/fehg/ - Fire Emblem Heroes General

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you're all a shit and nothing is canon


convince me to not buy another 140 orbs.

scratch that.

convince me not to roll 140 orbs, please tell me there's a good banner coming soon /feg/.

>stuck at 87%
>restart app
>stuck at 88% now
what do

Just do it user, you want Tiki's melons don't you?

/fehg/? as opposed to what?

How is that Armour Emblem meme quedt going, /feg/?

>tfw it took me 140 free orbs and $60 worth of paid orbs to get Tiki's melons

shit IV too

I'll let it slide this time because of the thread picture, you witty fuck

CYL will come next month and you will hate yourself.

If you don't want anything, but you want to buy and roll orbs anyway, have you considered you might have an addiction?

>thread picture

What's so special about it?

cuter thread

what is CYL

Choose Your Loli

Creampie Your Lucina

Have some resources for a fun debuffer build (Firesweep/Clarisse's Bow+, Rogue/Silver/Poison Dagger. Darting Blow, Fortress Def,Poison Strike, Savage Blow). Who should I invest in?

>+Atk -Def Faye
>+HP -Def Gaius
>+Spd -Res Kagerou
>+Atk -HP Matthew

Catria is into NTR!

Cute Young Lyn

Already done zzz. Glad that I finished them too, with the new update and TT incoming we'll all be parched for stam in the upcoming weeks.

I agree, or at least he doesn't care about speed. Hence why -ATK +SPD being worst, it doesn't help him tank or be more offensively useful. I'd rather run 4s Priscilla and Abel in my monthly quest horse team than resort to noodle arm Leo who can't do shit.

I just want her for Axe Valor, but I also want Eldigan so I'm going to just grind Chain Challenge to roll for them

good point, will start hoarding for CYL

>what is an exaggeration
FEH is currently the only recreational expense in my budget and I make a decent amount of money to sustain myself. I didn't even buy anything during the steam sale. thanks for looking out though

Is it more than 10% of your budget? As long as it's under, you're okay

> 11 sniping singles got me Tiki
Do I try for Robin as well for Lance EXP or stop?

>this meme again
I don't have a gambling addiction. I have shitpost addiction to this shithole.

I want to _________ this dragon.

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