League of legends general /lolg/

i bet you expected a lulu thread edition
old eyosongive.us


xth for breast metal waifu

Sona is the biggest and breastest waifu


But I have not played a single ranked game in 4 months?

xth for posting before deletion

>having a perfect game on the husbando

Is there a better feeling?

This thread is going to get deleted, right?

>2 deaths
What did he mean by this?

Rakan is you're husbando? Really?
What about __me__?

shameful waifu trash
youve lost points JUST for encouraging this lulucancer

Today is different.
Today I will change, I will advance my goals and work on my future.

Today I will post Lulu.

Sonafags are really original and mature

Well is perfect for my garbage standards!

Well, afaik Ekko isn't legal yet so yeah, rakan is the husbando. Also I don't remember marrying (you).

There's 3 things I want with the inevitable Malph rework:
1.- I want him to be the champion with the absolute highest armor potential in the game, the fucker you pick when you wanna make ADssassin & ADC babs seriously wish uninstalling the game.
2.- Be on the same H U G E scale as Cho'gath. That nigga needs to be so damn big he can't fit in the fucking jungle and he can stare down baron face-to-face.
3.- He needs to have a Jhin/Vel'koz/Nasus/Zac/Rengar-tier VO. Make that son of a bitch have the deepest and boomiest voice possible.

h-hey user
c-can i h-have mid please?

Best husband!
Watch Dogs was fun!!

Now that Lulu is the official op of lolg, is it time to establish more gorund and make Lulu the OP in d2g? Perhaps we can even advance to blizzard games.

all must know of Lulu.

go away old man talk to me when youre reworked

>it's a mid is retarded and feeds Fizz episode

shyvana is best girl

>shivana support
>in plat

What meme magic is this.

better than picking lb desu

I have yet to see a lb in low elo do anything except feed fizz or zed

for fucks sake just rework zyra into an actual support already

>Play top lane
>Enemy picks Darius

Just pick Swain or, if you're up to it, Fiora.

delet this

>mfw another easy win

proving that supports can play anything and get carried

I just DC'd in the middle of a game (internet is connected)

I closed the game and went back to the client menu

nothing is telling me to rejoin

I can start a new game

what the actual fuck do I do

game was dropped

Which runes should I run on Beef McTentacles? Just fat fuckin' AD, HP, & armor?

That's been happening all day, Riots servers are fucking up

so how many times has your boicrush hugged you since the last time you went into fagmode?

what does that mean. do i lose lp???

my opgg page says it's live

>30 mins
>lb dashes 2x ( with rocket belt) into a midlane siege
>ropes a minion
>dashes out again
ok there are two champs that absolutely steal my time. full leath lee and lb. why can i only ban one..

being retarded has nothing to do with feeding fizz.

>people still banning people picks in champ select
seriously go get aids, cancer and every STD known to man, and die, if you do this, on purpose or by accident.

Servers are fucked ATM it seems.

don't worry user, one day you'll change their experience of yasuo

AD. get hydra and dead mans and the game is done.


t. Yasuo main

Does anyone discuss competitive/LCS here?

t. yasuo/fiora picker

please fucking kill yourself you sack of worthless shit

>effortlessly win every game up until silver 1
>then every game is retards flailing against each other until someone throws

i will never understand it, and i've done this climb 5 times now.

NA or EU?

heres all lcs boils down to
SKT>anything else
4th round of skt skins here we fucking come

good thing youve wasted countless hours on the hope that someone other than them wins, buy rp please

What about TF/Frozen gauntlet?


hey dude it's me you husband lol we married yesterday and now you're oficially a girl who looks exactly like Diana

not needed. as the ballanced femnazi of ryleh you cant initiate or nuke down adcs. your roll is the disengage via pentakill. myheartwillgoon hydra, ghosty for more heals and the midlane. dead mans and then you can build sht like GA or something. tilt the toplaner so he flames his team. mental warfare. and push like a tilted tryn untill they come. than slap them. 2 kills minimum and your team can do whatever in the time

it means the game didnt exist, you lose nothing, but you win nothing

>tfw no-one will ever carry you out of bronze

Stop post my husband you harlot.

