>Taco and Konfig trying to outcheat each other zzz
Hunter Thompson
> is a first world European power which meddles with the middle East > Banned the Fez and the burka after WWI >TFW turkey is whiter than "let them in" Germany
Justin Jones
can i get a quick rundown?
Christopher James
Nip is actually having a good tournament now that FriBerg is on the other side of the analysts table.
You know, I was watching RT Documentary on Ataturk this morning.
Gavin White
Lmaoing at northcucks.,
Carson Phillips
kek North
Nathan Thompson
Immortals or g2
Who are more /our guys/?
Colton Moore
It's been a while since we have reached the post limit. Nice.
Liam Lewis
>cobble again
Chase Fisher
G2, but theyre both reddit.
Logan Sullivan
CSGO is a reddit game
Ian Lopez
G2 usually bans mirage, train, overpasss Immortals usually bans mirage, cache, nuke
Not many maps left over.
Oliver Diaz
It makes sense, but the only interesting part of cbble is the drop room. That said, I'm perfectly fine with lots of cobble at majors. Want those drop rewards
Henry Foster
LoL and DotA2 are the Veeky Forums games
Dominic Harris
I started playing cs at the start of 2017 and I accidentally missed the Atalanta major what are the odds of getting any drops?
Parker Cox
Makes sense. LoL players are nerds. I feel it is my solemn duty to shove them into lockers. At heart, I'm a bully, but physically I'm a robot.
Lucas Garcia
The major final had 1 mil twitch viewers. 10k items dropped. Some people get multiple cases per map, I've never gotten a case.
Caleb Foster
if you get case do you have to buy a key and what not? Should you bother opening them?
Lincoln Campbell
>/ourpige/ vs /ourmercs/ next :/
Aiden Howard
You don't need a key to open Souvenir cases. But don't bother opening them, just sell ASAP.
Nicholas Perez
Maybe not ASAP. I've seen souvenir cases sell for 10 during the major, but 30 after. You could open them if valve cases weren't 1 in a million chance that you get a skin worth more than $0.15
Landon Diaz
csgo 188 is apparently going to close down soon, withdraw your items cause valve might just ban all their bots
Evan Sullivan
you hardly ever get any drops from watching I've watched almost every major since 2014, had not got a drop until the Atlanta major
Oliver Nguyen
I got 2 cobbles & 1 cache case last major,
Owen Williams
I got two in the first tournament they started doing them, didn't really watch enough cs since to get more drops.
Anthony Lewis
no weaboowatch is reddit game you have no idea how people hate and trashtalk csgo daily on r/globaloffensive and say how weaboowatch is better game and if someone tries to say something against weaboowatch they get downvoted into oblivion...
Isaac Thomas
>buy rifles >lose >buy tec-9s >win
Jack Thomas
>tfw gotten drop every single major except 1
Hunter Carter
did faze just lose a 5v2?
Eli Diaz
How would one cheat at a LAN?
Zachary Perez
Adam Watson
wait so is that how optic are 2-0?
Zachary Perez
suppository vibrator helper in crowd that vibrates in morse code what the enemy team is doing
Easton Johnson
>modify keyboard/mouse with cheat software >set hotkeys >bring to lans
Daniel Walker
How do you get items for watching LANs? I have been playing counter strike for a long time but have never followed esports until this year. I usually just watch the matches on twitch but you can get items if you watch it in the game itself? how does it all work
Dylan Thompson
You can get crates when watching majors, if you have your twitch connected to Steam.
Nathan Nguyen
why the hell is fnatic using slav'i strats? just fucking play normally
Joshua Lopez
if you have linked your steam account to your twitch account and watch during the major, there's a chance you get a souvenir case drop that can be opened directly without key, or sold on the market hardly worth the effort
Cameron Hernandez
Overpass is a bitch to clear all the corners while avoiding allu awping angles and niko on other site etc.
Cameron Wood
Wyatt Garcia
>5 wins in a row, top fragger or 2nd top fragger, usually most mvps >3 games against full stacks of DMG's, LE'S and LEMS all absolutely decimated, vsing progressively harder enemies >4th game >it's the closest game I've had all night, but still win >enemies are mg1's, mg2's and nova 4s >wut >still MGE How many more fucking games do I need to rank up?! I won 7 in a row before I lost 2, now I have 6 in a row. Ffs.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
rank means nothing, mg through to LE is basically the same
Oliver Williams
ESL is being shittalked more than ever. How could they fuck up this bad
Xavier King
every time a new ESL lan comes around it seems like people forget how bad the previous several years of their tournaments have been.
Jonathan Collins
No major so their profit margins got smaller. Had to fire 20 people recently. Cheap pcs too.
Jeremiah Hill
I have an inside source in Cologne that tells me that Friberg is tapping Lauren
Jayden Cooper
>G2 manager would rather be with his LoL team than his CSGO team
How can we compete bros...
Mobas are just superior to FPS in every way
Ethan Bell
I know, I'm just sick of stagnating. I'm wrecking shit almost every time I play, and I've been stuck on this rank for 60 wins, and then I get lobbied against fucking novas for fuck all elo as a reward for kicking everyone's asses.
