Stance hate thread
Stance hate thread
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looks broken
whether i like it or not, i respect the effort some people are willing to go to to lay their cars on the ground
I want to know how these fags afford tires
cars with a fitment like will usually only be driven to/from events. when you consider the time it takes to completely wear a tire on -15 degrees camber, flip it and wear the other side, you've probably gone through a few seasons worth of shows.
There are of course, mad men that buy new tires every month since they daily their cars
by not being poor as fuck obviously
>stance fags
y tho
>for sale $5,000+ in mods, adult driven never abused always well maintained, car does not drive but will start, don't lowball me
it's not cool to be a homophobe in tyooL 2017, friend.
that does drive tho
>flip it and wear the other side
literally what?
if you flipped the tire to the opposite side , it would still be wearing on the exact same spot on the tire, except now, the treads will be backwards.
no he means flip the tire around on the wheel, not swap wheels around
it all makes sense now.
There are 3 stance fags that daily to my college!
Used tires are a godsend
*respect* mad hugz yo, saw u piece of shit on the forumzzzzzzzz
>Your insurance has been denied because your "muh bagggeddzzz" ride is shit
>grinding the road HARD as multiple police officers in pursuit at 5 mph
>Yoooo Im on TV now yooooo
>takes 3-4 hours to turn left as wheel hits the inside
>arrives at speedbump
>decides to start a competition
>$10K engine
>won't ever go over 3k rpm again
stance makes em dance
cause they're too busy
riding around yo ass
>It is the future, and stancefags have evolved to not have tires, or as I've recently taken to calling them, tyres, at all. Several trucks line up with massive, massive fucking treadmills that have to launch that piece of shit to 200+ mph immediately. The stance shit drag race has begun, as the two shit barges grind fiercely into the ground. Nobody can pick that shit up after the race is over, so all drag strips eventually get shorter and shorter as "baggedz" shitbarges roadblock them at the end
>hundreds of years after that future nobody can figure out what the fuck all the wrecks are doing there and a stance monument is created for the "baggdz pioneerz"
>poor as fuck
What's the difference?
I don't get it. Are the wheels supposed to look fucked?
thats some of the most retarded logic Ive ever seen
thatd be like
>poor as fuck
>car enthusiasts
whats the difference
way too large of a group boyo
These bags and wheels dont pay for themselves senpai
Too bad 90% of stancefags are broke bois. Really makes the entire community look bad aside from the overall intentional retardation of car performance blasphemy
you've got your overlap in the wrong direction
90% of brokeboi ricers are also stancefags, not the other way around
this pretty much
same reason tuners got so much shit back in the day
theres always gonna be people who cut corners and half ass everything
You guys are trying to get buy with posting very conservative setups. What is your opinion of the shit crazy stances people always make fun of most of the time?
(note the name of the poster in the first image)
reminds me of that croatian faggot from California that shitposts his stanced lexus and beamer here
pretty sure there was a picture a picture of him working under his car with just a suicide jack supporting it. There's a ton of pictures like that. It's crazy how many people think it's safe to get underneath a car with just a scissor jack under it.
you are wrong these are not really conservative
most stance builds arent crazy
shit like in op is almost entirely done in Japan and is called demoncamber (onikyan) because theyre roads are actually smooth enough you can get away with it lel
this is just someone being retarded and also being a stancefag
not sure how this reflects poorly on stance though
Extreme camber and shit like that doesnt stop be from enjoying it.If it's done well it's done well. However, I wouldnt ever do it to my car. Pic related is probably as far as I would take a daily driven car,
>because theyre roads are actually smooth enough you can get away with it lel
As someone who's owned a few cars with this configuration, this is probaly the biggest part of it. If you dont live near shit roads, you can get away with driving a slammed car.
Yes, they hurriedly removed all of them from his instagram after he got squished.
who else loves bippu
He looks like a guy that would get crushed by his own car
The nasty little beandip was a perfect example of stancefags everywhere, and how their shit taste is only rivaled by their lethal stupidity.
and yeah I like the crazier stuff even tho its not my favorite
as long as the offset is good and isnt sunk like op
Japan also really hates bags for some reason
You are such a fucking faggot it's almost unbelievable.
