>city took a perfectly good four lane road, got rid of two lanes and replaced them with bike lanes and a center turn lane
City took a perfectly good four lane road, got rid of two lanes and replaced them with bike lanes and a center turn lane
Other urls found in this thread:
>city spends 4 years tearing apart congested downtown
>constant road blocks, traffic, and accidents associated with construction
>finally finish fucking up everyone's shit
>so they could install dedicated
Newmarket, Ontario
day of the rake when?
How does spouting a /pol/ meme have anything to do with bus lanes?
Good thing I left Ontario before the road dieting cancer started creeping
>state raises the limit of the highway to 80mph
>soccer mom in a mini van still blows past you
>cops ignore her because she's a woman
>target you for going 5mph over limit because you're a man
Its more like
>cop ignores soccer mom and you because you're white
>pull over the nearest black man and executes him
God bless America
This happened where I live last year. There were two one way roads, one north only, and one block west was south only. They were both three lanes in one direction with a speed limit of 35 mph. The city decided it would be a good idea to convert them each to one lane in each direction, with a turn lane in the center, a bike lane on the shoulder, lower the speed limit to 30 mph, and install signs that show your speed when approaching them.
They also decided to build the stupidest roundabout I've ever had the displeasure of driving through, a few miles down the road. Pic related, I bitched about it on here before.
> bike lanes and a center turn lane
>Thousands of tryhard corporate Businessmen in Melbourne think it's Holland or Brussels
yeah they need to stop shooting all these future astronauts
no wonder NASA is in such disrepair
Seriously, its like people don't realize they were kangz n sheeeit
>for some reason all the cyclists in my town decide to start doing that shit where they get together in a peloton and block roads
>sidewalks are widened and repaved in an effort to make them move there
>they fucking don't, and complain that it's dangerous because they'll hit pedestrians
>city decides to ask a club/group/whatever the fuck it was of cyclists about what would be a good idea, and ignored everyone else
>city paints bike lanes in roads that are one lane in both directions and already not so wide, so we have less than a car width of space if there's cyclists around you
>head on accident occurs as a result of this
>city tried to talk with cyclists to discuss a safer alternative, again ignoring input from anyone else
not sure what happened after that cause I moved, there's probably an entire peloton just driving into head on traffic or something right now
Why are you surprised?
that looks like a roundabout for people too stupid to know how to properly use one aka burgers
That's cause you're all cucked from the very beginning.
>city to tight arsed to build independent bike paths
>butchers all your roads with nonsensical painted lines everywhere instead
I really do hate this, I ride more than I drive and I would much rather ride on a dedicated bike path than the road.
>city uses its miles of bayou and torn-up railway right-of-ways to build modern and cozy bike trails
>strategically plans them throughout the city so they actually go places and can be used as a method of transport
>more and more people using them to commute
Who /carandbikemasterrace/ here?
Auto enthusiasts who are opposed to alternative transport are shooting themselves in the foot.
>Cars no longer relied on as sole mode of transport
>No more traffic congestion
>Cars find new purpose in society as machines for recreational travel. Manufacturers respond by designing cars to be fun again.
I love cars and bicycle to work dreaming of this future.
>state tries to decrease traffic on freeway
>removes two lanes
>adds SINGLE paid toll lane
>toll lane moves 10mph slower than free lanes
>traffic worsens threefold
>eventually state half admits they fucked up
>lets us now drive on the shoulder
such is life in washington state.
East WA is just as bad.
>Mayor's name is very similar to condom
>Proposes new highway that runs north/south
>Would cut driving time by a lot
>Get big fucking levy tax for it
>Says highway will be completed in five years
Shit is half way done and it's been 13 years
Similar here. We have a four lane freeway (two lanes each way) that is the only road between a city of 300K and another of 100K, and a third of the employed population of the latter city commute to the former. The state says it'll be eight lanes by 2035, when it needs to be eight lanes now. I'm sure they could solve this with a commuter train, since the necessary rails and stations already exist, but no, there's only a privately owned bus that leaves like every other hour
>american city installs roundabout to deal with congested traffic
>City now has a fucking perpetual traffic jam because fucking no one understands roundabouts here
>retarded urban planning putting cyclists at risk while annoying drivers
Honestly, what's wrong with bus lanes?
If they improve the bus service, then more people end up riding on ths bus instead of driving their car, which results in less traffic congestion, which means city driving is less stressful, and you can take the bus instead of worrying about finding a place to park.
I see it as a win.
Because you're making entire dedicated lanes for fucking microscopic portion of traffic
>then more people end up riding on ths bus instead of driving their car
That will never happen to any extent that would actually create and overall improvement to traffic
>living in a city
isn't that worse for your health than smoking a pack of cigarettes every day?
