Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previous >Upcoming changes
New Klaipeda:
Field bosses rework:
Summon buffs:
Fishing system:
DPK no more:

>A lot of info and details about re-balance stuff

>HG 315 Purple Weapons X Practonium Purple Weapons

>Latest "Patch Notes":

>Current events:
>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam (Nexon)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>Addon Manager (includes jTOS and iTOS addons)

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Extra Stat Points

>Hunting Grounds locations and gear spreadsheet (all in RNG cubes now. drop from all)

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds and Majiene)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:




Path of Exile playing guy, should I make a build around Flameblast or would bosses shit all over me?

>shinobi - Yellow-Eyed Flower Petal spawn location will be change, it will spawn in various place around Alemet forest and it took longer to disappear.

>miko - Orsha spirit communication will be change, when interact there will be 2 option to choose
>1. communicate with spirit
>2. not communicate with spirit
>if player choose to not communicate with spirit that player will not be able to communicate with it for a while and communication count will decrease.

no more afk when unlocking hidden classes
better buy gacha for unlock tickets, goy

>a event dungeon and nothing about hidden class quest changes
fucking clickbait
that nigger bong

>implying my macro can't read the string and automatically pick the correct option

maybe your can
but the average millennial gaymer will kill xhem self even more with these changes

i dont care about these classes tho

When are were going to get to fuck poorfag Laima?

give me decent builds involving miko and shinobi

I want to fuck a Dragoon
Which class would you fuck?

miko>pd2 or shinobi>inquisitor?

Do you mean Flame Ground?
Pyromancer sucks right now.


and Pelt, Chrono, sometimes Sorc

Anything that's in a wedding dress and is someone's else waifu.

>not stirring up a highlander's insides
QS, Fwee, HL, Barb, RO Dancer

I want a Featherfoot to sit on my face during her period

>only 5.5 - 11 million to get you'r hidden secret special class
Thanks Mr Kim

But that's appraiser, shinobi was made worse so check the price of it.

No, I'm asking PoE guy about PoE. It's a skill you can use to make a big explosion or rapid smaller explosions by clicking really quickly, but you're stuck in place while using it. Pyro sucks but it wouldn't suck if it had this skill. It's like meteor but with 0 cooldown.

Oh, you going for 3.0?

Fuck flameblast.

You're not a man if your first build isn't Spectral Throw

both trash

>tfw tried to enjoy game but buggy ass client is annoying me and quit after only 8 hours of playing

it was a good run friendos

What field boss spawns in mollogheo forest? just got a message don't know if worth waiting.

>5.5 - 11 million

read, faggot


Well yes, that is why i wrote
>5.5 - 11

shinobi at 6.8

I'm already playing it, but as a summoner type. Does something change it/make it shit in the coming update? I was just going to try it out on a new character in the meanwhile.

any conceivable reason to keep the dumb bird now that it doesn't give +20% exp or any items? i know my team level will go down

literally pocket change, stupid attention whore

I want to make some +10 Glass Moles, but I'm scared that it'll get nerfed because it's literally the only usable card.

I'd rather just do the quest.
You pay less to just buy all the mats for the shinobi quest.

You can go faster riding it and it's a pet if you ever make a hunter or mounted class.

Enjoy camping the flower then
6m can be farmed in 2 hours
You need atleast 4 hours only for the flower

>That whale who keeps trying to sell lv10 Ellaganos on shout for things of actual value

>6m can be farmed in 2 hours
haha love this meme
truly epic of a meme
>muh secret spot

do you have a single fact to back that up?

quests will be more fun soon*tm

lol, you're telling this to someone who just did the Shinobi quest 2 days ago.
I walked in, flower was there, warped out.

>6m can be farmed in 2 hours
Impossible without being a Necrofag/using dungeon instances

Whichever class you're playing :333

How much money could you have made in the 4 hours or more waiting for the flower, and however long it takes to find the paper in fedi?
I don't always see enough of the mats sold on the market either

You don't camp the paper, retard.
Also never took me 4 hours to get the flower the 3 times I did the Shinobi quest.

