League of Legends General - /lolg/

good players edition

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this thread is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it

zth for it did not matter anyways because xerath was 18/4 (and taliyah 4/21)

Lulu fags BTFO

Was this from some different time when Ryze wasn't complete dogshit?


xth for Syndra

link to old thread??????????


>Smites cannon and shares XP

Man, I would fucking kill this incompetent idiot

nah this was like 3 months ago


I love my wife, Riven!

got to pay that jungle tax

> Just bait the [skill]
So if I don't use it you can't trade? Cool stuff.

Jinx is cuddly and cute

Just one more reason I don't let people gank my lane

lol u dont let other people gank ur lane what a badass

I wanna start a poro farm with Lulu!

Arcade Riven best Riven

part deux

How much armor did they take from Nunu? I feel really squsihy early. It's still fine because I'm not really looking to duel people but diving is way riskier business.

Don't rush botrk on quinn unless you're into 2+ tanks. You need more ad early for bonking people then ss/pd second into ie third. Grab a DD or BT or just start bf+axe into crit.

pain or itachi champs literally when?

aa I can try that I suppose thanks

chomp minion while taking turret shots

>not running armor runes


Why does everyone underestimate Garen?
Sure, he's shit in team fights. But he can still fuck you up.

Contrary to what some people believe - not everyone is a kiting god.

Classic Riven best Riven, but all Rivens are great!

I wanna TOUCH Lulu's EARS

he suddenly starts running really fast and then silence

Hey guys!

Sorry about last night, apparently Watsu needed to sleep off a bad headache (poor guy gets horrific migraines every once in a while) and he ended up sleeping for 12 hours. Last night we lost Syndra and Tristana, and you can see the rest of the standings here:


We're balls deep into day 10, so I hope you have fun with the rest of the day. Happy 4th!

fucking stop you're making us look bad

>Garen pops W
>Quinn decides to vault him


> Cass fucks up, doesn't give a shit and moves on
> Meanwhile in chat everyone's tilting
Going to assume you don't win this.

I wanted Syndra to win but didn't vote for her because paying for that would be a nightmare

Vault denies empowered autos. Should have saved it and you could have baited him
Has a potion sitting there, doesn't use it...

I wanna cum in Lulu's ears


I just had 3 games in a row where nothing I did mattered. Our top inhib turret was down before any other outers while I'm bot, our bot lane is 3/18 while I'm top, etc.

I'm considerin not playing a 4th game since 3 games in a row of feeling like you wasted your time because it wasn't a good game and there's just someone feeding isn't fun at all.

Losing is fine, but if your bot lane is just 3/18 it isn't fun to lose that.

Either motivate me to play again or tell me a different fun game to play.

>all those negavotes
Have you actually managed to balance negavotes without turning them into strictly negabombing material?

gotta love how thresh is allowed to be beyond OP for god knows how long

he literally outclasses every other support except maybe lulu

>ezreal icon
You don't deserve to be rewarded.

I see what she tried to do. You were moving back and forth, and had you turned again you would have absolutely died. But you happened to keep going back for an extra second in one of your turns so it didn't work.

If she was about to back anyway, this is a fine thing to do. Assuming she doesn't have to stay to hold, it's a low risk high reward play. If she does need to stay and might get dove because she has no ult, it was a high risk high reward play that I don't think I would have attempted.

But if she's about to back anyway I would ahve done the same.

The lack of permas early on really hurt the poor yordle

when you create a new account you get asked if you're familiar with the game, does this affect your games while leveling if i say i know the game or what is it for?

Thresh is just easy to use. Rakan, TK, Blitz and even bard are all competitive with him.

Yah don't play anymore for today, it own't end well. Trails in the Sky the 3rd was released a while ago and there's a bunch of free CCGs out there, I'm getting into Loliverse again

Sivir splash updates when?

I can't wait for all the Sivir posting.

they hate us cuz they anus

That's just League in a nutshell really. The amount of rng in this game is very similar to the one you found in Hearthstone. Get dealt a bad starting hand in HS? You probably lost. Get dealt a bad bot lane/jungler/etc in League? You probably lost. Reality of the situation is luck is the most important aspect of League. Especially when you've never been like higher than your elo before. Because you put a challenger in a plat game, and he wins 9/10 games probably. So he outplays the luck element with his knowledge and experience from playing with other challenger. But for your average Joe this doesn't happen. And the guy who got to challenger in the first place, he had to get lucky to get there. Get more lucky than others. Tl:dr League is Hearthstone except you get to press buttons instead of just clicking cards all day

He doesn't even do damage fuck off


It determines how many games it will take for the system to recognize you as an alt.

