/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1808

>Recent News
Future Updates *Thanks TL user

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread:

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Again this shit couple?

Shut the FUCK up.

Zeta x Beato please

I love Song!

Sturm is the best cow
Threo is second best


>being this jealous

Leaked Disco Chicken HL


/gbfg/ 4ever

Does single player ever give you a dark SR character to use?

I have decreed this a no bully zone. Please do not break the law or you will suffer the consequences.

What's wrong with paralyzing Baha HL?

Any tips on increasing semen production quickly?


you only get to do it once


Better hope your around for an event that gives a free dark chara

Join a real crew instead

Dem Bois is Recruiting! We are an A-league 114 average rank 28/30 crew, looking for new members to join us with winning upcoming GWs. We are casual, you are not required to play the game at all, though we will only go for easy wins during the finals (2 wins this recent GW, with 3 break days). We have an active discord (mandatory), and are usually available to help each other out with raids.

Requirements :
-Minimum rank 101
-Participation during prelims (finals optional)
-English speaking
-Follow the rules no exceptions will be made(pastebin.com/g7TEXuMY)

Strike time : 9am and 11am JST
Crew buffs : 2 green potions 30% ougi charge 20% drop rate
If you are interested to join us, pm me! IGN: Fuji ID:13032389

55 days until I spark the most beautiful lady in the game.

How many Grand Series limiteds do you have /gbfg/?

>People unironically think Fenrir is the trial character
>People unironically believe she'd ever join the Grancrew
wew I know waifufags are delusional but Fenrir would never associate with (You) even if Loki told her to and to start with he never would


story chars are trash

Fenrir soon

I burned through like 80 BP today just leeching off Celeste Omega raids and I was able to get 2 omega summons and one omega weapon. Is this normal?




You mean story? All story characters but Kat sucks anyway.
Also don't start dark. Just don't.

Only Drang.

I just want a full dark team
I rerolled until I got Vampy so I'm just playing around her

You got lucky if anything

This is a really shit attempt at bandwagoning.

Lucio,Kat and JK

I went through 500 BP today and got a ton of summons, several junk weapons, and only two for the grid.

You are trying to hard with logic in a game that wants your money
Medusa literally jumps onto your ship without saying anything

Isn't summer in this month legfest?

BK, Lecia, Orchid and Kat

Sturm, Durray , and BK

That's not going to stop me.

>not waiting to see what new summer characters we get

Apollo. I'll never get my mom, Rosetta at this point.



didn't she also ate a bunch of villagers back in your hometown too
why the fuck gran even want her to join

Medusa literally isn't tied to the story in any way, but you wouldn't know since you clearly don't read it.

>not waiting to see what new summer characters we get

That's what I want to know. Summer has 2 legfest then? One for old chara and another for new?

What's in?


The only one that matters!

Lucio, Durray, Orchid

gran is obviously your typical jrpg protag that forgives everything


I'm not really sure. I only remember there was one at the end of august last year.

Lets say she'll be staying chained up

They will give her more backstory to increase sympathy and

Is Pheonix a good SSR? I'm lacking a fire one

Medusa is also a free spirit primal that can do whatever the fuck she wants and doesn't have something against humans. So, just landing on the ship out of nowhere and hanging around makes sense considering Gran is an anomaly so the primals like her are likely to take interest.

>Fenrir literally bit off the hand of a god
>And it will literally slay the most almighty of the gods

Why would Gran join her?

>people think Loki wouldn't make Fenrir join the crew just for shits and giggles

but that will end up with both of his toys hurt

>there are people who unironically dislike that she joined your crew

Romeo killed a bunch of innocent people and went full Lelouch and Gran was still ok with letting him back on Grancypher if he wanted

Izimir froze a bunch of people to death

Apollonia tried to kill you all

Dark Jeanne tried to sacrifice you all to a fucking demon

She's still with him in the main story and this event took place before the empire fell so it wouldn't happen

>there are people who still use 'unironically'

Time to reroll then.
I don't have any either

>there are people who literally dislike the use of the word 'unironically'

>implying she joined my crew

Until Fenrir is separated from Loki in the main story she has a 0% chance of being playable and a negative 100% chance of joining the crew


Your stupid dog will not become anything until she shows up in the main story again.

How long you guys been playing?

>Apollonia tried to kill you all

She harbors no ill intentions towards the crew. She did that to protect the one person she cares for the most, and we do know how much she has suffered, abandoned and responsible for another person. She deserves the love and attention she couldn't afford to have.

My wife is cute.

Who will get BFO? Anti-Fenrirfags or Fenrirfags?



April 28th. I just need a gold bar to get Sarasa. I wasn't originally planning on spending money on this game but idk now.

And Fenrir did that out of Loki's order, suffered more than Apollonia and is cuter.

Rackam, Eugen, Orchid, Rosetta and Anchira.

You wouldn't say that about any other character that tried to do the same.

And Fenrir is traumatized from being abandoned like a reject by her creators yet still believing that humans and primals are enemies who only exist to kill one another. She never had a Walder or a Gran to show her that humans can be her friend and the only person shoe does interact with on a regular basis uses her like a tool

I don't dispute that she will eventually be playable, she just won't be soon is all. If anything she'll be the Apollonia of Season 2 and join after the arc is over.

she never got fugged


I share a similar opinion about DJannu.

You have to be severely brain damaged to think anyone is against her being playable.

Fenrir is a boy

Fuck off Sturm, Drang is MY boy toy!

i am


Got during my spark:


Quick, someone post autistic screech Levi!

Nice dickpick spark.

Also got Orchid on my way to sparking

Lucio, Sturm, and Drang.

Someone post baha HL pls.



I want loki to fuck fenrir while I watch

Started during Sutera's event.

Thank you user!

But you posted my wife?

I don't care what gender Fenrir is, I wanna ravage their asshole until they do this:

Nice try Percival, you cuck, I've already long since marked here before you attempted.

Same. Spent 200 pots on her and she didnt give me a single bow. She did give me a gold bar, though.


Just started playing. Going to skip the whole re-rolling thing, any noob tips?