Touhou general - /2hug/ - #21

Clownpiece Day Edition.

>So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Why isn't this in /jp/
Some Cirno poster made a thread just for a get and now we're here.

>Where should I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there
some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>Touhou guide for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

Four seasons:!hIZTTapC!1A4MTSueiirqFTfLkMeSab3cd6B9b5s4uITU-DlUs2c


eratohoK (plus other era engine games):

Touhou is a video game and we're probably not disturbing anybody.



Spring is for casuals.
Fall is for tryhard scorefags.
Winter is for cheaters.
Summer is the only legitimate option for a real run.



Stop clinging onto such a hollow life. You know there's a way out, just do it.

Shining Shooting Star is an underrated fangame.

Is Cute!

Why is Koishi so popular?

Meme magic


What is /2hug/ doing this 4th of July?

I wonder about this too, it is the edgy kids who also like to portray flan as a crazy kid or is there something more to it

Becoming /2ded/

Fapping to Marisa


Please refrain from fapping to my wife.

>Implying I was asking non-Americans about their activities during an American holiday.


Don't fap to my wife.

Marisa is a slut and she loves it


You're just mad that last thread was non-canon.

>No clown in op.

I heard that posting on /2hug/ while it is on page 11 makes a portal to gensokyo. We should try to open a portal to gensokyo.

Gonna make sure we finish 2smol's run tonight 5 hours from now. It's gonna be annoying with all the fireworks though.

Just pretend it's danmaku.
CP should have had fireworks danmaku.

I'm a furry now

Fireworks are expensive, so not much I'm afraid.

Instead, I shall simply celebrate quietly and post Clownpiece.

I think it mainly because people pity about her condition. Never get noticed nor be remembered by anyone. A literal background character who won the heart of many.


Because I want to cuddle with Satoram's soft wool everyday

Koisheep a better

Excuse me? Whosheep?

You might be onto something with the Pity thing, but I like her design and think she's a fun character, so there's my reasons.

Well, that's my first impression toward her. I'm only addressing why most people like her. I know people feeling this way toward her isn't truly liking her.

I like Koisheep because of her designs and backstory. Her personality is lovable as well.

I'm different from all of these bakas.


On a similar note, I'm still unsure why everyone portrays Flandre as a psycopathic murderer. All I see in canon is that she's a shut in with more power than she's comfortable with.

The fans love flanderizing the SDM cast, as they're the most popular and the most cliche, with the most easily identifiable roles.
So basically "muh yanderes".

Why the hell is the 2AM thread so damn active and why did the mods delete it everytime? What is 2AM anyway? Referring to time or something?

What are you even talking about?

The flying Flan thread on /jp/

I never even gone on /jp/ so I can't help you with the answers you need.

You're more useless than a potato

Potatoes are pretty useful so I don't get what you're saying.

What is 1845 Ireland Great Famine?

Kanako is bored...

Kanako is a shit 2hu

She is glad you don't want to involve yourself with her. Thank God.

2AM is /jp/ culture.
It's the best time of night, flanally arrived.

A brazen lack of potatoes.

Kinda doesn't help your point there.

I keep forgetting that Meiling is the Gardener too.

Quit being dead. We already died once, I will not see it happen again.




I was sleeping that time. Don't look at me like that. I'm innocent.

I was asleep too, but still.

-2 Anons should not result in a dead thread.

If Junkoposter was here this general would be 10 times better, but he left. You guys haaveee to report him just because he makes a small joke.

Don't look at me. I never reported him, I just insisted that we shouldn't just despair and die off.

What's more, the ">we are better than /jp/..." guy also left. Every cool posters left this general. This is why this general will never be cool.

It's sad.

Personally speaking, I'm fine with a slow thread. easier to keep up with, and isn't quite as toxic as the more lively ones, y'know?

I'm an infrequent visitor of several generals, and frequently linger around two more besides this one. I can say unironically that,
despite not being my favorite series, I like /2hug/ the best.

To be completely honest with you, if I had to pick my favorite general, it wouldn't be /2hug/.

To each their own. Preferences aside, at least we're capable of discussion that doesn't devolve into shitposting.

Damn user, I was joking. Never really want to cause depress feeling in you. I'm fine with slow general. It's inevitable people left. There are still a decent amount regulars here. New people will join in someday too. Just don't say '2ded' all the damn time.

Fireworks piss me off, woke me up twice due to some big bang from them in the afternoon.

Claimed Residential Area, the vigilantes have fallen.
Captured Hill Road!
Koakuma has been taken into Eirin's custody during a defense.
Captured Hill Pond!