This is the difference between silver/gold shitters and the rest of the world: The ability to look at a mistake and think "Oh well" instead of "THIS GUY IS THE SHITTIEST"

And of course the ability to laugh at/blame yourself.

He just does so much in lane tho. The amount of kill pressure he has is retarded. He lanks a hook youre dead. He flash flays your dead. He's so fucking cancer actually.

yeah we lost
chat was a trainwreck from start to end
but I had fun at least

>Team blames you for losing the game
>They're completely right
Is there a worse feeling?

t. cancerous idiot picking healers into hook champs

> It's all luck
> Unless it's not luck
> But it was luck originally

meriipu is gold tho

I doubt I thought that far, I can not remember what I thought

I try not to make a pattern by doing the same thing more than 2-3 times in a row though

That's the hope. I'm pretty happy with how this contest has progressed overall.

It really did. Both in her and Veigarette's cases you could tell that they made a push for the top 5 later in the contest, but they didn't have quite enough muscle to break in.

How do I force people to dodge?
No matter what I do people refuse dodge even in normals.

I'm so glad I don't play ranked.

I play adc and it beyond sucks when you get a sona or an alistar or some uselss shit while the enemy gets thresh and its just a matter of time until he does le big lcs plays and flash flays you or lanterns the enemy nunu into you

That's not so bad. I'm being completely 100% serious that you're already better than most players by the virtue of seeing that it was you. You might learn from it.

Many, if not most, players are convinced it was someone else, so they never see their mistake, so they never get better, and they just get defensive or angry.

Take heart user, you are in a position many league of legends players never get to already.

Alistar and sona are both good against thresh.

give me ideas i'm too stupid

This. It's leagues dirty secret. There are 45% of games that are auto losses. 45% are auto wins because your team carries, the remaining 10% are games you can actually influence so it takes literally HUNDREDS of games for the RNG to stop being the primary reason for your rating and your own skill to start being a factor.

Worst thing is as adc you cant even complain about supports everyone thinks you are responsible for how the lane goes regardless of what your support is doing or what they picked

cute frogs 69


>5-0 a darius toplane
>he ends the game 28 -7 anyways
>our adc doesn't build armor pen to counter

apparently in low plat they are not
everyone with a brain knows its the supports that decide the lane. its the supports that make plays. the adc just farms and rightclicks.

Behind seven proxies

Become a singed one trick

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

BASED silversurfers
Guess these pros with 10 alts in challenger must be really lucky huh


is this how bad players justify themselves


what an asshole

Reminder that being in a higher division is not a sign you're a better player, just a sign you're luckier. I've been stuck in Bronze for 4 years because of terrible matchmaking but I'm a plat level player (since I've played on a friends account and done really well in Plat)

do NOT bully

I used to be mid plat but struggle to win in high silver now


>how are you this bad?
I don't know... when I reach level 30 I bet I'll get in Bronze V...

>Do you have any idea what to do with other champions than Soraka?
I don't have any idea what to do with Soraka or anyone else...
I just try not to get hit and go W to heal my adc... or when they are bad I'll focus on Q and E...
I play a bit of Warwick but I don't know how to gank properly so... yeah

What server are you on? I wanna play with you

hey i like this and it seems to be available but idk


Sona is op in low plat

I agree that there are auto-losses, and a similar number of auto-wins, but I don't believe it's 90%. The games where I don't feel like I had a chance because someone on my team is literally feeding a tryndamere or some shit are smaller than the number of games where people playing the game matters.

It's not just luck. It's also number of games, and despite what you're saying, yes player skill.

Luck is a factor. So is grinding. But so is player skill.

i would use it myself if i didn't have a name i already like

I'm EUW... why would you want to play with me? Not that I'd be opposed to it just curious?

Can morgana mid?

I enjoy taking new players under my wing and showing them the ropes. I can stomp some normals with you and show you how to play so next time you won't go 0/10 on Annie. I'm not on EUW though so it's moot.

I bet she didn't even finish that apple.


reasonably against AP

Only Gold V.

I'd actually argue people in Gold V tilt harder than any tier of Silver because they see an loss as a potential demotion and shit their pants at the thought of all their hard work being for nothing.