>post yfw you realised that the miata is the best car to pick up women
Last thread hit 3 hunna
>post yfw you realised that the miata is the best car to pick up women
Last thread hit 3 hunna
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thots are my lifeblood
>tfw going to sell 01 miat after winter
post pictures of her, user
>ITT: miatafags annoyed they show her instead of the car
its impossible to not look like a homolord in a miata
>not having a proximity alarm so you can safely keep your top down
I tested it by spitting onto a paper towel I kept on the seat and that cunt still went off. best mod.
Best President
would bang
>Fake lens flare
Am I gay or autistic, since that's the first thing I noticed on the butt shot? Also, I'm pretty sure girls always refer to the miata, as cute.I don't think they want to fugg the driver because of it.
I want to take mine out to try to get some Fall shots, but I've had 0 motivation to do anything recently.
Getting new brake rotors/pads for my new (to me) miat soon. Does anyone think slotted rotors are worth getting? What about steel brake lines?
wtf i love miatas now
Don't fall for the slotted/drilled rotors meme. Steel braided brake lines are not a meme, but not for the reason people think. Basically they just don't break as easily as the regular rubber hoses do. They don't offer up any advantages aside from improved reliability.
imagine how big of a slut a guy would have to be to wear a similar outfit and cover them self in suds and wash their car
tfw had a blowout on the highway and am still rolling around on daisy's in the rear
>pick up girls
not really
they think it's adorable and you get cute points with them for driving one.
>they notice the car
>then they notice you (unless you're a complete slob)
simple, user
>not killing every Miata driver you see is now an offense
tfw same when driving your newly bought miat home
>:08 sec mark
I've got a 2002 LS with this exact interior and radio.
However, the radio screen is dying and the buttons are falling off. Can I swap something like this into it and have it be plug and play?
I guess a bonus will be a cassette player
oh shit you can see her *ussy
>tfw bought cheap NB
>tfw rear bumper is beat up
>tfw every body panel has some form of wear and tear
>tfw front bumper is beat to shit under the plate frame
>tfw leaking coolant and oil
>tfw interior isn't half bad aside from a faded steering wheel and torn front drivers seat/worn bolsters
I've made a huge mistake
>tfw actually gay and own two miatas
Gee bill, your mom let you have two miatas
>want to remove whole suspension because it's old and fucked
>start to remove lower rear shock bolt
>bolt spins freely
Now I wanted to remove the lower control arm and the shock together and weld that square bolt back in place since new control arms are almost 300€ each
r8 my plan
>washing with one of those shitty foam bricks
dumb bitch probably didn't even hose off the loose dirt before she started
user theres a nut on the other side...
it's a square nut inside the control arm
Or you could just work at it for a minute. The block on the other side of the strut mount fits perfectly into a 17mm open wrench. Wiggle a wrench up into the control arm and hold the block to remove the bolt. You can even reinstall it like that. I know you can do it because I've been doing it to one of my control arms for almost two years.
Getting it properly rewelded may be a pain since they will have to actualy cut the control arm for good access then close it back up. Probably just better to get a (new)used control arm,
>tfw still 66 degrees in November in PA
>tfw no Miats to cruise around with
My 1990 has a regular old nut and bolt holding the rear shocks to the control arm.
I'm happy it's still warm here in NEPA. Don't have to worry about snow and then the inevitable salt piling up on roads, making it too dangerous to go hoon in the mountains.
you live in nepal? nice dude, send pics of your miat there
>tfw when it's going to hit 25 degrees this week ib PA
>the jews are going to start salting the roads again
How come?
>falling for the miata meme
Deserved it fag.