>bike lanes
>toll lanes
>bus lanes
>fucking roundabouts
when in the history of civil engineering has doing literally anything but adding more lanes or building new roads improved traffic in any way?
google cycling in the Netherlands.
I don't think there are countries where cycling and motor traffic are better integrated.
Look at this freaking machine of a roundabout. Pic related.
I didn't ask to live here.
Just why not...make a roundabout, a vanilla one?
>how do circles work
A single lane roundabout is limited by the capacity of entering the roundabout. A double lane roundabout is not double as efficient because a driver riding on the outside lane blocks both entering paths.
By directing flow like in pic related the capacity is very high, even if traffic from any direction splits evenly over all directions.
It's kinda like porn. It's hard to get your rocks off to normal shit on the drafting board if you are so used to it.
Cucks and retards
move then.
my 4 bedroom brick house with an office, bungalo, 4 car garage, 1 car back garage and 2 garden sheds cost me 240k.
thats like a 2 million dollar house in the city.
And that high speed rail will make people use trains more instead of aircraft, right?
>city took 4 lane roundabout and shifted lanes to make a dedicated entrance to shopping centre on one exit
>everyday retards cur around the whole fucking roundabout blocking all entrances because it's the outermost lane
Too bad human driving is going to be illegal by 2025 and all cars will be "environmental" cobalt-lithium electric bubble shaped cuck-mobiles
Too bad governments are a bunch of retards who can't see that the most efficient way would be to use ALL available forms of energy in a balanced way.
>mfw so fucking mad
If the train can deliver roughly equivalent service for cheaper, yes. That's shown all over the world, and in the Northeast Corridor here in the US. The problem is that you can't have nationwide service like that because the US is so far spread out, but in certain areas high speed rail makes a lot of sense.
What the FUCK is that man. Such an abomination shouldn't exist. I best your average City Skylines player could design a better intersection
Explain how this is enforceable, especially in hick-towns where the government doesn't exist.
Fucking what.
wait, is that actually why they were tearing up Yonge and Mulock for a year? What a shitshow
Just like with gun laws in NY: massive non compliance but ocassionally someone gets singled out and disenfranchised for the sake of keeping everyone on line
by having massive taxes for petrol, diesel and road tax for "large" engines. Don't be a fucking brainlet.
Good point. But who will vote for this legislation?
Does one actually get to have a vote?
I didn't vote for this! Stop!
>picture related
>city installs two roundabounts
>one is on a barely used road
>sportbike fags now have a place to practice hard corners
>all low sides now happen in one area
>tow truck always nearby
The worst part is that cyclist don't even like bike Lanes. PLEASE JUST GIVE US A DECENT SHOULDER. everyone benefits the roads are safer, Easier to expand, and since it's cheaper you can add them in more places instead of bike Lanes that go between nowhere and nowhere.
the magic roundabout makes perfect sense. There are stupid ones in the UK, like whichfuckingway Island
"Buses only" in the bus lane is only active during rush hour here in Los Angeles, from 7-10 AM and 4-7 PM, I think. If you look into the bus windows during rush hour, you'll see that all of the seating is occupied and often people will be crowded together standing up. The buses really do receive a lot of usage. And if you measure the length of the bus, the amount of potential drivers taken off the road who are on the bus who would equal a car length or maybe less if they commute together, and then multiply that by the frequency of the full buses (once every 15 minutes), you'll realize the hundreds of cars taken off the streets really do make for better traffic conditions. Factor in not only the length of the car, but shit like not seeing the light turned green, causing a fender bender, or trying to get into another lane at the last second because they missed their turn, and it's overall an improvement. No mentally ill, old granny drivers, or poor college students unfamiliar with the city makes for a better commute.
>living in a city
We have one of those in my town, absolute turd of a thing.
On some roads, the traffic flows too consistently in one direction (at peak hour when people are driving home from work), which means the roundabout ceases to function for the people who have to give way for that traffic - and they never get a gap.
The solution to this problem is to install A SINGLE traffic light in the direction of the peak traffic - so you can stem the flow momentarily and let the other commuters have a turn, but for some reason they've decided to build these big stupid fancy roundabout/traffic light hybrid intersections which combine the worst aspects of the roundabout with the worst aspects of traffic light intersections and are less efficient than both.
[buzzword] flyovers [buzzword] [buzzword] cucks [buzzword] cletus [gibberish] rednecks
>smug frog.jpeg
>actually sage-ing this thread
It's not like he won't see the reply
Have you ever rode a fucking city bus? I’d rather walk or literally ride a bike without a seat which is probably just how you like to ride your bike you fucking fag
The 405 HOV lane is pants on head retarded. It makes traffic around Kirkland and Woodinville worse than ever, while raising money for...
