Best modern (2000-2017) supercar Veeky Forums?

Best modern (2000-2017) supercar Veeky Forums?


Zonda > Huayra

wasn't the zonda a late 90's car?

LFA is a super car..?

clk gtr

Not if it's slower than a Camaro.

could this one be it?

shitty troll

Guess its a super car then

What the fuck are those arcade points totals at the bottom?

Stop posting Jeremy.

>30 seconds slower than the GOD MACHINE 911.

wrong one

wasn't the mc12 slower almost everywhere?

No, it was actually faster due to better aerodynamic exterior.


It was better in every way to its ferrari counterpart.
Do some basic research



The holy trinity

>BLINDING shine off the egg's chrome dome in the background

Not even up for debate

The egg is a fucking legend. See

Even by your shitty "muh lap times" pleb metric you are on the wrong side.

See Bus riders BTFO.

$70k vs $400k

First post best post

Moving the goal post vs Being proved wrong.

Pick both

Brb better in every way

yes but the mc12 has the same engine of the enzo and the same chassis

basically a rebadged ferrari

CGT has to be up there somewhere

All of you have terrible taste.

>egg's chrome dome
top banter