/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Epic of Remnant II: Agartha no Onna]
>5* Caster, 4* Assassin, 4* Berserker (All three will be added to the story gacha)
>Drake, D'Eon and Heracles Sprite & NP Renewal

>A new summer event has been announced in which Raikou will receive a swimsuit version
>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


Lalter thread!

My husband Astolfo is CUTE!



I want to lick her armpits

I play FGO by Aniplex

/Jannu/ thread.

Hug Marie.

Hug all the Alters.

Wait for Marie Alter.

Summer news when

Musashi+Jannu or Enkidu+Jannu?

I wonder if NA's first Valentine event will be exactly like the nip one without males, if so waiting 2 years for his gift will be torture.

>You clearly don't know much about the Hashshashins. The Hashshashins were a cult, not a place you get an office job.
That's not why HE joined up though, it was because he felt powerless in life and wanted to be strong. And he became the Hassan because he was the best of that generation.

I want to bully Sche!

I have come from the future to say that there will be a swimsuit version of Stheno and Euryale.


I drew this for everyone at /fgog/

Thanks, now I can feel safe for my quartz.


I like it.


Explain to me why Irisviel is the cutest please

>got him and Yan Qing to NP4 off of 20 rolls

Life is good, once emus get unfucked again I'll finish leveling him and get him to 90.


How do you guys use your golden apple?

Last minute event farming

Re-questioning; is it better to have a shit 4*, or a good 3*; like Atlanta vs. Robin Hood?

I don't they just sit there and gather forever

>I feel weak and want to be someone who is strong
>Guess I'll go join that local death cult and train myself until I'm the best of the generation
I hope you've got a source on this, because it sounds dumb as fuck and I'm 90% sure it's not from HA, as I 100% that one.


I eat them whenever I'm bored

Saving them for events. Then the events will go by and I'll say "Next time. Next time for sure."

It's better to use the one you think is cute/cool

It's better to cover different niches

Atalante is good though.

Its been five days since agartha. News when

Irisviel is the cutest because of her design, voice, and personality displayed in Zero. It is also a personal preference because of my enjoyment of empty characters learning to feel emotion.

Acension Item farming in NA is so shit

today or tomorrow

Nobu a CUTE.

Get on the VPN train then user.

If not today, then tomorrow
They usually announce something on wednesday

Welcome to fgo jp two years ago

Isn't that method utterly unreliable?

What will they announce?


WEW laddie

Summer rerun hopefully

Everybody gets a free 5* of their choice and also DW is going out of business.

Give me Medusa. I want to build a big Medusa folder.

Stop posting this meme, it doesn't work beyond the initial login

>not available in your country
Why do this


What really?
That's weird considering that's a PV for the English Dub.

I want to be that scroll.

Why? You'll suffocate. And that hurts.

totally worth it

I'll use them by dozen when there is an event or a new order.

>Kiara gets you inside her abdomen-vagina
>Schez gets you inside a scroll between her boobs

The nips are going full /d/ on us

What if you face Arash in the daily quests and he uses his NP?

I have a really irregular playing schedule so I usually use them whenever I have a chance to farm events to get the most out of my playtime

i rolled my Pen. fused a few exp cards, sold exp cards for mana prisms. i yolo'd a karna. Did a few quests in Aragath.
And grailed a picrelated. No regrets.

As long as one servant in your party survives, you win.

Going against him is always hilarious


Maid outfits are cute.




What do you think about my song?


Go home Takeuchi

God I've even taken Agartha slow and have just now gotten to beating it because I didn't want to completely hate it, and I still dislike everything. They reuse Megalos and Pent with this garbage break system to the point where it just stops being fun, and becomes a chore.

Good they need more screen time along with about 40 other servants

Sorry but Instinct is working as intended. Just bring 3 servants with maxed instinct :^)

So /fgogalter/ really is a thing now? Was it really necessary?

Were you really necessary?

No, but you can't argue with autists.

Do NOT open this picture.

Well yeah
FGO needed a containment thread for Melvin so the NA newfags could actually have a decent one with actual info

People are convinced that they're two entirely different games with enough differences to them. I don't believe in it personally and hope it dies out eventually once the wave of new players calms down.

I'm at least glad this thread is still accepting NA players (at least it seems so).

you don't tell me what to do.

>tfw both JP and NA accounts out of AP

>enough differences to them
What exactly are the differences other than the language and lack of content on the NA side?

Megalos is at least progress in game design with that taunt+super attack thing, probably the first time there's been actual process in the AI rather than just using moves at random
Also that fight where they're fighting each other and you at the same time was fun to watch

That's pretty much it.

Are any of you saving your quarts for something in special?
If so, what is it?

ask the autists.

Siquri doki desu thread


I know that feeling, so i just play pic related when all 3 of my FateGO accounts are ap burnt.

Well, for instance NA still uses the old daily quests because the reworked ones use servants that aren't out yet

Summer mama or merlin(female)

I was saving for the summer event but just blew all my tickets on the story gacha. I hate myself.

Is it wise to go for 10/20 AP Event quests for gathering low quality mats? Or should I always go 30/40?

first NA event

NA Nero Fest. So it's going to be quite a few months.


This thread is pretty fast and loose with spoilers so I can kind of understand that.
The story is like half the reason I even play this shitty game and there's constantly discussion about things that won't be in NA FGO for at least another year or two in here.

Saber Alter is my first target. Just waiting for rate-up.


When has she ever had a rate up? Your best chance is before unlocking Nero to reduce the number of possible 4* Sabers.

Saber Wars.

Halloween on NA because I never rolled Tamamo in JP and want my Vlad to experience true Arts memery, new swimsuits and Gareth-chan on JP.