Ace Combat General #318 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #318

Gryphus Edition

Thread Theme:

Previous Mission







Gameplay vid:

Release moved to 2018:

Multi-plat port confirmed:

E3 '17 Trailer:

PSX '16 trailer:

This is everything we know about AC7:









Other urls found in this thread:

first for what the fuck is that

Second for memes

Third for fuck Grabacr and Ofnir


5th for comfy COFFIN

is anyone interested in seeing more planes turned magic cards?

Yes please.

Also drawbuddy, I need you to make this picture nighttime, and add either stars or rain for maximum comfy.

will do, any suggestions? let me know what the suggested plane(s) excel at and/or memes behind them.

>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Post projects that shouldn't've been canceled

Gripen, being cheap and doing lots of things very well!


F-104 Starfighter. It crashes. A lot. Even if it's not really the plane's fault.
F-22. High stats, stupidly expensive.
F-14. Some sort of Top Gun reference is a must.

That thing is ugly as sin.

Buddy, you're postin' in the wrong thread with that kind of talk.

Aigaion real life edition


I'll see what I can do with these. quotes and other flavor text suggestions are also greatly appreciated.

First for F-2A a cute

It is! It looks like a smaller F-16 but beautifully blue!

But it's bigger than an F-16.

F-2A has like 50% more wing area than the F-16. It's quite a bit larger.

Any chance of a MiG-21 of some more capable stripe?

"Of course the MiG-21 is outdated. But the first world isn't the only place that needs airpower--and we've got it cheap."--some random salesman

Make an AWACS with metalcraft or that gives other jet artifacts first strike or something.

Huh. You're right. I used it a lot in Infinity and it looked smaller than the F-16 I also used.
I wonder how that happened.

The lines on this plane are gorgeous.
>That hard angle on the back of the wingspan back towards the plane
>The proportions of that single, commanding tail
>The canopy that blends the nose angle back to the fuselage.

This plane is just fucking right.

Also dat fucking livery man. Shit makes my pants tight.

>Fireworks rattling my chair

>constant pops and explosions in all directions
>massive clouds of smoke rolling around
>trails from roman candles look like missile trails

I like the 4th and all that but this is a little annoying

>no fireworks or any explosions outside yet
>in CA

>Seeing silhouettes of people on roofs in the distance
>pops cracks and booms in the distance and a block over
>lights out in the house
Really brings out that operator feel
Lets hope i dont catch a stray bottle rocket on the way to work

lawn dart, complete. I should probably limit myself to one of these a day.

Would you guys be interested in a little AC story I'm writing? This isn't fapfic, it's a serious story. I'm attempting to flesh out and get on paper the sort of relationship between Cipher and Pixy.

>2-drop 1/2 flyer that sacks for a token if it deals combat damage
I get the joke, but Christ.
This would have been its saving grace and made it surprisingly adequate if Zendikar was still in Standard.

>tfw too far from any fireworks to give a shit
>tfw also too drunk to care
Gahd bless

*The sort of relationship I believe was between Cipher and Pixy.

Serious stories are welcome.

I like it

BFZ/Oath are still in standard for at least 3 more months though.

Wait, what? Didn't they rotate when Amonkhet started? I thought it was last 3 blocks.

standard rotates on the release of the third set released each year and when it rotates the two oldest blocks are rotated out. kaladesh was the start of the current rotation, eliminating khans and origins blocks. when the next set, the one after hour of devestation, releases then BFZ and SOI blocks will rotate out.

Alright, I'll post some of it when it's done.

It better not be like shitty "Ace combat highschool" or anything cringey. I mean, if it is you're welcome to post it. Just fair warning I'll mock you if it's bad.

they're fucking with the standard rotation again while also bringing back core sets

I don't even know what kind of drugs wizard's design team is on

It's interaction between Cipher and Pixy following the 1st mission of Ace Combat Zero.

the current standard rotation mechanic has been in effect since khans, I think. what's this about core sets though?

>/aceg/ becomes Veeky Forums and no one starts to reee

max comfy.

>be a Veeky Forums fag mainly
>find aceg pretty recently
>cool guys, compliment my planefu
>have two unfinished books
>mostly write about street racing and that culture
>work a lot on non-homoerotic but meaningful male relationships.
>haven't written in a couple months
>need more inspiration.

Could you be it /aceg/?

That's an interesting idea. Never really gave their (our) relationship much thought, but it has to be an interesting one. There's many ways one could go with it.

