Now that the electric vehicle meme has ended...

Now that the electric vehicle meme has ended, will we finally see better cars as companies now can put more into R&D into gasoline cars?

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no. California, ny, nj, maryland, connecticut, maine, rhode island, vermont, and oregon all have ev mandates. so car companies either have to sell battery EVs or pay money to the state.

lots of states still have state level tax incentives for EVs.

then you have foreign markets which have incentives for EVs.

there is also talks about banning sales of new cars that are not hybrid or EV after a certain date.

100+ years of r&d not good enough for you eh?

I think the EV tax credit should go away, but maybe not quite this soon.

All this tells me is that Tesla is grossly overvalued, this is simply righting the economic boat so to speak.

Isn't this literally what Elon Musk asked for?

the r&d should have stopped in the early 90s

>as companies now can put more into R&D into gasoline cars?
They never stopped, and R&D is best placed in renewable energy. The problem is with batteries, from beginning to end. Once new battery technology has been discovered and properly implemented we'll see electric cars flourish and gas cars die down.

Honestly, gas cars are as much as meme as steam boats. There's no purist mentality in ICEs, everyone is willing to swap, charge and turbo their gas engines already. I'm hoping that 20-30 years from now I'll be driving an electric car with a range of over 800 miles on a single charge.

>Once new battery technology has been discovered and properly implemented we'll see electric cars flourish and gas cars die down.
But that will only work if you let electric cars be compete with gas cars. If they are held up by subsidies it's like giving the dumb kid in class easy assignments so he can have just as good grades as the average student.

The problem is that he won't learn (i.e. become better) and when he DOES reach the real world (i.e. the market) he will utterly fail to meet expectations.

It's up $2 today, fuckstick.

You mean just like how they eliminated obamacare? lol. Republicans are retarded.


Are you defending giving rich people subsidies? Because that's what this is.

Do I buy or short?

>stock being bought after its value has dropped

wew lad it's like you've never bought stock before

Basically this. The government isn't buying me a beater (nor should they) why subsidize this?

Why did you fail to recognize an alphonse post?
Short = Safe bet
Buy = high return gamble

the point of it is to offset the cost difference between an EV and an equivalent ICE. it should effect every level of cars including the top end. it's a way to kick start the market faster than it would otherwise

>I've delegated my car's energy production to the coal power station 100km away so now it is renewable

Fucking panel gaps big enough to use as a glory hole.

EV going away HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's only just starting.

>Veeky Forums is so delusional that they believe because one company is struggling that electric cars are dying

unless you think all the billions of dollars spent by almost every major car manufacturer was just to service dumb cali libfags and now they'll make all the V8 sports cars you dream about because a republican is president in one country these global companies sell cars in

If that subsidy goes away, then price of car goes up. When price goes up, sales fall.

Do you really think price is the only thing driving sales of electric cars?

Let alone let's consider the price of an entry level electric. You're spending 40k after tax and such. You really think the end of a subsidy is going to hit their sales that much?

People shelling $40k for a car aren't making or breaking the bank via the subsidy.

except CAFE standards are still in effect, so car makers have to meet ev/hybrid sales goals, so they'll offer huge discounts to get them sold

>there are no other countries in the world except america

>it's a way to kickstart the market
>fails utterly
Typical government. Governments are good at killing people and taking taxes. That's it.

America is the best and most important country in the world at least. I don't care if you don't believe it, that's a fact.

well you see, some of us live in the first world aka we're moving away from coal, unlike your third world shithole of a country whose last election was decided by inbred, unemployed coal miners falling for the lies of an orange clown

>moving away from coal while at the same time creating a power supply capable of producing all the energy used now as well as all the energy that will be used by cars
Lmao. Let me know how that works out for you.
>first world
Which cuntry?

O...kay? That has nothing to do with the conversation, but whatever.

I'm saying that electric cars aren't going to die because subsidies in one country end for them. Especially not in 2017. Unless you think China and Europe are going to change their minds about electric cars after another productive meeting with Trump.

Gayest shit ive read this month

>ahaha the car will never replace the horse
>ahaha we will never walk in the moon
>ahaha drumpf told me coal was coming back

>talking to the country that invented the car and went to the moon
>thinks he's the first world country

Good luck with all the muslims and merkel hanz or wherever the fuck you're from.