Eli Cruz
are you using the wrong word here? maybe you're thinking of the word "owner", because their manager is CS specific
Angel Fisher
mcdonalds don't have an owner they have managers
same with e-sports teams
Carson Mitchell
are you being stupid on purpose?
Connor Hall
they have franchise holders.
Joseph Murphy
name the mcdonalds owner then
pro tip you can't becauase there isnt one
Colton Williams
even at each individual franchise there is someone who owns it and then hires a manager. how cna you not know this? I don't even know why you brought up mcdonalds when we're talking about G2, who have an owner and then also have individual managers for each different team in their employ.
Adrian Bailey
>peanutbrain turkroach tarik IGL
Charles Gutierrez
I do only because that is literally the only place valve ever posts they never use twitter or anything else. Also there are some extremely autistic faggots who watch for updates the moment they come out. I fucking hate reddit the entire comment shit and then they added that AD thing between comments its the most annoying piece of shit to use.
Dominic Murphy
optic's downward spiral has been fascinating
Julian Gray
PLS VOLVO, GIB RANK. I'm sick of mg and nova shitters.
Christopher Turner
>Rank S puggers v Rank S puggers lmao this will be good
Leo Wood
>NA vs NA jdimsa
Jonathan Stewart
You aren't top fragging or you have really really shit KDR/No STARS.
Sebastian Russell
>that "spray" from stanislaw
Brayden Kelly
they need to stop marketing CS as an FPS and as a realtime strategy/tactics game. also give the CTs/Ts more personality akim to dota heroes and what not
Samuel Roberts
Nah I had to take a month off from playing cus exams. I've still been wrecking cunts though. Pic related. The game selected was against 3 LEMS one dmg and one mge. I was the lowest rank on my team too. Game after that was against a full team of dmgs, then bizarrely against mg1's and novas. Perhaps I should be losing or something, maybe I'll vs supremes after throwing so hard and actually get enough elo to carry myself out of this shit tier rank.
Connor James
How about you learn to play real maps instead of being a d2 scrub
Gavin Morris
>KFC TriHard automatically banned in twitch chat lmao
Austin Clark
I know other maps ez, cobble and overpass are my favourites, I thought I was close to ranking up, so kept to D2 for security, because I know some mean mollies, smokes and flashes that mess people up, like the fake mid to B smoke from long doors
Ryan Murphy
>lose 0-3 in major qual >tarik starts igling >win 2-0, possibly 3-0 Yeah, awful of him.
Zachary Cox
someone posted a esea code in twitch chat and I worked. what should I do with this botnet?
Jayden Miller
Become number 1
Ayden Hernandez
Carter Perez
I have 174 competitive wins, silver 2. Be patient
Brody Sanchez
You know you are silver 2 because you don't fucking play every day. Seriously I wanted to boost a bunch of you when I had a fresh account but you retards would never queue up.
Matthew Martin
looks like optic is going to choke their playoff spot
Jacob Hernandez
174 wins but how many losses? You really shouldn't be at Silver 2 with that amount of wins unless you've completely fucked your MMR.
Michael Kelly
NiP is back mother fuckers
Brandon Richardson
>people cry kick friberg for 2 years >dont make it to minors >kick friberg >instant success Keeping to that core 4 sure was worth it huh
Jack Taylor
I don't know how to check how many losses I have. I was really bad for a year before I made a serious commitment to get better.
Colton Allen
I love NiP, I have since 1.6. And I love Friberg but I knew he was dead weight and he had to go around the time Fifflaren went. He just couldn't keep up with the evolving meta of CSGO.
Also REZ is a great addition, first round on their first map in the the Groups and he got a 4k.
Mason Hall
csgo-stats.com/averagejoey2000/ 49.4% winrate. It looks like the "other stats" includes things like deathmatch in "matches played". Matches played 1104 Won 300
Landon Baker
> The anti-crouch-spam system has been changed to use degrading speed, instead of logging keypress-count. As before, the more often players crouch, the slower they will rise or lower. But this should now prevent bugs where players would instantly stand, or lose their crouch-spam penalty by moving a tiny amount. If players crouch even more, eventually they will just stay standing up.
So what was the point of this again?
Who complained and came up with this?
Ethan Edwards
Some people would stay ducked behind a box, and unduck for a milisecond to shoot, and pop back under.
Jacob Sanchez
I wonder why low tier teams say swiss system benefits them. You still need to win 3 games and if you're shit you just wont. The top teams have the resolution to come back after 2 losses. Id say you're more likely to upset by winning 2 bo1 in a traditional group stage with 4 teams in a group.
Connor Cooper
Then molly/smoke them out and spam everything like they did in 1.6/css? This wasn't a problem for years. What about muh movement cooldown?
Kids run out like sonic and 1tap you now why won't they fix the shitty animations instead?
Caleb Reyes
There is no "group of death". In gsl format, your box can contain faze AST SK, and somebody else has space soldiers c9 tyloo. When seeding by at tournament record, you only get people as bad as you after round 1.
Jacob Sanchez
By the same token theres bound to be easier groups you can luck out on.
James Brown
the losers match in a traditional group benefits the tier 1 teams because they have better performances in bo3 look at gambit for example they're shit at bo3's but they kill it in bo1 in group stage and in the swiss format
Grayson Miller
>he doesnt know about the nip honeymoon haha oh wow