/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

>Fire Emblem Echoes Links

>Links and Resources


Other urls found in this thread:


Azura is shit

Jagen is canon


are we going to keep it separate now?

or will I have to follow 2 fucking threads?


Can someone explain why some retard keeps making different generals

No that faggot can eat shit

because he's le ebin troll

It's drill shitposting

Please ignore the bullshit thread. It's just one turboautist trying to force something that will never happen

/v/ thinks there should be split threads
tell him to fuck off and report any of the threads

t shirt when


How's that Armour meme quest going, /feg/?

Man, I just realised what desperation actually does. I'm such a bakamono I thought it was like an offensive QR.


You get contrarians like this every so often, like the one autist who wanted to split Soccer Spirits from /mbgg/ and kept shitposting new threads until it stuck.

He's just mad because he feels he can't talk about his favorite game anymore, despite us mentioning everyday that if someone really wants to talk about something other than Heroes, for them to actually talk about a game other than Heroes instead of just bitching about Heroes being "the only thing discussed in this general anymore

I don't have nearly enough heroes to do this shit

Should I just level random 4 stars or will that not cut it

>le when is magvel?????
Fuck off reddit

On /v/ they keep FE and Heroes thread seperate because some asshurt faggot would get really angry about Heroes being part of FE. Some mod decided to kick out the FE posters from /v/, so now this faggot has to interact with us and trying to force his threads here.

8/15 on cavs
4/15 on fliers

So much more shit to do after that as well

I find the Defiant Def build cute, but not really great. Plus Lukas can do it better.

Caeda does seem pretty horrendous without flier buffs, I won't lie. But the thing is, she does have them. Even though Fir seems also bad as she's basically flightless Caeda, I feel like I can do more with her than Alfonse somehow. Perhaps I'm just a bit more optimistic about fast units.

That said, I can't really run an offensive team. My box is heavily biased towards a defensive style so it's not like I can do anything about it.

Sooner or later we're going to need a pretty infograph that tells you what Vantage, Brash Assault, Desperation, and Quick Riposte do.

ok so how does QR even work
at first i thought it made you attack immediately like vantage but then i read guaranteed follow up
does it just allow you to double when attacked?

Priscilla is really cute

Is anyone else nervously awaiting some dumb mod to come along and nuke everything but the /fehg/ thread and cause this general to melt down again?

/v/ raid because if the leaks, /v/eddit is mad that they're no Berkut so they're lashing out

Wrong thread. Move all Heroes discussion here:


Not FE. Fuck off.

Yes, use it for slow units.

eat shit

fuck off

This isn't Fire Emblem. Take it to /v/

guaranteed double when attacked.
if your speed is 5 lower than attacker though, you still need to eat 2 hits and survive to attack again.

frig off

Na, I get them, I had just never used desperation so never had the opperunity to read it.

This thread already has more replies despite being made 5 minutes later so don't worry about it. The fag that makes them can just keep getting rekt

Here's how QR works:
>1. Attacker deals damage
>2. Defender deals damage
>3. Speed Check: If attacker has enough speed they deal damage again, otherwise pass on to step 4
>4. QR activates: Defender makes second attack.

Already done zzz. Glad that I finished them too, with the new update and TT incoming we'll all be parched for stam in the upcoming weeks.

I agree, or at least he doesn't care about speed. Hence why -ATK +SPD being worst, it doesn't help him tank or be more offensively useful. I'd rather run 4s Priscilla and Abel in my monthly quest horse team than resort to noodle arm Leo who can't do shit.

>muh separate threads is bad!
This gachashit is nothing like FE so it warrants it

What the fuck is Berkut's problem

You have one general for Fire Emblem Heroes, and one general for the other games. The overwhelming popularity of Heroes warrants its own general.

It's that simple. People who actually want to talk about the games would have their own general to do so, and people who want to talk about Heroes have their own general to do so. You cannot argue against this.

Since Fire Emblem General implies that anything Fire Emblem is fair game, Heroes discussion may therefore continue in this thread!

i want a mod to start deleting all of the /v/ posters shitty "fire emblem heroes isnt FE go post in my shitty reddit thread" posts again

I'm posting in this thread because I'm not playing heroes, if I was playing heroes I'd be happy to post in a thread made exclusively for it.