What is it raising money for again? Highway patrol that we never see? ST3, something that won't penetrate the Eastside for another 20 years on an optimistic schedule? The 520 bridge that is already tolled for? The new BRT on SR522?
Who fucking knows man
You try finding a better solution than simply painting new lines if you have fuck-all of a budget available because everyone's allergic to taxes. People always expect planners to pull grand projects that cost next to nothing out of their asses. That's not how the world fucking works.
Literally ANY city planner nowadays knows that adding new lanes only makes traffic even WORSE because it induces demand. Houston has the world's widest highway leading out of the city to the west, and traffic nowadays is worse than BEFORE the expansion because it motivates an ever growing number of people to drive ever further. If a road is clogged and you expand it, more people will start using it until it's clogged again. You can not outsize traffic, especially in urban areas. Impossible. Wherever you build roads, traffic will follow.
It won't because the range and travel time of an airplane is in a league of its own for long distances, but it'll make people use trains instead of the car for medium distances. There are tons of people saying they wouldn't need a car to get to work but they still have one to visit family a few hours away and so on. If there was a better train connection there they wouldn't need a car in the first place.
I was on board until he said Poland. Who the fuck would want their country to be like Poland?
I fucking hate that shit and it's worse during rush hour where there's a red light up ahead and there's a line of cars blocking the intersection because the other light hasn't turn green yet
Poland's alright these days, but much of that is due to EU gibbens, not their own monocultural society. In fact their society is surprisingly spiteful considering how much they receive from others. Absolutely ungrateful dicks.
>city in constant state of disrepair
>decide it is a good idea to shut down 2 of the only 3 roads that lead out of my neighbourhood
>only road left is a two lane road 1 tier above a dirt road
>no eta on when they will be open
>redirected 3 bus lines to the almost dirt road
>50 minute wait just to get out of the neighbourhood
Such is life in a post communist utopia
The doomsayers need a break from this website. Apart from one off-the-wall proposal in Germany, no one is calling for motorcycles to be banned despite them existing purely for recreation and being rather dangerous. Why would it not be the same for classics and other manually driven vehicles? Also, please try to see through the autonomous car hype. There's still plenty of testing and correction to be done before anyone would be allowed to send a vehicle down the road with no one in it, let alone ignoring grandfather laws and making it the sole means of transport.
Get a fucking grip. This isn't doing anything but eroding your sanity.
Turns out more lanes do not mean less traffic. People just tend to space out more when you add lanes. Going past 2 has virtually no effect.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with bicycles.
Right on. Imagine someone in 1900 saying THE HORSE CAN'T EVER BE REPLACED AS THE PRIMARY FORM OF TRANSPORT, IT'S FAR TOO IMPORTANT TO HAVE MILLIONS OF WORK HORSES IN POOR LIVING CONDITIONS AROUND. And look at horses now. Any horse kept now is kept for recreation and lives well. Why wouldn't you want the same for cars?
How does it make you feel to know there are people who actually want bullshit like this?
I think you're right, but I'm scared of stuff like this:
Actually a lot of roads in the US have far too many lanes for the traffic they see. The sparse traffic that goes down some three lane or four lane roads would comfortably fit in a single lane.
Thankfully an increasing number of cities are realizing this and are redesigning underutilized wide roads into fewer lanes but more roadside parking, additional bike lanes or light rail lanes and additional or widened green strips.
A few polar advocates don't reflect the general opinion or the consensus that politics will find. To this day I'm still allowed to walk down most roads, ride a bicycle down most roads, ride a horse down most roads or drive a steam car down most roads, and no one seems to intend changing any of it. Thinking that human operated cars would be banned is either delusional or a poor slippery-slope argument brought forth by adamant defenders of a driving society.
>City narrows the roads to add bike paths
>Cyclists still just ride on the road anyways
It's the opposite on my road, they've added bike lanes and cyclists are still using the sidewalk because no one wants to ride bikes three feet away from traffic going 35 mph.
As a cyclist, I'm not really sure what to tell you all, except that I never needed a separate bike lane when I was living in Chicago. It was usually way better to just pick a much less travelled route and stay off major thoroughfares. I otherwise would cut to the sidewalk and slow the fuck down (or get off the bike and walk it for a bit) for a block or two to cut across busier areas. Only trouble spot was Halsted Ave where it cut across the interstate; this was in 2014...15, maybe, when the bridge and lanes were being rebuilt. There was no shoulder and I could not ride fast enough to keep traffic from piling up behind me, and the sidewalk was way too busy to ride at any speed; in some cases, even too busy to walk the bike.