>>ahaha we will never walk in the moon
we haven't
>>ahaha drumpf told me coal was coming back
it has

Fuck tesla and their meme vehicles

>amerilards invented the car
they truly believe that

>went to the moon
your grandpas went to the moon
yourself, you're just an uneducated inbred retard

>coming back

yea i dont think so there tim.

You're implying that that electric is the next logical step. There's no advantage for me to swapping to electric. Also lol that you won't name your """first world"""country

>talking to the country that invented the car

You must be 18 years or older to post on Veeky Forums.

A wagon with a motor isn't a car.

>moving the goalposts

"The Benz Patent-Motorwagen ("patent motorcar"), built in 1885, is widely regarded as the world's first automobile, that is, a vehicle designed to be propelled by an internal combustion engine."

literally the first fucking sentence of the article.

good thing we aren't you
>you won't name your """first world"""country
I have good "free" healthcare and no weekly shootings

It's not a car.

Name the cunt or you're a larping Bernie burger

okay faggot, what is a car?

I'm showing you the world's first car, and you say its not a car. So what is a car?

>amerilard can't defend his shithole of a country without resorting to memespam other countries
Enjoy your declining shithole while Drump and friends rape everything they can lmao

I'm not a burger, burger

Not that thing.

Is this a car?


Is this a car?

>has engine
>4 wheels
>means of control
>"n-not a car"
American """education""" everyone

>See, EVs are better than ICEs because ICEs burn up non-renewable fuel
>unlike our EVs, which need lithium ion that is not only rare, but extremely damaging to mine
>ICEs need fossil fuel to be powered, which is limited
>unlike EVs, which need electricity (which is created by ICEs burning limited fuel)

Can't they just make an EV with car batteries and make the powerplants run on biodiesel?

I might call that a car.

>something gets cheaper
>people buy it thinking is a good deal
>price rises in accordance with demand

wuht is market forces?

Is this a car?

If this isn't a car, I give up.


So where did the first car come from?

Fuck if I know man, Germany probably. Maybe France or England.

So you aren't this idiot ?

Then what the fuck is this argument about?

I don't know?

All boards should have thread ids tbb

tesla owes a decent chunk of its success to those incentives, lets them compete directly rather than at a price point higher than what's perceived
and to say tesla is a shot in the arm to the ev industry is an understatement

realtalk, how do people all for coal and all against these subsidies reconcile the mountain of evidence behind anthropocentric climate change. straight up denial? "it's way less than the data says"? Some kind of halfway measure like "gas will keep getting more efficient forever"?

>mfw electric cars were marketed towards women

Stay beta EVcucks.

If that plan passes with support of the people I will officially recognize the GOP as being the greatest marketers of all time. They will have convinced the public that something that actually fucks them over is good for them.

It's mostly knowledge fracture. People see data which overwrites other data. But it's bad data.

Doesn't matter, though. Coal, gas, etc will all die either way. Economics is more powerful than what people believe. Solar and wind will get cheap, batteries will get cheap, and then nothing will be able to compete.

A Green will a capital G world will happen no matter what.

You know there's a lot of high up scientists that don't believe humans have anything to do with climate change right? We don't hear about them though, they don't fit the story. It's not just a couple nutjobs either, there's a lot of them.

Also, even if you do believe that humans are the cause you still have to consider the fact that cars are not the biggest source of greenhouse gases. I once read somewhere that the 10 biggest ships on Earth produce more greenhouse gases than all the cars in America combined or something like that. Yet, no treehugger ever says anything about imposing fuel economy regulations on ships as once again it doesn't fit the story. Factories, ships, etc, these are a much greater contributor of greenhouse gases than cars.

Now take into consideration the fact that we are not the cause of climate change. Let's say we all switch to electric cars. The production of a single electric car accounts for more pollution than an H1 Hummer will produce over it's entire lifetime. People think electric cars are "green" but the production of the cars and their batteries is absolutely poison.

End blogpost.

There was once a time when the earth was hot as fuck and humans didn't exist. One day there will be another time when the earth is hot as fuck and humans wont exist.

>than all the cars in America combined
it was all the cars in the world ... but ya

Climate science is pseudo science and climate models are shit in the long term applications
Personal transport contributes very little to human co2 production
It's questionable whether electric cars would prove to be any more environmentally friendly than ic
My country's power grid if shitting the bed as it is.

I laughed. Thanks.