In retrospect, it seems inevitable.
lol Im always amazed at how salty people get over me
>my nigga ruben wassup you gonna smoke?
>Hit this hoe senpai
People like this actually exist.
Probably not as salty as the balls you suck. I always figured you were just a shitty tripfag, but knowing you're a stancefag takes it to a whole new level. You're almost worse than heartbreaker at this point. You need to kill yourself my man. With a power drill.
Kys my dude
booooy if only you were around in 2014 when NEWFAG was born
people originally hated me for liking stance and shit was hektik cuz there was a small group of us on here
I aint even had a stanced ride in 5ever now
but baby Im amazed at the hate that you can send
>doesn't know about Veeky Forums word filters
Welcome newfriend. Careful with that edge, though.
▲ ▲
Are those bmw wheels?
It's the most hilarious filter they have on this website
I cannot figure out who autisms over that word hard enough to make it come out weeb shit
Im speechless
>mfw I use harbor freight 3 ton jacks
This will be me someday
are those fenders cut or just heinously rolled?
BMW Style 95 wheels were popular there for a while and showed up on everything
particularly on VIP builds for people too poor for rea VIP stylel aftermarket wheels
Saw the first stanced car I ever liked last friday
nothing wrong with oem wheels, especially when you can pull off a fitment with them
He died for his sins, it's all good.
He cut them out, looks like he used kitchen scissors.
Only if you're dumb enough not to use stands
Even the deadly windowmakers will only fuck up your car if they fall.
If you don't use jack stands you'll die
It's a pretty easy dichotomy
yeah I just aint seen noone fuck with them for a couple of years
Whoops I meant jackstands
Nice try faggots but you can't get me that easy
>flip it and wear it to the other side
Tires don't work like that holy shit
it came out because people just kept typing thistbhfam over and over again until jannies shit their pants and had a filter added
>He died for his sins, it's all good.
Good point
I don't respect wasted efforts
It takes a special kind of ass-destruction addicted faggot to want their car to look like four prolapsed rectums
It most definitely would work. It's a really bad idea, but very possible. You just take the tire off and put it back on "wrong". Your average tire has tread patterns that will work either way.
THe tard that owns this lives in my city.
Someone post backwards tires Miata crash guy
fucking kek
>drag strips will get shorter as "baggedz" shitbarges roadblock them at the end
who cares if it's "cool" you hipster cunt.
oh man that edge
nice to know that the haters have literally gotten 0 new images over the past few years
i hate stance but that exhaust is giving me ideas i should not be thinking.
Only "premium" tires are directional. The ones that say "this side out" or "rotation -->".
I have mounted/rotated/repaired hundreds of tires.
If I'm wrong... you might want to go check your tires.
I take it youve never heard of takeyari
i fucking hate you guys
im excited for tyler fialkos bozo build
Stance is great
Stance is life
If I was a tow truck driver I'd refuse to help him.
>i respect the effort some people are willing to go to to lay their cars on the ground
>Respecting idiots for going all-out on idiocy
>be patient I'm lowered
I will do no such thing you worthless faggot.
It's ramming time.
>missing the joke
if that shit plays organ music as it drives i'm going to lose it.
>Respecting idiots for going all-out on idiocy
That's what culture is
>Bimmer wheels on a Lexus
its more like a million pissed off bees
but hey you can get musical
>hating people who already hate themselves more than you could
No, just this culture.
Stance aside, this many stickers has to be illegal. I'm curious what state laws are, on this.
>tfw hate stance faggotry but kinda like the original "stanced"
I remember when that guy dopebeatderrick disappeared with a bunch of folks monies and everyone shit on Hoodride and the phrase died from there out. Funny how the whole thing was reborn in a bunch of faggoty modern cars that didn't drive like shit from the start
>original "stanced"
So lowriders?
no camber mi amigo
Looks like the bags supporting one side of his hairline gave up
There's a video of this atrocity
Most were solid axle, still had camber up front.
It's a fun drift car though .
Not really a challenge if you've got the contact patch of a ballsack.
Used to look a lot different , even the pic you posted is old as hell.