What the fuck has necro anything to do with an high silver/time ratio, are you retarded?
>using dungeon instances
So what? They are part of the game too.

there's no secret if you're actually playing the game instead of idling, erping and shitposting retard
not telling you how though

>You don't camp the paper
Who said camp? retard

I don't believe you

There's no place where you reliably farm 3m an hour
DPK mats are shit price now and keep dropping so even if you get a lucky double drop in an hour you still get like 2m max from that

maybe using a SR running 170 dungeon solo you can make 4m. Using all 3 instances for the day.
6m a day is impossible

tell me that we got summon buffs already

There's only 2 possible ways. Getting lucky with high value DPK (2 swelled caro drops is 6mil) or having 6 geared SRs (6 20 minute sets of the 170 isn't quite 6mil though - nor am I even sure the 170 is possible to do 3 times in 20 minutes).

You can have more than one character

yeah why not make 5 SR just for farming

>He doesn't rush 290 on his 15 characters

What not? What are you goin gto do with those 5 characters? do you seriously play 5 characters?

Coffee is recruting

SRs do the 140 in 12 minutes
Its like 900k for 3 runs which is fine
but yeah like you said you need like 6 fucking SRs for that shit
Anyone who has that is actually braindamaged

And caro antennas are very unreliable to farm due to their low spawnrate and also are not 1.5m anymore

Why not? What are you going to do with those 5 characters? Do you seriously play 5 characters?

140 is 750k per run without counting what you get in the boxes.

Antennas are still 1.6mil on my server, but yeah they are unreliable and every other DPK is sub 1mil besides symbani swords... not exactly sure why those are still as high as they are.

No we're not.

Yes we do you falseflagger

>750k per run

On klaip antennas are like 1.2
Mine are still up after 5 days at 1.4 m lol
Can't seem to sell that shit
And yeah symbhani swords are high because muh SRs

Also 140 is more than 750k for sure now, they buffed it or idk

I did it literally just now and got 756k. There's a bit of variation but it's always hovered around that mark for me.

>Anyone who has that is actually braindamaged
>saying that after the leveling event + compensations we got
based useless town idler, don't talk to me or my 12 317 alt accounts ever again

yeah when you use 3x multi

I dont know about this..

No bully!

He meant the per run, it gives around 250k per run. 750k the 3 set.

I have 14 317 alt accounts, but i used them all for having fun classes instead of treating this shit game like a job

Wow I'm dumb. Yeah I meant for 3 runs.

Who came up with that garbage?
I prefer the fucking boat we're getting in itos

Isn't that just a trump costume reskin?

>futurekeks, cuctatsu and niggerhouse still in OP
>no lotus
fucking kill yourself

no u !

Dumb ohayouposter.

Doppel C3 outfit?

Reminds me of Beetlejuice.

That girl was pretty cute.
Lydia, was it?

New "Enter dungeon. Kill stuff. Get Medals, each day" Event Reward.
All Classes

Looks similar, but no

What the fuck is a lotus?

That's what Voxie calls his/her little hole


some 9th place tranny guild, man I miss the old comfy times with Lynn


Almost a Picasso

anime tiddies

Consume EXP cards

fixed that for you, buddy

to get hueg

Someone make me an EXP card chocolate mold.

I'm convinced no artist has progressed past the crystal mines

Fan artists of games rarely draw anything beyond the entry level areas.

The only reason they keep drawing those tentacles is because it's a common trope.
Novahas maps have the same fields of rape as crystal mines.

Ugh, pretty much 90% of TP costumes have been retarded as fuck. It's as if Kim and Maggi's art team doesn't want my sweet whiteknight money.

I still firmly believe that they will all stop playing the moment they reach that spot, and will watch other people play or use tosbase for any other monsters/classes.

Anyone knows anything about a field/world boss in mollogheo forest? Got a message that the field boss will spawn but can't find any info on it.

tos.neet isn't telling me anything. Look around for it and report back. What server are you on?

Demon Lord Zaura

Does anyone ever do the level 230 dungeon? it's my first time and I'm the only one in queue.