/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

From glitches to riches.

> Previous Thread
> Play Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How into .webm
OBS: obsproject.com
Webm for retards: gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

Other urls found in this thread:


first for buying my game when it releases, not pirating it

How many projects have you dropped so far?
How many drops do you regret?

o-oh. new thread.

>previous thread not next to previous demo days and previous jams

nice dead link

>how to webm even though there's already a how to webm page

4/10 OP

>4 dropped
>1 kinda regret
It was an undertale clone so I regret not finishing it and scooping up some fans, but I also don't regret it because I didn't get to have my actual voice heard through my own game ideas.

who else is hype for yaoi jam?

I dropped one non-game app I was working on, but haven't dropped any games. Granted, the one I'm working on now was supposed to be small and I've dragged it out for a year.

Here's about 60% of my dropped projects on one harddrive. I have more.
I need serious help
At least I've been sticking with one project for a while now, and all my prototypes did teach me a lot

More than 10.
More than 10.

I like to call it "indefinite hiatus"

dropped my very first game which was meant to be multiplayer, way above my head even now

dropped a wallpaperjam game once because of lack of interest

dropped a 2D dark souls clone that I wanted to make despite never playing dark souls (lol), good call especially since 2D dark souls clones are super tired now

seeing as other than those I still actually made and released 6 games playable from start to finish and got some feedback on them, I only really feel bad about the multiplayer game. I still want to make it someday

but first I gotta finish the singleplayer one in the same universe

>Try to learn Unity through tutorials
>Try to learn Unity through YouTube videos
>Try to learn Unity through asking questions on interwebs
>Unity is still confusing as fuck
>Decide as a last ditch effort to go read the Unity documentation
>Suddenly everything makes sense

Go figure.

> 100% finished
> and a masterpiece
Don't be silly, it was my first game.
> You're implying that the failures, or learning trials and experiences along the way to a finished product are not anything.
No I am not. However what I meant is that finishing it, it's going to be a complete experience of the dev process. Failure is a kind experience that is not meant to be repeated.
Why do you need to repeat the experience of an incomplete game?
> I've canceled because I didn't like them
You don't need foresight to complete games. You need certitude and plans. If just you wanted to play around with an idea, that's fine, but if you thought that idea will give you a whole game, then you are wrong.

Don't mask failure as something that is not. Errors and mistakes are needed, but make them count.

>you will never make a game as fresh, high energy, and fun from beginning to end as Katamari Damacy or Jet Set Radio

>last ditch

Why? Too busy feelposting?

None of these are 'dropped' just on holdforever

RTFM is not a joke.

Internet noob here who is also bad at Unity, where's the Unity docs.
>asking questions
No one ever helps when you ask.

Jet Set Radio wasn't a good game though? If anything, you should be making an original game that improves on its formula.

Oh no, I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about YOU

I have gained wisdom from my experience. Fuck the tutorials, docs come first.

Post your abandoned projects user

Then what is the image trying to convey? Are you sad I am not making a Katamari game? I have to say I never even thought of making one. Maybe someone else can make one for you.


This part helped me the most

Thanks user. I promise i'll finally get to work on my game again.

Your reading comprehension is terrible. I'm talking about the quality and uniqueness of those games. Making clones is for people with no imagination.

What kind of game are you making?

How do I not suck

Think Metal Gear Solid meets Dead Rising

Turn-based basketball bumper carts

Master individual things step by step until you've mastered them all.

dumb dogposter

I just continually drop the same project only to restart it later, never actually going anywhere with it.

Not proud of this image. Especially embarrassed by how small some of these are.

I'm thinking of making a comfy/cozy game. What genre would be best? Point and click adventure came to my mind.

I might not have job next month

Point and Click games are literally the easiest games to make. Even if you finish your point and click game you are not considered a real developer.

Harvest Moon clone
Medieval villagebuilder

Every time I drop a project, I take it as a sign that I should refine my scope. I try to come up with projects that I think I'll be better able to finish, but that I'm still excited to make. Even if it's not the best game ever, I'll still get the experience of what it means to finish a game.

>doing small scale projects
>not working on your dream game for 3 years as your first game
you people sicken me

not him but is point and click really the easiest genre of game to make? I thought it was 2D platformers.

no they are not. fuck off.

Webm4Retards only works sometimes for me what the fuck is up with this shit. Whats the easiest conversion tool for an AVI to WEBM

Alright jam is over, going to play the games now
Other than my own game, did i forgot anyone?


>engine logo as executable icon
You all sicken me.

Download the latest version of Harmon:i:c, I fixed the crashing.

>not building up your knowledge and skill with smaller, well-designed projects, instead of pretending you're not gonna lose your motivation and excitement for your dream game because you know you're not disciplined enough.
you poeple sicken me

thanks for the assets.


Like Foxtail?

What's an interesting way to destroy/banish/incapacitate a ghost other than whacking it with a magic sword or zapping it with a proton pack?

if you dont do your dream project first youre never going to do it
because you will realize your dream project is garbage

>being so lazy that some of these devs didnt even bother changing the gamemaker studio logo for their executable
And this is how I know some of you will never make it.


