League of Legends General - /lolg/

Saving the galaxy one scissoring at a time! edition.

Old thread! eyosongive.us

1st for EU

xth for Rumble

Who's next?


just skip to the BO5 between TSM and FNC, that's what everyone's here for

>it's eu vs na
>not esports related op
Yurifags are ruining everything as always


I used to love her
She bitched so much
She drove me nuts
And now I'm happier this way

some top tier eu team. that's pretty much it.

BASED Mallet Man, blowing the shit League meta wide open.

I want to see Jinx shoving Fishbones-vibrator up Lux's pussy while she stimulates Jinx's clit with a Zap-like toy.

xth for Syndra

As a person who has played a ton of ARAM, I think they should replace ARAM with Poro King.

>Season 5 Fnatic
>Animal Style Fnatic

Who wins?

I want to impregnate Lux while Jinx is toying with my butthole.


>malletman 11.6k damage
did the nerfs hit kennen a lot?

>good macro
>build lead through farming and LITERALLY nothing else
yeah guys. clean.

>zigg/lux/sona/heimer every single fucking game

jup i didn't want to throw a tism fit about that but that just really fiddles my diddles

Best ship btw

Kayn is best boy!


Kennens job is to clean up by denying engage with his E / Ult and then dealing damage / stunning as they try to disengage after failing to kill him

That's why he builds mallet, health for tankiness and slow for chase. It doesn't matter how much damage he does when you have no chance of fighting back, he's going to kill you eventually.

the malleta man

Delusional westerners thinking there will be a western team on the finals.
This is China's year. This is Uzi's third time the charm.
Screencap this.


He is extremely cute, indeed!

Why are North """American""" mongrels even relevant? They don't have their own players, only signing Korean and European rejects, and their soloq is a joke. It has and always has been EU vs KR.

Yuri ops are the best~

>G2 going to shit the bed vs C9 as well

uzi's ded senpai, RNG hasn't played him in like a month


No, he spent all game farming and pushing top, which is pretty much what Kennen ADC does. He's very independent compared to the rest of the ADC cast due to his kit.

right but you had a hard time beating the literal worst team at this tourney (and a bottom tier na team) with an all eu team

>NA vs EU is on
>OP is more waifufagging

Western civilization really is in decline isn't it.

post more kayns

What's the point of having the last two bans separated?

late xth for breast metal waifu

It's more China vs KR

>"Hey Mithy, where's NA's home grown talent?"

probably so you can't just ban out an entire role

Zed is definitely older than that

Wew sure is reddit in here.

I wish his lore was better. Atm he's just a pretty face with lame-ish lore, like Talon.

Vlad is still the most interesting handsome fella out there.

NA and EU are pure trash so they needed a tournament completely dedicated to their garbage pit of a contest.

That should be enough to convince you of the quality of western ""civilization""

EU's best team bout to lose their 2nd game in a row.

>miss E

Don't worry, he'll be back and stronger than ever.

vladfag your taste is abhorrent

as a person who still plays a lot of ARAM, I think you should consider suicide (kill yourself)

gooklover spotted

Bet these teams ban Zac

>Camera pans to fnatic staff
>All EU
>Camera pans to P1 staff
>Nothing but asians, probably koreans
Honestly I wouldn't give a shit if any of these teams do well. None of them are actually an NA team. The most truthful statement you can say about them if they win is "NA participated in this game where a multi-national team won"

>get Galio in aram
>enemy team is full ap
That was fun

>EU's best team

On CLG but they didn't come to play today

How do you make these kind of images?

this gen has always been a place for lolisports you should probably fucking leave

TSM and CLG are NA teams, the rest aren't

>eu using the import excuse again
you know what that means...just sad

Who gives a shit.

Shadow Assassin Kayn is more attractive than Vladimir though

He's from an african island, not EU.

EU is second best region, chingchong


even if they were invited I doubt George could have made it

Based mallet man exposed Mike "Stop calling me Mike 'MikeYeung' Yeung" Yeung.

Typical braindead Am*rican. At no point was P1 ever ahead. FNC were in control the entire game, as is expected. They held your dear little contracted gooks on a leash, and will do the same in the finals against TSM, who will get carried there by their EU midlaner, as they always do.

Vladfag please

Make love to me

Go to lolhentai and stay there till this is over please

The adc who just took a big dump on you.

More like this has always been a place for waifu autism.

>jg calls to invade
>we all go
>perfect catch by surprise
>kill 3 of them
>I get 2 as Draven
>facing a Cait in lane so it's a real good advantage considering
>sweet, everyone walks away
>Lee and Morg (mid) go to their red
>both get killed by Cait while Lee does red
>advantage in lane completely lost
>Lee proceeds to chimp out all game
>Cait gets 7 kills from Lee and Mid chimping out
>they are duo
>abuse in chinese after game (OCE, so we are littered with real degenerate low IQ chinese after midnight for some reason)

CLG maybe, TSM fuck no. They have two europeans in the most relevant spots and are notorious for being carried by Bjerg every game where its possible.

>slanty eyed fuck

Nice blog :)

Why don't you love her anymore?
This saddens the Lulu
She needs to be loved user

Nice racism dude


>Yiliang Peng ching chong

>have worse macro than a bottom team
>farm because that's all eu knows


Who am I?

>bjergsen is european meme


>excellent analysis
my sides

G2 are our P1

choose both

fuck you canada isnt completely china yet

No team
There are no Chinese imports



Hello Chinese scum

a retarded european who missed out geography and english class

>Peachy Butt Girl
based george georgeolopolopolous

>tfw EUfag
>Want C9 to win because NA marketing makes NA teams actually likeable

I don't think anyone likes G2

America was put together by Chinese and Irish immigrants.

America may be LUL 60% LUL meme but for the majority of our history, a lot of non-whites have had a stake in the country.

Is Project Zed the best Zed skin?

Biofrost was born in China, his family moved to Canada when he was about 4 or something. So technically he's Chinese.

Umm you have to go back to /pol/ bud

Informative post fellow redditor. Not like one can expect something elaborate from the likes of you but still