Breh it's a car, you can fix anything. Save some money and tackle one thing at a time. Don't worry about the cosmetic shit for now and proritize what needs to be done. If you're too much of a bitch to work on your car just sell it to me
really makes you think
a RF flashed fogs at me yesterday
feels good
saw an NC last week and I flashed her in my NA :^)
pour one out for the homie
also what does everyone here daily?
public transport
til irma dropped a tree on it
solid it a crackhead for $900
was full of ants, spiders and rainwater
nice m8 i flash fogs at every gen i see
>tfw no popups
One of the cleanest ncs I've ever seen. Gj bro
thanks m8
ive been looking for a cheap integra or maybe rsx to replace the passat
this, of course :^)
also, very comfy pic, saved.
you deserve a rht
your car deserves a rht
looks nice tho
thanks user. been looking on ebay and they're affordable-ish at the moment.
the red ones are pricy though - what's it cost to respray, say, a silver RHT? Do you think black would look nice on it?
from the side with the top up, the rear of the cabin section does look a bit limp, admittedly. a HT would make it a lot nicer.
anyone else fucking despise cars + hot chicks? Like I cant fucking stand when the two are together. Worst clickbait.
Bitch, I dont need you next to a fucking car. stop sexualizing shit.
so is this hand waving really a thing?
I passed a dude in an ND like mine and we just nodded in approval.
9000 for this and i'm gonna put it through a winter in the dakotas
> 2007 Mazda MX-5 Miata Grand Touring 2dr Convertible w/Power Hard Top (2L I4 6M)
good idea for a guy with suicidal ideation?
same. hate that tryhard hot chick in a bikini splayed out all over a car shit. Gimme a demure pretty girl posing coyly next to a car any day.
anyone have ones like this but with an MX-5?
>miata thread
it's so juvenile in comparison
work equip 40s will be here soon
What do you Miat bois think of this? It's got 60k miles. Is this an okay deal?
1993 Corolla LE
>see miata with top down
>pickup leaf off the ground and throw it into the car so the stupid fucking alarm drains the battery
>nobody gives a shit because they just think the alarm is broken on some 20 year old piece of shit mazda.
beautiful nc lad. keeping stock exhaust?
tfw my miat in pieces
looks fresh pay a good care to maintenance and the usual rust underbody and then o think it's a fair price.
This right now. Took a little while to find a clean, well kept 6 speed car, but I'm enjoying it so far. If someone ever hits me and totals it, I've been thinking of buying a second Miata to throw the engine in.
Jealous of that Previa though.
Miata is always the answer
can't be bothered to take a photo of mine
similar oz wheels and the same color
i find it hilarious that my daily has more hp than the fun car
pic related>bikini whores
Maybe its my age.
>your miat on weed
That's a good combination, previa and miata. I was actually thinking of doing something similar and getting a mid to late 90s dodge ram van as a second vehicle. Maybe in the spring
yeah this. girls with clothes in, especially "long dresses" is so much better than some dumb slut almost naked next to the car.
realistic is way better. i mean if the cars at the beach then yeah okay,
the ultimate no no is bikini and heels, fucking gross..
is this more to your taste then?
Of course he gave her to wash the piece of junk while the nicest miata is safely sitting in the garage
>broken down miata
yes highly realistic
>implying miats are unreliable
>highly realistic
>driving in those """"""shoes""""""
>implying you can't drive in heels
do you stomp on the clutch with the heel of your foot or something lmao? just use your toes.
>glass transmission
>hilariously fragile soft top even with mild use
Honey, the neighbors are filming softcore porn again, keep the kids away from the windows
is it normal to be able to push a handbraked miata? i put my handbrake on and the little cunt still moves if I give it a shove from the back
of course not
the car is so light it shouldn't be a problem to shove the car, but the wheels shouldn't move
i mean, it moves maybe a cm or so per shove if I could guess.
this probably shouldn't happen
recently i've acquired professionally refurbished mid brake set with fresh textar disc brakes and pads, i'll check it for you tomorrow
thanks homie.
My handbrake is super weak too. I just set the handbrake and put it in gear too
what do i do to reduce cabin vibrations from my engine
replace the spark plugs and coils? check for vacuum leaks?
the idle is smooth, not lumpy, it's just a good bit of vibration
are there cushy aftermarket fluid filled bushing motor mounts?
nice sponge
Why did you buy an ancient japshit convertible if you can't handle things like mild engine vibration?
Are you sure most of the noise is coming from the engine, not the road?
photoshopped the wheels im getting on lol
Ok lads is there some way to reduce window fogging. Is there a filter for the heater or something. I get the heat to the max blowing at the windshield and nothing happens I am driving in a fucking blur.
Pic related my 1.8