/pg/ - Persona General

Previous: I wanna die edition

>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


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Ann'll be fat and ugly

Obligatory Makoto post

I love this 1/4 American angel!

Happy 4th of July /pg/.

Claiming the best girl!


Happy Takeaba Tuesday!


She's mine /pg/

Fluffing the fluffiest

makoto a shit

Where are my Pixie doujins?

robot is forever!!

Kawakami isn't best girl.

She's best woman

We... we WILL take /pg/'s treasure! This time for certain!

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Need more NEET? From last thread

But who are you?

First of all she'll never be ugly. Secondly I don't think she'll get fat but even if she did I would still love her.

The amount of ritual posts we have are getting out of hand.

Which will come first?
Persona 6 or Witcher 4?

>who are you?
I am Jokah

Happy Birthday, Maya!


i might stop
i probably won't though

So why did Joker need to turn himself in to prosecute Shido? I mean Shido confessed to murder on live TV and given his state it probably wouldn't be hard to milk him for all the information he has. If you just need Joker to help attest to the existence of the Metaverse, why not ask one of those 500 cops that went into Sae's Palace

Persona 6 unless CDPR goes full jew.

Sasuga Jokah

don't worry i'll stop them all

Witcher 4 isn't even confirmed is it?


you are way too heavy

they're working on that Cyberpunk game first, I believe. W4 probably won't happen until ithat one is out.
Which will take a while.

Probably Persona 6 considering CDPR is working on Cyberpunk 2077 and we still have no info on that shit.

This has in itself become a ritual post.
Look at yourself user. Look at what you've become!

Who would win?

Great taste.

This guy gets it!

Best woman, best cake, best wife.

2077 is the year it's coming out.

it'd be a cool crossover

>can't even spell her name

It won't happen but I wish this would be the cast of PQ2

I feel like the PT would really gel well with the casts of P1 and P2 than the casts of P3 and P4.

Because Japanese laws (I think) and those cops and everyone else involved wanted to save their own asses.

But really, how come the cops never questioned why they are arresting the head of the Phantom Thieves in front of a casino, that should not be there in reality? Did Akechi trick them saying "It's the power of the phantom thieves! Why else would I be wearing this ridiculous costume?"

I'm not the only one here that wants to see Joker get molested by older men, right?



You are.
Get lost, weirdo.

>the PT would really gel well with the casts of P1 and P2
I never played p1 but I agree with you on the p2 cast, I'd love to see their interactions.

But I just really want to see Maya again ;_;

Why are fujos so fucking degenerate? I just don't understand it.

Anybody have that webm where Goro's melee attack gets reflected back at him and he dies instantly?

Noob question; I just bet Sae. To get the true ending I need to not tell her my friend and refuse Igor but I also need to explore all of Momentos? How can I do that when the game ends at 12/24 and that's when Shido's Palace ends? How will I have time to explore Shido's part of momentos?

He probably just told them the truth and they probably worked for Shido.

but if that was the case, Shido probably knew that and after having his heart stolen would tell Sae that. She should then subpoena the police officers to attest to the Metaverse.

You get forced to do mementos on the 24th, now leave before your spoiled

You can get to the end of Mementos before you beat Shido, and even if you don't, you'll just have to clear it on the final day before entering the final dungeon.

I was already spoiled on the entire game, it's too late for me.



>people spoil him when he said he's still playing the game
>despite him doing a cover of an endgame boss theme
>he also says "strange land" instead of "singed land"

rip, but have fun and take your time

They said that TW3 was the last game of the series.

Because of this he's not gonna release the other covers of the songs he's doing

How selfish can he be? He's letting a few bad apples bring him down and screwing over his fans. Poor taste.

>mfw I spent 2 1/2 hours gallowing Black Frost to give Arsene One-Shot Kill
>it never happened

Why the flying fuck didn't I ever get it after 2 1/2 hours? I already used the Chair for the day so I couldn't use Seth.

What would happen if you did see it coming?

>Oh and no spoilers please I'm still playing the game
>genuinely expects not getting spoiled after saying that
Is this his first time on the internet or something?

just turn seth into a osk skill card

>not seeing it coming
my mind's too fast for eyes

Get a Mara if you're at the endgame

>As a special gift to my Patreon fans, here are the last Persona 5 covers I didn't upload!

ignore me I'm an idiot

>Katsuya and Morgana will never have joke interactions about Kat's Persona and cat allergy
>Baofu and Futaba will never talk about hacking and wiretaping.
>Lisa and Anne will never talk about gaijin things
>Yusuke, Jun and Eikichi will never discuss art.
>Haru and Nanjo will never talk about rich guys things

yeah but WHAT IF

What is your favorite outfit for


I guess the point I'm getting at is, without using cards are there certain skills that can't move over? I got EVER FUCKING skill but One-Shot. I must have killed Frost at least 150 times.

then guess it wouldn't be your last surprise

At this point isn't it better to downfuse into an Arsene?

I'm going to need a source in this.

Happy Birthday, Best Girl!

Dirt from the shallow grave he is in

I don't have max Fool yet so Black will net me the most EXP.

Because the cops were corrupt as fuck and not going to ask questions or turn evidence. The people beside Shido were doing everything they could to cover it up.

>makoto and tatsuya will never talk about their police daddy issues
>akechi will never get to talk about being a detective with best boy
>phil and nyarly will never come back
y even live?

Use skill cards on Black Frost to give him skills that Arsene can't inherit. Actually, I'm not sure if Arsene can inherit Gun skills to begin with, which may explain why the RNG hates you.


Almost all DAN.



DAN costumes truly are a blessing

that's it folks, we have a winner

You'd see us multiply
Right before your eyes

What about "Maya"?

where can I look at the DLC costumes (besides the free ones)

Wait, I wasn't aware that some Persona can't inherit certain skills. Is that true?

Whats the best MP/HP regen setup in P5?

>4 SP regen accessories
>3 SP, 1 HP (for party members like Ryuji/Yusuke so they can spam physical moves)

Yes, but I'm asking you if it isn't easier to redo your Arsene build by making lower level Fools inherit OSK and whatever other skills you need? Then again, can't you spend the day and make OSK from Seth the next day?



literally google "Persona 5 costumes" and click on the first result

>evil man killing innocent unicorns

Is this a mothereffing Harry Potter reference?

I already took the EXP from Black and I'll move to next day and use card. After 2 hours I was livid, LEARN THE FUCKING MOVE.

Before we could pick skills during fusion, we had to take into account inheritance types. IE: Fire types are more likely to inherit Fire skills, and will never inherit Ice skills. Since we can pick skills now, inheritance types just bar certain skills. Satanael, Lucy, and a few others are Almighty type, which can inherit anything.
Also, skill cards bypass this entirely.

How do I deal with liking Akechi the most as a party member, brothers?
He's just so charming, I wish he hadn't been a fucking psycho.
Please don't tell me to kill myself, that's coming later.

kill yourself

Please respond

>How do I deal with liking Akechi the most as a party member
refer to >fucking psycho.
Please don't tell me to kill myself, that's coming later
refer to