Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
Samsho remake by Arcsys fucking when
Happy 4th of July!
Enjoy your hamburgers and hot dog eating contests!
when dragonbahl
What do you guys think of Sooa?
>I can say the exact same thing about somebody feeling like a winner if they lost all that health to be in danger of chip death. You really can't avoid being hit? You need that crutch?
How is it a crutch to ask the guy in the lead to actually hit you to finish you off? Did he forget how to do a throw, cross up or mix up? Especially with chip damage being a normal part of the fight, do you need that "crutch" of being able to take out a guy who is blocking your every attack and teching your every throw? I wonder how you even get these people down to a sliver of health if you begrudge the concept of getting a clean hit on them to earn your round. Hell, it's not like you're going to lose due to this, right? I mean, you're not an unskilled scrub who relied on chip the entire match, are you?
Seriously, give me a real reason chip finishes are desirable in a fighting game.
Who is the best murrican sniff?
What would happen if you took all that energy shitting on a game and used it to learn how to play it instead?
What is a fighting game worth playing? pls no meme.
I would be wasting my time anyway trying to learn a dead kusoge so I'd rather have some fun with it instead
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram.
horny girls fighting game when??
Giefs st.HP is the best button in the game.
Stupid range, stupid damage, and armor.
Now i know you'll say, "Its so easily whiff punished tho"
Because you can charge, you can change how fast or slow it comes out, and you can really fuck people up with that. I was clipping super and ultra diamonds today with that shit, I'd throw out a quick one and they'd walk right into the second one. Shit's NICE
Karnov's revenge
I did this, blocked this shithole for a few weeks and became much better.
Blue Mary
Wouldn't you want to do the thing that makes you a more informed fighting gamer?
>shitposting is more fun than actually playing games
Americlap detected
My friend recently got me into fighting games with Guilty Gear Xrd, and Blazblue Central Fiction. Its been a lot of fun, even if I am irredeemably shit at them. Even if you aren't a weeb, the games are pretty hectic and fast paced and seem a lot less campy from some other fighters I have watched.
If you despise the anime flavor you may want to avoid them, though.
wud ram!!
Literally anything except modern Capcom.
Why is everyone so forgiving towards all the shit that Tekken 7 didn't include in the game? I just got fucked up by a couple of King players and all I want to do is go through the replays to see which throws they were spamming and practice blocking them.
But no, T7 doesn't have replays
or a complete move list
or any tutorials
or any challenges/trials
or good customization options compared to previous games
or quick rematch
Hate to sound like a shitter but its okay when Tekken does it?
>not last blade
No, and I don't need to watch every Adam Sandler movie to shit on his work when it comes up either
tekken is a shit game
It's not ok when Tekken does it, any sane people have quit the game already or they were already in too deep before this game. It's an unfinished game and it should be kept as a party game, not to be taken seriously.
SFV only
SFV is so bad Harada can laugh all the way to the bank even with a half assed release.
>tfw starting to get pretty good at sfv
>tfw everybody fucking hates it like it murdered their family
feels bad
Most of that shit is a non-issue though. For example:
>no replays
Even consoles automatically record your gameplay now. On PS4, just tap the share button and save the clip.
I agree with you about the customization options though.
Really no replays? You fuckign with me?
i'd rather put that energy into coercing asian women into sex
>he plays tekken
>he expects to have fun
choose one
yeah, good luck analysing your own match footage lmao. shit game, glad i uninstalled it
hi guys i took a look at my tekken pool for evo and i play sooa first round what do i do
why is she so perfect bros
Its like 10x the effort to record and then go through a session where you've played like 2-3 hours worth of matches vs just picking out a single one with a replay system.
I don't want to keep 50gb of video just in case I want to watch a replay again man, come on
The only really good thing T7 has over SFV is the training mode is better wrt to picking pre-recorded moves and recording your own actions etc, way easier to do
Only 8 players who signed up for both Melee and KOF.
jerk off into your boxers the day of and use your pheromones as salty intimidation
I do both.