When it comes to deckbuilding games (Dominion, Arctic Scavengers etc) do you prefer games with a handful of piles from which you can buy cards from, like Dominion, or games with a central row of ever-shifting randomized cards, like Ascension? Why?

I hceked it. Only found a trailer. Was it even released?

Whoa, great idea. How has no one thought of that before?

Turn Undead.

Suing them because haunting shit is illegal.


Sit them down for a therapy session, convincing them that haunting people is just repressing their underlying personal issues.

godot can't change application icon

sure, that's a possibility. But that's clearly also something that happens with games people start, hence all the abandoned projects. I don't see what your point is.

How to into 32x32 cobblestone?

[repost from last thread]
Fishing for recommendations of games that either feature lots of conventional dungeon crawling, are slow paced side-scrolling adventure/platforming games, really-really good side-scrolling adventure/platforming games, or less conventional games that still technically qualify as "crawling," a "dungeon." Top-dollar fantasy RPGs may also apply.
-for research purposes.
The list (have/am going to play) currently includes:
Bauldur's Gate
Dark Souls
Darkest Dungeon
The Elder Scrolls
Hollow Knight
Legend of Grimrock
Rogue Legacy
Salt and Sanctuary
Shovel Knight
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Volgarr the Viking

Not really looking to make a BG/Divinity situation, or a DS/ES situation, but like a slow, methodical, side-scrolling action/adventure game.

[added from last thread]
Wonder Boy in Monster World

Back when I was trying to get my little brother into programming we worked on a small RPG, it wasn't anything special but it was fun to work on. This is probably from 2011-2012

Not yet, but developer is working on it. The most recent post they showed some of the music: soundcloud.com/user-812395050

Doing some tests with a state machine implementation, i made each state into a separate object/component, the parent object hold all states but only updates the current active one.
switching happen via signals to keep everything separated, a state never knows about other states and only need to receive a signal from the parent to activate and it can force it to send a signal, now i don't even need flags and tons of if statements to check for every little detail.
everything is clean now but turning what used to be a single object into an aggregation of objects would cut performance even by a small amount, well, i won't have to worry about it for a 2d game with few active enemies at once, but it really makes me think, is a clean and comfy code worth the the price of performance?

>npcs only exist to tell you to keep moving

looks better than most games here

Yes, that's why I made my first game as shmup.
Adventure games have pretty complex structures depending on how much features you want to have.

I try to help people here with UE unless you ask questions like
>how to install VS
Expect the same in return if you don't respect those who you ask.

forgot this even existed, it was a collaboration with a friend who drew all graphics. it was meant to be what deadbolt ended up being, neither of us knew of its existence

meant to be multiplayer arena shooter with cars, reused most of it in "Ye Olde Noir GTA", my current singleplayer project

Zaamurets, pic related, meant to be a soviet-style train wallpaper for a game jam, artstyle inspired by this animation, first experiment with normal maps. reused in a skyjam game Grand Stratospheric, a fast-paced Transport Tycoon-like

the souls clone only got one one sprite before I dropped it, top right corner of pic related. it was meant to resemble Titanfall's Spyglass, but its camera-like head wound up looking more like a furry head with a nozzle, so I went for a furry robot-thing instead. might up putting him somewhere in Ye Olde Noir GTA as an NPC

Only in the beginning sequence of the game. In later parts they gave you fetch quests, tips, save points, or even attacked you.
Also my brother would have only been 13-14) when we worked on this (I was 21-22) it was his game, I was just there to assist.


>he doesn't want his dream game to be perfect

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Bravely Fantasy: Persona Edition
Dev: user
Tools: Monogame
Web: N/A
+ Working on the first dungeon of the game, a forest zone
+ More spells animations finished
- Sleep schedule is absolutely ruined so work is pretty slow


Weird, I could use docs, but learning through visuals is a lot better for me. And learning software is trivial. But everybody is different. If anything, learning with docs is fast, but then again, I watch videos at faster speeds so that helps.

use a resource hacker to change it, they will change this in the future

Are they using Visionarie? It's been two years :(

>16 people reblogged your ms paint doodles because you tagged it game idea on twitter

Now that you say it like that, can you name a few people that have mastered all aspects of game dev/design?

Interested. Show more.

Started working on a new town yesterday. Released a demo about 2 weeks ago if you wanna check it out.


Are there too many medieval settings out there?
Are there too many tudor houses out there?
What lesser known medieval european cultures had interesting architecture?

>my game

maybe some of my music would work with a video game


Another old one. You play as a spooky spirit trying to haunt people to their death.
This was the prototype level, where you scare a man into a pond to drown.

Other levels would have him have dog that could sense your presence and have him run towards safety.

It was a puzzle game I ended up not digging.
If I remember correctly this was from 2013, and only used 4 colors?

lol here you go.

my point was only nodevs have dreamgames in the first place, yesdev wakes you up

The Moors
Early Cossacks

if i am trying to stylize proportions, do i use stylized reference or use real reference and stylize in my mind?>

You pay an artist

jesus christ how horriying

The former. Always go full Deviantart

oh god

I didn't see which engine they are using, but I think so.