I take great care of my car like any good car lover and i went through the interior with a damp towel and back over with a dry micro fiber cloth leaving a nice dust free interior. Nothing feels better than driving a clean car right Veeky Forums. Share your cleaning ritual and post pics of clean cars and interiors
Share your car cleaning rituals
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Hose it down in armorall and pack it full of black ice.
>drive to a local gas station
>grab bucket of car cleaning shit
>put all products on stair
>dump soap into bucket
>get hose, fill bucket up
>drop sponge in bucket
>spray car with hose
>soapy sponge the car all over
>spray car with hose
>get my rags
>touch up any tough spots with some elbow grease and my tire cleaning spray
>polish my chrome accents
>bleach up the white walls
>hit the inside with those discount brand wet wipes
>vacuum and shit if I need to
>touch up the same stain I can never get out just because maybe one day it will work
>clean windows with window cleaner and paper towels if they're bad
>hang up a new black ice from my dozen pack i keep in the glove box
>never take my old one down, just a forest of black ice tree's
>hot box it with my flavor of the month blunt wrap i'm into the most
>go play video games and wait for tomorrow when it smells the best to go cruisin'.
>window cleaner on the shiny bits and body panels
>degreaser on the engine block
>try to get off the stain from the fuel leaking on the clutch cover
Takes me five minutes tops
Does armorall actually do anything
looks really good on 90's jap interiors
give them that shiny high gloss finish
other than that i've never been too impressed but something about the shiny gloss on 90's jap cars, ooooweeee
every week I do this:
hose car down
use foamer addon to hose to sud up the car
hose down again
put car shampoo in bucket and use a microfibre mitt to sud up each panel one by one
keep a rinsing bucket with a grit guard in the bottom (grit guard in suds bucket too) and rinse after every bodypanel
use hose to rinse off
use a big microfibre cleaning cloth to dry the entire car. if it's warm outside and certain panels may dry by themselves I rinse it with water so that I am the one who dries otherwise theres gonna be waterspots because the water here is hard as fuck
every month I also use a claybar after I dry the car
every 2-3 months I wax it and do some minor paint correction as needed
das bout it. might seem like a lot but I really enjoy it. The car shampoo can get a bit pricy but I probably spend maybe £10 a month to follow this routine (not including water costs).
Bit of advice as you're the only poster with an interest in detailing.
Claybar every month is a bit excessive, it's going to cause micro-marring and in turn means you have to correct the paint. I clay my car every 6 months at most, followed by either a light compound or an AIO polish if I can get away with it. Look at a clay mitt, they're reusable and not as aggressive as a clay bar. Use a synthetic sealant and then wax once the sealant is cured.
Get yourself a decent detailing spray and use it when drying the car. I use Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer, 1-3 sprays per panel and dry it in. No water spots and gives further short term protection over the sealant/wax. If you prefer bulk, look at Chemical Guys P40 or get in touch with a local AutoSmart dealer.
>never take my old one down
Step 1
>Keep any passengers tf out of my car
Step 2
>Wash floormat every so often
I don't eat or do dumb shit in my car, so the occasional wipe-down of the dash and seats is more than enough.
Ah I see, thanks for the information user.
That's about it.
Painting hardtop and pillars gloss black with either subtle pearl or subtle flake. Can't decide which. But during xmas holidays.
Kek. My sides
Like so but with like 80% less flake, or the same amount of ghost silver pearl.
>take a hose to the interior
>hang up black ice tree on my mirror
>open engine bay
>wet the engine
>pour degreaser all over, brush off all oil and scummy build ups
>carefully hose off the engine after covering any electrical components with plastic bags and towels
>wipe down engine, let it dry
>apply water based dressing, wipe off excess
>Check spark plugs to see if any water got in
>Replace spark plugs and change oil
>mark servicing in my log
>toss bucket of sand on exterior
And done.
>have silver shitbox/funbox/grocerymobile
>wait for rain
LeatherAll on the seats and wheel
Shopvac on the matts and crevices in the seats,
Empty out the trunk, vac all the carpets
Q-tip clean the air vent flaps
Toothpick clean the groves around the panels
>vacuum interior
>wash exterior
>don't wax
>mfw it never rains in California
It actually started raining regularly since last week. That's why I stopped washing it.
where are you based hardwater bro
>mark servicing in my log
>not keeping your car washed, windows clean and windshield coated in hydrophobic treatment for maximum visibility
>not stopping at a gas station to wipe down windows during rain storm to remove anything that keeps water from falling off
>not going through a drive through car wash while traveling and it's kinda raining simply for the visibility increase
Am I really the ONLY person who's this autistic?
UK m8
specifically in London
im in bath, got family in kent
north london
what do you drive? here's mine.
>not in Brit/o/
I am in brit/o/, I'm yas
I barely post though, I got a lot of uni work lately
>drive in the rain
>car is clean
>drive naked in the rain
>body is clean
a shitty 1.25 fiesta zetec, looking to buy soon
In my experience they will actually clean stains and shit but you have to sit there and scrub over it for quite some time, I mainly only use it to polish and shine leather seats. I don't really know of anything good to clean leather seats though so if someone knows reply what is good to use
I should get some pics of the interior of my work car you guys would flip your shit.
Few tips
Dollar store paintbrush for sweeping dirt and dust into vacuum from crevices, around buttons
Dollar store knock off armor all wipes work well(Dollarama chain)
These mofo Lysol rags are the best thing I've found for cleaning headliners. One side is gritty but other has the consistency of a cheese cloth and they pick up dirt and help remove scuffs better than Armor-all multi purpose wipes and similar products.
>Scotchbrite pad on entire car to polish it
>drench car in gallon of wd40
works like a charm every time
get ready for this red pill
stop buying ph neutral soaps like a cuck
50 cent car wash and Bug Spray on my headlights
open all four doors, take anything light and flyable out.. uncoil compressed air from 50gall compressor in shop, blow out with wand carpet never been so clean in its life. no sweat... WINNING