>the exact same number of melee players signed up for smash 4 as did smash 4 players for melee
It records in 15 minute segments by default, IIRC. Just save the ones you feel are memorable. It takes less than 5 seconds to do it. That's how I got all these clips I post.
If you are too lazy to spend a few seconds saving this shit then that is on you. It doesn't matter if you recorded it or the game did, it would still take up space.
>shows name but not rank
And you're an absolute autist. No replay is not ok, console recording is not a solution.
She's incredibly autistic.
Once I saw a clip of her using some kind of piece of plastic resembling a poop.
even anime games record replays. What's the deal
at the same time
There's really no reason not to have an in-game Replay feature in modern FGs.
on 2 different platforms
I play on PC
>It doesn't matter if you recorded it or the game did, it would still take up space.
No, if the game recorded it like SFV does, it would be stored on their servers. Also the game records inputs whereas local recording is video. So the difference is like, less than a kb for a match with input recording vs 100s of mb per match for video
Another thing T7 doesn't have is player search, so we can't see what rank you are. I wouldn't normally care but its like you are ashamed of it or something
>half of the Tekken entrants are actually Jivers
rly makes you think
>Such a baby game one of the stages is literally a toddlers play area
My fucking sides!
>566 Akumas
That and infinite azure are the best stages and have the best music
>50-70 goobers are secretly smashers
We should crop out all the things and only be certain that Josie is feeling nervous.
the zoom in slow mo helps a lot to add hype to this stale ass boring game
harada's best choice
xrd has that to and it's way cooler
The "music" in T7 is some of the worst from any video game ever made. its so bad half the stages share tracks.
What's the average number of hours spent per game?
>in the year 2017 fgg is surprised by the concept of people playing not only one game, but more than one
>they then see this as a negative, meaning that the individual playing multiple games is actually a player of *game that they dislike less*
But Forgotten Realm is the best stage
>being bad at multiple games instead of putting all of your effort into being good at one
hope you enjoy going 0-2
who are you quoting?
t. 1-2 at his locals
Please don't bully
Is there a character in SFV with no charge and no Z motion?
Do places like this actually exist?
It looks like colurful asylum.
Tekken is an adult game. My father also enjoys it.
learn to play the game. sfv is the most lenient fighting game ever, none of the inputs are hard.
> I mean, you're not an unskilled scrub who relied on chip the entire match, are you?
Lmfao. I knew it. You're that autist who hates fireballs/ zoning
Do people still play usf4?
is giefs new counter a z motion?
why is mago so bad bros?
Does Mika have a dp equivalent to mash and pray when you're cornered?
At least I have a dad, Tyrone.
Wakup spd
I wish I didn't
my dad doesn't even fucking let me drink kool-aid before bed
Oh fuck I forgot. You never ever want to use it though
If you can't figure out how to record on PC, especially when Shadow Play is a thing, how do you not forget how to breath?
>respond an hour later
>don't even have a real answer
Why even bother?
Please don't bully Lucifer, he is 15 years old.
The answer is learn to get around fireballs you diaper
Can Karin be played to a competent level on a Pad, using the stick not the dpad?
Are there any good Karin pad players I can follow?
Christ you're retarded. Filtered.
Redblade was a pad karin
How difficult is Raven for someone pretty shit at Tekken to pick up?
Also is Gigas total shit against any competent player? He seems to have hardly any tools apart from a good grab and punish
There's no excuse for not having a replay system in a competitive video game in 2017, fuck off retard.
>playing kekken
analog stick is ass but there was a dude that played a good gief in 4 on analog stick so in the end everything's doable if you're madman enough.
anyone up for some jive
People always complain about how ugly Ken and Alex's faces look, but that's nothing compared to Kolin's face.
Which is weird, because her face in the story mode looked much better. Her playable version looks like a transexual horse.
She's up there along with Akuma and Alex as the ugliest looking character in the game.
It can work but you have to think differently