Acura NSX

nutting this hard over a hybrid

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Imagine how flaccid he'd be in the virgin original.

New NSX=Chad NSX.

How much is Acura paying people to shill the NSX after realizing it was a flop?

The people who don't buy it are all the ones who simply never gave it a single chance.

You see plain generic looking Lisa (NSX) and don't bother talking to her, you then see more striking looking Stacy (Ferrari Lambo Mclaren) and you try to talk to them instead because they show a lot of cleavage and wear really short skirts.

The few lucky people who actually talk to Lisa get to discover she's amazing in bed and enjoyable to be around after fun in bed is over.
Stacy might be fun in bed but extremely needy regarding her maintenance, extremely flashy and loud in public and not always comfy to be around once the fun is over. Lisa is the best of both worlds she just doesn't *look* as flashy and may come off a bit timid at first which can lead to not making as good a first impression as Stacy.

NSX doesn't make a good first impression on looks and is timid on sound but you are charmed when you actually give it a chance.

except under the hood it's got a lady cock.

t. has never driven any of those cars

Well they are offering anyone a test drive.

>(((Qualified))) Customers.

Pretty much if you're not a nigger.

YOu shouldn't even knock lady cock until you've tried it.

That's just my observation based on all these people who seem to enjoy the NSX. i know those euro super cars are much higher in maintenance and i know the NSX gets better city fuel economy and is completely silent when you don't want to make a scene, it also has the most comfy ride in class, its almost like it soaks up bumps like an american land barge the way Doug was describing it.

ugly piece of shit

an AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC COMPUTER ON WHEELS is the one "amazing in bed" and not the ferrari? top fucking kek, kys you honda shill.

Honda went from THIS beautiful piece of art to... this flattened civic looking trash


>The few lucky people who actually talk to Lisa get to discover she's amazing
>Stacy might be fun in bed but extremely needy regarding her maintenance
Try reading.
HOnda went from a LWB MR2 to a actual super car. That is what i call improvement.

The accord may have been inspired by the NSX, but at least the new NSX wasn't inspired by THIS. kek.

>reeee electricity in my car bad

That's what happens when you let a woman design your cars.

the new NSX was** inspired by this

the new one: designed by a fucking woman that's barely 5 years out of college (seriously).
the old one: based on a concept that was designed by the legendary styling house, pininfarina

and it shows

Her design will be the nail in the coffin for Acura as all their newer cars will be based off the design.

No wonder senna fangirls are so assmad. She completely BTFO both him and pininfarina. the new NSX achieved so much more under her,
That shit looks cash man, what exactly is even wrong with it?

>old NSX
>not a supercar
you might as well call the 355 not a supercar with that bullshit line of reasoning

it was BTFOing the Ferraris of its time. A big part of the reason why Ferrari completely changed their design ethos with their next outing, the 360.

>this is your company on affirmative action
max cucked. the honda that created the s2k, the crx and the nsx within the same decade is long dead.

Honda went from this... this.

Yea its not, the 355 isn't either. a big part of why ferrari change their ethos is because they realized their cars were a bit to shoddy for what they were charging and their weren't enough soul in the universe to get around that. Where is exactly did the NSX BTFO the 355 again?

you're proving my point, right? you don't actually think that hideous red luxobarge is an improvement, right?

Acura had absolutely no styling in the 90s and any "Acura" was just a badge swap and the didn't start developing their own styling until the 2000s.

Why even have the Acura brand if you just want to keep everything "Honda plus"
You are damn right its an improvement, lol i guess like boomer father like son.

It lost to a RX-7 in a Japanese cartoon show.

It is bad

>Why even have the Acura brand if you just want to keep everything "Honda plus"

Because no one gives a fuck about neo-Acura. Why do you think their sales are so shitty even now?

>Because no one gives a fuck about neo-Acura.
Honda does that's why they created the brand in the first place. doesn't it look retarded to listen to stupid 90s nostalgia kids who are as dumb as their boomer parents and want more expensive honda sedans that look exactly the same as their economy counterparts? Honda made the Acura brand for a reason and if they thought it was beyond saving they would've canned it like Toyota did scion.