I think a deep respect and understanding of one another's skill exists between them. No rivalry though. They probably hung out together sometimes, but definitely weren't Top Gun-esque buttbuddies. however they also wouldn't hang out too much because they're both strong personalities. I can see them both being lonewolves somewhat too.

Basically, they were buddies! Maybe they still are...

Why not? This is the best place on Veeky Forums, after all.

Yeah, seriously, you guys are the least toxic general I've come across. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are full of fucking hurt feelings and undeserved egos.

Please don't.

new unglued set
richard garfield working on a dominaria set
core sets coming back

2018's going to be an interesting year

Don't worry, friend. I got the term from rocket league, not leddit


>Fireworks and loads and loads of shawarma
>while watching R2B

you guys WISH you were me right now

Post artful depictions of your planefu.

MGS HD collection and Ace combat 6 is coming in the mail for x360 soon


It's a hard knock life when the Euros aren't on yet and the burgers and leafs are asleep


Looks like a design from Uru in Blue.
Can't wait for that to finally be released.

>Can't wait for that to finally be released.
Haven't you heard? Gainax is finally, actually going to kick the bucket now that Anno and Khara are suing the hell out of them for some EVA related shit.
A complete shame, but I doubt it ever even existed outside of some rough scripts and these illustrations.

What. No. It was supposed to be released early next year ;-;
Why is a good plane anime so hard to come by? I'm sick of mechshit.

Hell, why is good plane ANYTHING so hard to come by?
The last fighterjet centric Hollywood movie was fucking Stealth, for gods sake.
I hope to god Top Gun 2 does crazy good.



>tfw AC7 features a latin chorus that one-ups Megalith and The Unsung War

I hope not.
I wouldn't want them to copy the trinity wholesale.
That native american chant/folk accoustic guitar thing they have going on seems pretty cool.


Well, the choir we've heard briefly so far is probably better than both.

the higher tempo is GOAT

>All these MC squadrons whose paint scheme is just a different shade of grey
It's like they aren't even trying.


>implying cipher skin isn't based as fuck

It is, I'm talking about Garuda and Mobius and to a certain extent Wardog.

Talisman is probably the only PC that actually feels like they're part of a military, so them having a drab grey scheme isn't really that weird.


You can't measure somethings speed if you don't know where it is.

You got a point there.

Are you saying the pilot doesn't know how fast they are going?

Not even the pilot can see the ASI during stealthdimensional travel.

The Nighthawk is so stealthy even its on instruments can't tell you what it's doing.

Well duh. There's no air speed to indicate in stealthdimension.

The only units that can be quantified by modern instruments while in stealthdimensional travel, are stealths.

And how do you convert stealths to other measures? What does a stealth equal to?

A stealth is a 0.00 to 1.00 measurement that determines how deep into the stealthdimensions an aircraft is capable of penetrating.

It's eminently important when two aircraft engage in plane to plane combat in the stealthdimension.

Much like you can't (accurately) convert tetradimensional distances to tridimensional ones by projection due to rotation shehanigans, not even getting into higher order n-dimensional distances, you can't convert stealthdimensional units to tridimensional ones. And speed is the differencial of distance, thus making it unobtainable.
I might have fucked up some terms, I'm not aquitanced with english physics vocabulary.

I really need a show about planes doing plane things.

Obligatory morning Flanker post

I have had this song stuck in my head for two days and I'm perfectly fine with it

Yesterday's struggle insipired me for this evening, around the same hour as always.

I'm currently stuck on this, doesn't happen often.

1000000000000 hours in paint.
Here's the night version finally.

could you do that to the version tom posted in ? waifu2x is down for some reason

I could just post the original resolution then.

I just started the emulation of Ace Combat Zero, and right after he first Mission i unlocked the X-02. is this a known bug?

Hang on it's eve higher res. Well perhaps later with the tablet, it's a bit more annoying without being able to just scribble on a layer below the hangar colours and all.

You get it if you have an AC4 save.

>reaction pic reminds me of this classic anime
>fantasy genre
>AC7 will feature fantasy entities as the name of main characters' squadron, continuing the trend of Osean squadron naming
What next? Slayers Squadron?

Non-AC game set in Strangereal.

Would you play it, /aceg/?

that explains it, thanks

Have a sexy Viggen

Definitely. As long as PA doesn't stop making mainline games or diverts ressources from their development, I would partake in anything they put out.