost kms'ed myself.
>being anti-social is a criminal offense
lmao Cuckbongs should gas themselves
What a fucking joke, that's a steak knife and some sporting equipment. I'd let a 6 year old handle those. How do brits cut their fucking food? More importantly, what the fuck would this police force do if someone went Paddock on a city block? They would have to wait 4 hours to assemble any kind of force, or would have to call in an airstrike by the US.
Ok, but it only gets seized after multiple offenses.
1.2 A vehicle may be seized, using powers under section 59 Police Reform Act 2002, if:
the driver has been previously warned, under this section, within the last 12 months;
the vehicle has, on that occasion, been previously used in a manner for which a warning notice was issued;
the driver would have received a warning notice, on a previous occasion, but it was impracticable to do so at the time.
IIRC this is basically a trash cleanup crew trying to make themselves look good. For whatever reason they're part of the police.
Your dog likely has weapons in UK
Fucking bongs man
Wish they started doing this here. Underage cunts on loud as fuck 125cc motards are the BANE of peace and quiet in this town. I've got a construction next door and it's not as loud as these dimwits. Seriously, drown them all in a barrel, fucking scum.
You would likely hate the fuck out of me then. Good thing the snow melted, gonna get another good week of revbombing numales like you
>weapon sweep
Do bongs even have civil liberties or the gestapo just break your door claiming that a fucking broomstick is a weapon?
Post more I hate England and this makes me hard
I don't even know man, I think the whole fucking country is a parody of itself, marry poppins was a fucking documentary, these retards hurt themselves with paperclips so they ban them.
these were all found on estates full of chavs, chavs like to hide weapons in bushes etc for future use. and yes, they are weapons if they're going to be used to club some foreigners instead of their original use.
You mean
>ebinland :DDDDD
>Complains about bikes being bad for their society
>Same society where girls are raised from birth to be drunk loose whores by the age of 15
1. British police are retards and have nothing better to do because actual crime is too hard apparently
2. It's government policy to appear 'tough on violent crime' so to help that image they post any random shit they can on twitter to help promote the idea that they're actually doing something.
Nobody there was actually arrested for carrying a stick
It's not done in anyone's home, they just walk around neighborhoods checking under staircases, under park benches, around garbage bins and elsewhere for stuff left behind.
>itt: people unaware of 'context' and uninformed on laws from another country
wew lad
I wish it was a thing here too. Fucking tools in straight piped pickups and Harleys are cancer.
>muslim rape gangs
>noisy cars
Keep defending your mary poppins fantasyland, you cuck
i was just pointing out how moronic you people are, thanks babe :)
that lambo was probably owned by a muslim
there's a clip of a rich sandnigger claiming the police are racist because they pick on Arabs who drive super cars around London with no insurance
>>muslim rape gangs
That's not anti social because forming a gang requires friends and meeting like minded people and you have to be social to get sex
Yeah, WE'RE the ones who are moronic :D
>tfw they aren't even trying anymore to hide their agenda
I don't think you know what antisocial means.
>cherry picks articles
>voted for trump
yep, you're a moron
if america ends up like this because of pussy faggot liberals, i'll kill myself. i promise.
wow, I can't even
How are you this retarded? Then show me articles pointing the contrary, also while you're at it, tell me how someone from Finland can vote for Trump.
Gas yourselves, bongs.
Everybody everywhere knows cities everywhere suck. Think of them as containment boards. Just live somewhere cold and suburban and they stay away.
Fucking kill yourself. You're the cancer ruining public planning thinking you can reap the wealth of the cities without committing to them. Either live in the city or live in the sticks.
idk, get off this board?
prius fag
I live 45 minutes from the nearest big city in a town of like 10,000. Super low crime, cops are bros, everybody's pretty nice. We can work in the city but escape it when our shift ends. Fuck you too buddy.
Oh god the suburbs are the worst. I'd take living in the middle of bum fuck nowhere or fucking Compton over the suburbs.
>tfw your car won't talk to you :(
That's hardly suburban then, is it? I live 45 minutes from the nearest big city, nobody would think of commuting there, and there's still shitloads of farmland inbetween. It's literally a different place.
Because they're a resource investment catastrophe, they're an antisocial hellhole, they've ruined actual urban areas for the last half century, and they're rightfully beginning to die out. Suburbs, good fucking riddance.
I don't know what you'd call it if not suburban, it's not a little one-stoplight rural town.
For the greater good
Bongs are now monitoring this thread
suburban doesn't mean "not rural, but not urban", it means "the commuter belt surrounding urban ares". And the commuter belt surrounding urban areas is the bane of American cities.
kys libcuck
Don't know what you're getting at.