This man is an actual Fire Emblem Hero General

Kill yourself faggot

>People who actually want to talk about the games

there's nothing stopping them from talking about them here

It's nothing like FE

Literally not an argument. You resort to ad hominem because you're mad and can't argue against me.

Holy shit mate just shut up and deal with the fact that there is one general. Do you need a 3 day ban for spamming/flooding to learn your lesson?

he really really really wants to rule Rigel, and is confident that he has already gotten it in the bag, alm tripping him up is years of preparation down the drain

Give me ONE argument against why Heroes having it's own general is bad

Fire Emblem

When is /v/ going home?

You're one guy who keeps getting btfo by mods because you're trying to force a split of the general, sorry that your /v/ safe space was ruined but you don't have to track your shit in here.

>literally no argument

shut up

>Gaiden is nothing like rest of the series so seperate thread warrants it
>Genealogy games are nothing like the rest of the series so a seperate thread warrants it
>Advance Wars is nothing like Fire Emblem so a seperate thread warrants it
>Thracia is nothing like other games in the series so a seperate thread warrants it
>GBA games are nothing like the rest of the series so a seperate thread warrants it
>Warriors Game is not even my by IS, so a seperate thread warrants it
>Ike's games are nothing like the rest of the series so a seperate thread warrants it
>Marth's games are nothing like the rest of the series so a seperate thread warrants it
>Cipher is a card game and thus a seperate thread warrants it

Griel GHB when

I just realized I recruited Pahn and Tina in the wrong order in chapter 12x and now my deployments are all messed up. Fuck.

i could've sworn i read this exact post a few days ago
and then a mod literally just said fuck off and deleted all of the shitty threads that were made and posts linking people to those threads
if you don't get the point already: you're starting to be worse than raul fuck off

Fuck you, kys shitposter. Stop being so fucking retarded.

na na na naa nananana nananana nanana

I don't think he'll understand no matter how many times you explain to him

Is Summer Robin worth it if you only want her for her C Skill?
I already rolled my dickpick Tiki from the banner.

This thread is only for fire emblem generals, the best FE class.


how about fuck you, the people who talk about the main games, like myself, can alongside the heroes discussion. That's dumb as shit that you think people who enjoy talking about heroes can't POSSIBLY invested in heroes because they enjoy the flagship games

There will never be two generals you utter fucking faggots. Now change your diaper and deal with it because nobody is going to use your threads

do you have to recruit them in a certain order so that they're in the right starting positions in the next chapter?

Can I talk about the best game.

Help me figure out who to 5*. I'm hoping to have someone for TT

So why is Magvel, Elise, and some other shit considered "leddit taste"? Is this just another meme or do people genuinely disavow those who don't align with them?

Do you even play FE? How much money do we bet that your first game was either a DS game or a GBA game.

I think priamfag broke

If heroes had its own general the FE fans might be able to have a nice discussion here without being drowned out by mobage posts, and we can't allow that.

I thought erk was a girl

This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Kill yourself

may great knights come in as well?

Fire Emblem~
Your spirit shall shine~


>put Summer Robin on my defense team
>enemy is so distracted they keep giving me defense wins

I'll consider it if you do it first.

I'd tell you two to go back to your own general, but Tales is so kill that there is none

I forgot she had a C skill, and the answer is no.

The new mode that mimics Tempest gives enough SP as it is.

>/fehg/ autist gets BTFO again by a thread made later

Just stop. You're embarrassing

And like an idiot I forgot the link imgur.com/a/z04Qu

>Advance Wars is nothing like Fire Emblem so a separate thread warrants it
This wouldn't be so bad. I want to shitpost about how Yellow Comet is just Hoshido done right and Jess is my waifu.

>Robin flashes the enemy

what a slut

Summer Robin is a genuine good unit, but if you just want her Valor skill that's fine too.

>DS series murdered what generals should look like
I will never stop being angry about this.


raul, the /fehg/ autist has made me realize something
as bad and cancerous as you are, at least you have the decency to put on a trip and let us filter you
thank you

Maybe Cherche if her ivs are good? kinda hard to tell what you need without seeing your 5 stars, but she is good

I thought people said that Heroes works on MEmu but it still crashes just like in Nox.

meme that and people won't shut up about it. you know how contrarian we are, the more we hear about one thing the more we want to go against it.

Does Walhart have a reverse circlet like Berkut?

Not an argument