>tfw no one will ever carry you

>just want to climb
>first game is a tragedy, singed support and udyr jungle actually int feeding the enemy team
>the rest of us try our best but it's just not worth it
>next game
>fucking HOUR long slog of back and forth team fights until the enemy team just auto wins because they have Vayne who kills us all and solo pushes to the nexus

I didn't think I could ever be this mad. At a video game. I feel so fucking hopeless.


Fuck the police.

I see, thank you. Now I am ready to put niggas to MUH TEST.

>Dr Mundo still has his release model that looks like it's straight out of WarCraft 3

>Be jungle main
>autofilled to support
>The jungler on my team fucking blows dick

This is why I main jungle. The junglers I get on my team are never as good as me, and sometimes they're downright awful.

if i end up losing lp fro this it's coming out of YOUR pocket

What would happen if you give Diana a hug?

good luck not getting a swain

I'd grab her butt.

nice oc king gay
heck off me from the future

She would blush and her tiny cock would get hard.

You from the future? Draven is married to me right now, you stupid slut


Counting the last time?


I mean I don't count the good bye/greeting hugs because those are pretty normal.

But that's not lego legions

>now you're oficially a girl who looks exactly like Diana

If only that made it true. ;_;

Also everyone gets an S but me edition, I just want my mastery 7 damn it. And apparently targon's is better than coin as long as you can last hit, kinda like thresh, but it's a littler harder since you don't have flay's bonus damage on autos.

Just started playing again to play with some irl friends, I'm actually having more fun than I'd thought.

What are some really aggressive midlaners I can learn to play? I used to play a lot of diana/evelynn mid back in S3, but with the removal of abyssal scepter they've lost a lot of their bite and it doesnt feel nearly as good. I've had a lot of fun playing Vlad and Veigar, but want to expand my pool a bit more. I just bought Ekko, and im having a rough time learning him, but I really enjoy his mechanics, I still have 6300 left over.

I am convinced that in 10 years Luluism will be a religion


skt skins when

Have you tried Talon?

>You get magically transformed into a qt League girl of your choice
>BUT you have to get fucked by the champion you hate the most, brutally (if they're not male then they have a magical girlcock)

Would you?

alright, im already losing anyways

>New thread is posted before old thread reaches bump/image limit
>It's a Lulu thread so it avoids being deleted for breaking the rules

Really gets the neurons firing.

Not even. It's only happened a handful of times since I hit gold/plat. But it used to happen in Silver all the time. People would ban random shit, like my Quinn pocket pick, for no reason, or because they didn't want me to play that champ, and everyone has to play something they want me to play.

But even though it happens once in a blue moon, it's always when I have her selected and "oh sorry I didn't see, get over it, play sometyhing else", so I do, I play Urgot and go 0/50 in jg

im not even home right now fagboy
you think about me a lot its kinda cute~

>Amumu's non existence animation
>Anivia's blocky shit
>Pizza feet

get to be a girl AND plowed by Riven with a dick?

>Morde still has his release model with tree trunk legs, pizza feet, and a walk animation that makes it look like he's walking on the moon

What champion pisses you off the most?

Id do it, its only once, perhaps I can satisfy him quickly and then try to forget it for the rest of my life

I own him, but havent played him since I got back.

Oh yeah, I forgot she existed.

I was going to post my unowned champions list, but my queue just popped, off the top of my head, some notable midlaners i'm missing are Ahri, Yasuo, Zed, Xerath, Azir, Lucian, and Aurelion Sol

>trying to assassinate a bruiser with a two level lead on you

>Become Annie
>Throw Chris Hansen at Fiora when she comes at me.

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

Rek'Sai played that really poorly, but Rumble is a bullshit champ. He's one of those toplaners that is really annoying to play against, but he's overshadowed by turbo-cancer like Fiora.

>finally get to look exactly like Diana
>have to get plowed by Draven

With enought alcohol I might forget it and then it's worth it I guess.

>Fiora instakills Chris with % max HP true damage

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Hell yeah.

Wish Super Galaxy wasn't so expensive.

>Become Poppy
>Gey fucked Ahri
T-this isn't a bad thing

You can't it's too cold.

Post some sexy poppy pics

Rumble is now tame as fuck with the recent change, as a matter of fact he cant really harass you that strongly in lane with his flamethrower anymore

This, I was surprised by how strong he is, and carried games even when I didnt play him for years. Especially early damage is insane, nobody expects to die in three autoattacks once you overheat

you first

Literally not at all, Rumble's laning is now absolute garbage