I wish, but a lot of drivers are too god damned mad at bikers to be at all ready for this. Same for cyclists being assmad at motorists. People are just mad in general, and want it to be the other guy's fault. I got the same thing trying to get motorcyclists to show up for a Chicag/o/ meet; they're mad at us are mad at them, and now there's this big rift between us. We really can't have nice things in this world. After trying to navigate downtown in a car and getting absolutely shit on by a couple local bikers, that sentiment is hard to misunderstand. A lot of cyclists are too god damn obnoxious for us to suffer on this Earth.
City centers have the potential to wring their host state around by the neck. A big city like Chicago can hold the entire state of Illinois hostage and force legislation that affects rural areas negatively.
The number of horses available right now is much lower than before. This isn't bad because horses replace themselves. How many cars will be lost ABSOLUTELY FOREVER as they lose acceptance among the general public? I'm cool losing millions of corollas, but look at the cars taken by cash for clunkers.
Cool, rare, and old cars aren't exempt just because you want them to be exempt.
I also don't want to be stuck driving around three acres of land or trailering to one of the last racetracks in the country.
it really is unreal.
it's even more maddening when you realize the company who manages the toll lane and receives the money, isnt even Washington State, its a private company and they get a decent share of the toll fee.
>5 lanes in either direction
>3 main boulevard, 2 for the service road
>no traffic ever, even during rush hour its moving
>suddenly CITY LIVIN'
>main boulevard now reduced to TWO lanes, with a 24 HOUR BUSLANE
>left turn only lanes every other block so you're forced into one lane if you wanna go straight
>service road now ONE lane, made the divider wide as fuck for a bus stop
>on the service road and someone wants to turn right but can't because traffic is backed up? lol get bent that shit is JAMMED
they want people to run into traffic to catch the bus, because this was safer than just having it on the sidewalk. I wonder how many people have died because EMS couldn't get to them kek
the absolute STATE of New York
>more and more roundabouts are going in
I live 7 miles from work. It takes 15 minutes any other time to get there, 40 minutes during rush hour. Ok fair enough that's expected right? Maybe I should take the train or the bus, it has to be faster right?
LOL NOPE, it takes an hour and change because I have to take the train from my house, go out east far as shit and take a bus west, then take ANOTHER bus to go east AGAIN, then walk 4 blocks
>officials propose "roadway beautification project"
>this involves destroying major roadways since 2009
>includes the city's most scenic drive
>great view of the lake, the city and beachfront
>fuck that shit up senpai
>drop speed limit from 50mph
>now 35mph
Yes I'm so fucking mad. Thankfully only rush hour cucks follow that limit.
Sounds like hell
>Yonge and Mulock
And Davis Drive, for the past 5 years. Probably would've helped if they didn't hire unionized slugs to do all the work, but that's how City Hall works.
There are crackpots who want literally anything. Don't pay them any mind,
The viva will eventually go all the way from young and Finch to young and green Lane. From there, they plan on having a shuttle bus from Newmarket to Bradford with its own HOV lane up hwy 11 to bridge Street. Bradford can't change its bridge they just spent millions on it about 5 years ago
He's samefagging dumbass
>If a road is clogged and you expand it, more people will start using it until it's clogged again. You can not outsize traffic, especially in urban areas. Impossible. Wherever you build roads, traffic will follow.
Then stop building roads and start building walls.
>city removes one lane to replace it with a bike and GOLF CART lane
>no one uses said golf cart or bike lane
>no golf cart lanes where golf carts are actually used
arizona is awesome
Sounds like Cleveland is on its way to being cucked just like Portland, Or soon enough you’ll have unmarked vans taking photos of naughty speeders and every one drives 10mph under the speed limit.
>Portland=literal shit
they're not painted lines
induced demand my salty boi
It's because we basically subsidize public roads and give people no better option.
Make all motor vehicle-centric infrastructure pay for itself through mileage-based fees.
Literally as soon as the true cost of driving is represented to people, you can get private transportation investment. There's a reason why the ONLY successful private passenger service is the airline industry; they're too long-distance to be out-competed by the relative "free-ness" of roads.
Does this really surprise anyone? I hope nobody thinks this will work just as well in the US, or in any larger amount of traffic. Roundabouts are smooth-flowing right up til their designed traffic limits, then they get fucked even harder than a normal intersection.
nothings changed user, there is no increase of traffic on these roads and no increase of golf cart usage on these roads, it was pointless and there was no outcome other then one less lane on an already mostly unoccupied road.
they're doing this to downtown albuquerque and i want to fucking off myself