S2000 concept
Pls stop :(

t. 19 year old


oh boy. This fag.

Did he make sure to scratch and aggressive tap every fucking interior surface? I'm sure he squealed like he did at his first gay pride parade.

...that can't be real...

He's actually gay though.

Give literally one reason why adding hybrid tech to a supercar is a bad idea. Instant torque is fucking awesome. You just sound like a caveman, if you were alive at the time I'm sure you'd be saying
>Nutting this had for direct injection

except the new nsx is designed and built in america? so its an american car you pleb.

yes, we all agree, america really did fuck up the nsx.

Learn to read nigger

the only reason this car is shit and didnt sell and no one liked it isss it doesnt even closely look like the older legendary version. its not simple like older nsx.
its not relatively cheap like before.
if people want ferrari they will go and buy a ferrari. no mah status symbol rich kiddo will buy your honda thats what they dont understand.
it should be manual onlyyyyyyyyy. it should be cheapp.
fight meeeee

>acura hires an underqualified woman
>the s2000 becomes this abomination

I noticed that Acura has been shoving this thing in everyone's face this past year. Shills everywhere. I don't hate Acura, I just want a type-s version of their current lineup instead of having to save over 100k for Acura's sole sports car.

>the only reason this car is bad is because muh senna
once again complaints reflective of what Veeky Forums wants rather than actual people with money.

Are you the only nu-NSX fag on Veeky Forums? I can tell because you keep on bringing Senna into the argument where literally not a single fucking person mentions him. It's always the same "Senna" comment.

Are you some salty Argie that froths at the mouth about Senna despite no one mentioning him OTHER than you?

>An American car won in a test by Americans, where all the cars were driven by Americans

Woah golly gee wizz! Did you also know, that science just found out that Washington would kick Napoleon's ass?

>Are you the only best-NSX fag on Veeky Forums?
No, there's also newfagay and some other anons.
>I can tell because you keep on bringing Senna
Are you really too inept to get a meme? whenever i say senna i'm referring to the same
>its not slow feelsy shit like the original!!!!
fags who reply with whats "wrong" with it.

>mentioning maintenance during supercar discussion

that's the joke

their track is shit and randy probst is a fucking hack

i say that as someone who prefers euros to both

>a Foreign car got the award for best driver's car last year
>a foreign car got the award for best driver's car this year
>a foreign car was the fastest in the group around a track and in the drag race this year
>if you don't like the results just claim conspiracy
Hot diggity damn! did you also know when the po-leece shot a black man he dindu nuffin because the cops are automatically biased because they were white?

>there's also newfagay
Great company you keep.

Their track isn't shit, it's a buttplug.

>Cadillac boat design

Updated for 2018!

>the new s2k will be automatic

Give me a single reason to add the new NSX to my personal collection.

>"d-d-don't you want to save the environment, goy??"

Not particularly

don't. its a trash american car with the name of a japanese god.

a ford or chevy badge is much more appropriate for the new nsx.

You need more room.

gonna need a bigger bait

get rid of that shitheap of a truck in the back and you'll have some room

nutting this hard over a hybrid and it's not the Porsche 918
fucking paid reviewlets. When will they ever learn?

This level of mind games is off the charts

>Being retarded

Damn now I want an NSX

>I'm a retard

That looks amazing. Veeky Forums really is a bunch of benchracing busriders lmao

yes you are you eclectic electric faggot

>people hate how a car looks
>"e-e-everyone else apart from me d-d-doesn't drive h-hah"

Dat ass

>The people who don't buy it are all the ones who simply never gave it a single chance.
Yeah because the normal consumer has 150 grand lying around and would totally get an NSX as first choice.

None of the cars this is priced with are for the Normal consumer. the Ferrari, Mclaren and Lamborghini bros are the ones who don't give it a chance.

I have. It's not amazing

Weight and complexity. There's two

how is that a bad thing

looks ugly. the back is way too long. if I wanted a car with such a long back I'd drive an el camino