Did the usual base phase business.
Imprisoned Sara!
Did the lewd and took Alice on a date to destroy her memories.

The road from here on is gonna be a bit annoying considering there are many enemies which use relay points so it will be a while for anything to actually happen. Just posting this so you know that I am present for Eratohok. Let's finish this run.

Sorry for being lame, it's all I can do.

I can relate to that. I used to lurk around most of the generals I used to visit. This is the only one where I check in every day. Ever since the first thread I fell in love with this general, not in a love-love way but just in, well, general. I like most of the Anons here, I like the times we do have meaningful(l) discussions, I like the times we put the blame on Trevor whenever something bad happens. I just like /2hug/ and the Anons in it. Sorry if that was too emotional.
/2hug/ and Etrain Odyssey General are my main two since I enjoy them the most, all the others have descended into shitposting or are bland.

So does anyone here create 2hu fan stuff?
I'm trying to make art of my waifu, but I'm still pretty damn inexperienced.

>descended into shitposting or are bland.
Yeah, I can relate to that. /skg/ now become a literal shit place. I can't bear with the same cringy retarded memes they have there. This place is comfy, same with /mhg/.

I'm not depressed about it or anything. I just accept the facts as I see them.

Dying earlier bummed me out, sure, but we're still here. That's proof enough that some people care enough to keep us going, and that's a good thing.

>all others have descended into shitposting or are bland

Funny thing is, my favorite series's general seems pretty well known for being the biggest shithole on Veeky Forums. I still mostly lurk around and occasionally provide some semblance of actual discussion/help when needed, but damn, it's hell in there. There was once a time where I, in my first days on Veeky Forums in general, namefagged and tried to encourage better thread quality, but, well, you can infer how that turned out, I'm sure.

Also you're not lame. I may be rather new to the general but you're one of the best people here, from what I've seen. Keep up the good work, friend.

who is supposed to be cool? I would post more but I have been busy with other things, and filling the thread with my failures about running EoSD doesnt sound to great

>Etrain Odyssey
I've wanted to get into that game for awhile now

We all want /2hug/ to be a nice and comfy place where civilized and high quality discussion happens, fan games are played together and scores shared.

But there's barely anything left about touhou to talk about, few have posted scores, few have tried to play fan games together.

/2hug/ is dead but comfy now, once AoCF and HSiFS come out this place will hopefully be rather busy and hopefully comfy still.

I think part of the problem on the fangame side of things is that not many people actually agree on what to play together. Everyone's got their own tastes, y'know?

Yep! I hope we will all get to enjoy the new games and discuss lore once its out
Also why do so many people dislike Sumireko?

Diplomatic Annexation with Yukari.
Imprisoned Sanae, Momiji, and Suwako.
Simply returned them all to Kanako.
Diplomatic Annexation with Kanako.
Ceasefire with Eirin.
Koakuma has joined the enemy.
Alice now views 2smol as a
Alice is now a Lover.
Remilia is now a Lover.
Character Event
Played Daishogi with Momiji.
Returned Sara to Eirin.
Made an alliance with Eirin.
Should we preform a annexation with Eirin?
That way the only thing we'll have to focus on are Tenshi and the special enemy factions. Eirin is the biggest threat out of all of them but our current friendship with the nation is quite high.

Well I hope you enjoy your stay user, /2hug/ welcomes you with two hugs.

By running EoSD do you mean that it hypes up too much on framerate? As for Etrian Odyssey I would highly recommend this order.
But if you only have time for one title then EOU2 would be the best choice due to the amount of quality of life improvements, class optimization, a improvement on what EOU1 did, and additional content. My only beef with it is the fact that bosses have become more of a HP sponge because of one of the new classes introduced in the story mode.

Our problem for the fangames is that nobody really can host mostly due to the port-forwarding. I mean there's Hamachi, but we haven't really tried that now that I think about it.

I have no real issue with Sumireko myself, but she DID almost destroy an entire nation and kill untold numbers of people because she started manhandling her way into a place she didn't belong and then going all Kamikaze when that inevitably had consequences. Didn't exactly paint a good picture for herself, y'know?

>dislike Sumireko
Mainly because her design is bland and glasses make everything look ugly.

>nobody really can host mostly due to the port-forwarding

There is this one fan game that has dedicated servers and has integrated voice chat and has good looking models and even some decent voice acting here and there and is fun!

I know we'll probably never play it because not many like dota-like games, though.

>post scores
I haven't 1cc a single game yet and you expect me to post my scores? I'm trying my hardest here, get off my back.