>tfw when you live in ireland
all the pros of living in england and none of the cons
I hate everything about the suburbs, it's almost irrational. Just, everything about it, it's awful, it's like you're just trapped in this bubble world. You're far from everything, but not far away enough to have that nice seclusion.
The fucking sameness of the houses, the HOAs, the middle class mediocrity, they're all almost dead when it comes to life. It's like you might see a couple of kids playing or someone walkind the dog but damn, there's a shit ton of houses here and everyone just stays inside watching TV.
And it's like suburbs have always been painted as this perfect family life. Sure it's great if you wanna stick around and waste your life, but its just so goddamn boring. It all feels so fake, like you aren't even a person, you're just a unit.
I was the happiest when I was in a shitty 1 room place in the city. Where it actually felt like a community.
So no pros?
Really pleasant village to live in if you weren't bent on getting murdered.
>threatening the quietness and peace of a few old fucks = having a death wish
>75 dollars per month
what the fuck
See, I like having open skies, the air not smelling like piss, and not falling asleep to the sound of gang wars.
Don't live near people then if you spend all your free time hooning around on dirt bikes. You're the one being the disturbance, not everyone else.
>Don't buy your own health insurance
>Get injured
>Have to pay your own medical bills
This is typical commie-bong shit, no wonder they were against the nazis
Never had any of that. Did have a drug dealer that was cool as hell, never bought from him but damn he was a character. And we had a cross dressing old crazy guy. There was a few people with pocket bikes that would drag race in the street every once in a while.
Suburbs is just...nothing. It's depressing. But yeah each to his own.
>what does "anti social vehicle"
Loud exhaust
Not just that, but also being noisy in your driving, i.e. deliberately using an already loud vehicle to generate as much noise as possible. You can drive a Ferrari fairly quietly by simply accelerating like any other motorist around town, or you can BAMBAMBAM it everywhere and be an obnoxious cunt.
If you act like enough of a cunt for someone to call the cops its kind of your own fault.
Typical bongs
>ouchie owie my ears police police please help arrest this man for having an anti-social vehicle he is making noise on the exterior of my house I now need NHS for my ears ouchie ow ow stop making broom broom sounds you're going to wake up my mulatto child
Good fucking thing you're on that containment island
>spend all this money for a flat and a TV license
>cant even enjoy it because some stooge is revving his Ferlamclarensegg outside
Goddamn right I'm calling the law.
Good fucking thing you're on that containment continent. Ruin it all you want, but please stay there.
M8 stop making your country look bad, wherever you're from. Being obnoxious with a loud car is rude as fuck everywhere. My shit's loud. So what do I do? I use very little throttle and taller gears in neighborhoods. It's common courtesy.
Typical fatburger
>of course I've got the god damn right to be a complete prick with total disregard for the community, it's their problem they're still living next to me, they could just move away from my noise if it annoys them so much
If the owner were Arab they'd let them off so as not to be Islamophobic
>buy an american V8
>grippy clutch, so you have to rev it a bit to get it moving from a standstill
>there's niggers walking by
>light turns green
>they call the cops on you because your revving sounded racist
>your car gets impounded and you go to jail
such is life in bongland
He's making the rest of us look bad because this shit is his only joy in life, posting this trash, don't take it personally.
>they still think everyone else on the internet must be american
Wow, you bongs truly are retarded. It's my right to buy and use the kinds of vehicles I please, I'm sorry you get bumfucked by mary poppins dressed in bobby-uniform if you fart too loud, you fucking queer. At least I'm not the one living in some shithole country larping as an 80's post-futuristic movie plot, cockmuncher.
Yeah, I don't have to conform to your numale-cuck cochlea that can't stand some deep rumbles every now and then. Kill yourself, for the sake of the rest of us.
Your post would be funny if it wasn't true.
It's over, we had a good run. Time to nuke it all from orbit and start over.
Post the one where the guy got arrested for teaching his pug the nazi salute
>buy an american V8
>grippy clutch, so you have to rev it a bit to get it moving from a standstill
>there's niggers walking by
>they try to carjack you
>they can't drive manual so in a panic they shoot you and run away
>they're never caught
such is life in murrika
Wow, good thing I'm not a murican or a bong
>drive Ferrari in Finland
>bolice :DDD sdob you and walk over to your window
>congratulates you on the Ferrari and asks you if they can take a picture with you
>ask you to rev it a bit as they want to hear how it sounds
>congratulates you again and then drives away
>do donuts :D in a parking lot in Finland during the winter
>bolis :D oh fugg bois we in trouble now
>tells you to go do it somewhere else
>no ans trouble
Truly a land of the free, unlike burgerica or bongistan
More hijabi bitches for me