>By running EoSD do you mean that it hypes up too much on framerate?
No No I mean just dying over and over against trying to 1cc

Yes, perform annexation with Eirin.

Threads were shit day one because you couldn't behave yourselves. You scared everyone away with your secondary filth and the fact that 99% (sometimes 100%) of the threads had nothing Touhou related at all.

>her design is bland
That's wrong, though. Her school girl outfit, though generic, conveys to the audience quickly that she's a student from the modern, outer world, while the hat and cape convey a sort of eccentricity that one would associate with Chuuni. It's a great design that looks very nice in motion.
>glasses make everything look ugly.
Wooo, wooo, faggot alert, faggot alert.

You could 1cc lunatic and post your scores, you'll still get no respect around here.

>Glasses make everything look ugly
>Implying Rinnosuke isn't best girl

Who is Tsubasa Hanakawa from Monogatari series? No one give a shit about her until she took off her glasses.

I don't want respect anyway

>Implying anyone gives a shit about your shitty anime.

I was just giving example. The fact you're not denying it prove you agree with me.

See, now you're getting it. You have to act like an asshole, because everyone here probably hates you and it's frustrating.

Preformed Annexation with Eirin.
Captured Crimson Dreamworld!
Captured Gates of Fantasy!
Became lovers with Sakuya.

Imprisoned SinGyoku
Captured Reimaden.
Captured Mugenkan!
Captured Makai Travel Film!
Captured Makai Agency!
Captured Fantasy World!

Did usual Base Phase procedures.

Captured Capital of Heaven!
Captured Makai Capital!
Captured Hokkai!
Destroyed the tentacle faction!

Did usual base phase.

Captured Dreams Ruins!
Captured Dragon Dispatch Bureau!
Captured Uchouten!
Usual Base Phase actions.
Captured Peach Orchard!
Captured Eldest Daughter's Home!
Tenshi's nation has come to ruin!
Anyways, only one more place remains. The Outsider's Lab. Simply cast the vote to finish it and the run is over.
I actually never played Dota, I'm not interested in it. Plus one of my bigger fears is dragging others down during anything team related.

I'm interested in it user, I like hearing how people progress more and more with each attempt.

You don't really need to act like an asshole. Act negatively and others will return the favor and that will spread thus creating a rather hostile environment. I wish for /2hug/ to be neutral if anything since it is impossible to have a general without some form of strife.



Take the shot, make it count.

Bring it to an end.

Wow, I figured it'd be influential, but I shouldn't have underestimated the power of Loyalty in recruiting prisoners.

Shame my most loyal officer is also very bad at strategy and politics.

Attacked the Outsider's Lab with 2smol, 2hug, and Remilia with 227,312 troops.
The outsiders set up a defense of their leader and on outsider officer with 2,657 troop.
"Come on. There's no backing out now." -Remilia.

Nani? The bandits revolted last second!
They took some allies as prisoners!

Huh, they actually somehow managed to get 100,000+ troops as well.

Day Passed...
Day Passed...

For fucks sake Tenshi also started a revolt.
Forced Tenshi to surrender!

Captured Sea Tranquil!
Day Passed...
Captured Xandu!

Remilia repeated the same quote as last time.
Attacked Sea of Fertility with 2hug, 2smol, and Remilia leading 226,427 troops into battle!
Crushed the bandit faction!

Remilia unified the world.
This run's winner is surprisingly Alice.
I really wasn't expecting that revolts at the end, in my opinion this run was more boring than our first. Hopefully the next one will turn out to be more enjoyable - if we do it.

>Alice wins by killing bandits

Great Success. Thank you for your time and efforts; It was fun.

I'm sure round 3, should it occur, will also be a sight to behold.

By winner I mean she won the 2smol bowl. The third run will be with whatever the latest version of Eratohok is at that time, so we'll probably have some new fresh events and hopefully the AI won't automatically make every war choice because then it will just be Base Phase and that will really be boring.
Then again if that does happen then we can have our first 2(blank) faction leader.
Glad you enjoyed it though.

Do I spy a hint of pink?

Here's a question.

Assuming the Fairies could somehow, miraculously organize a coherent hierarchy of some form, would they be able to become a force of note? Their sheer numbers and attrition have to mean something, right?

lesser fairies are considered weaker then humans I believe

Damn, thought 2smol gonna to lose while reading that. Thanks EratohokAnon for everything.

>Alice win our heart
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? We lewd Remi countless of times. What makes Alice so special? This makes Remi looks like a whore.

Alice learned from the best how to steal the precious thing.

Remi's charisma can't match that.