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Post cute midlanders. Preferably not images youve posted before.



>tfw I fell for the "having a job is important"
Now I cant even play video games

I think your midlander on the left is nice, maybe change it up to a different hairstyle though, never did like that one personally.

>go do the new raid
>do all the bosses, get nothing

Is this the real MMO experience?

longer or more feminine hair on the midlander and shes a keeper both of those cats look sickly

NEET life eats away at you bruh

Reminder to come to Mateus for video games and friends!

Why is it I can't get any fucking help with PvP no matter where I go to ask and every fucking guide is for 3.0? I just need a fucking place to start is that so much to goddamn ask for?

Will you ERP with me?

PvP is easy mode now though
just dont play melee

If I vial from a female to a male, what happens to stuff like my shisui gear? Will it just become the male variant?

No ERP no mateus.

Consensus on SB?
Is it good?

Melee is where all the risk is. All the reward. The rush, the adrenaline running through your veins. Is this your last conquest, will you make it out, you leave it all on the battlefield and hope a healer blesses you with their attention and presses any button on their hotbars.

You didn't pick up a female variant, it's unisex gear.

I noticed BRD and MCH can nuke from across the map yeah. The problem is I only have tank classes right now and I have no idea how to build them or what to do.

Should I just go grab MCH and pewpew instead?

Correct. Anything you have the is female exclusive and has no male variant becomes a waste of a slot though.


Holy shit pvp as drk is fun.
I'm gonna try this too.

What about others? rdm?

Is warrior fucked there too?

swimmin lzrd

Was kind of going for an adventurer/tomboyish/dork look for the midlander, but I'll play around with longer hair.

Kind of wanted a c@ solely for the purpose of living up the fantasy race motif, but I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with them. I'd roll potato if their gear didn't irk me so much.



>that potato


I like your midlander

former knight of ishgard seeking female voidsent for murder/suicide pact via dumpster inferno

PvP would be great if I could get a decent team.

I'll try to take more later tonight!

>"oh yeah, i'm so smart, i'll undercut the lowest price by 10,000 gil and sell my items super quickly!"
>someone else undercuts them by 8,000 more
>the cycle continues because these fucking morons cannot help themselves

Rio Zaruba - boy
Red Rivers - girl
Kelly Welly - girl
F'Telor Tia - girl
Serrit Auckes - girl

Xth for MCH is the best job

I keep getting decent teams. Someone starts giving orders and micromanaging the groups and everyone starts going out and shattering all the things. In center brawls our alliance slowly advances on the enemies while they overextend and get picked off one by one.

The NEET life becomes mundane after a while because your whole life revolves around having fun, but eventually you run out of fun things to do because you finish your current games faster than the rate at which newer ones are being released. So eventually you become depressed as you're running out of things to do, and you have no money to explore new hobbies.

With a job, you get that income, but you have less time to enjoy life. If your entire life is a job you hate then you will also become depressed.

So find a balance between the two.

I didn't realise gpose was so fun

>Roam around with full MP until you find a lone squishy with no healer
>Ride up to them and stun them
>Spam Holy Spirit while they desperately try to escape
>pshhh.... requiescat en pace...kid.......

Cute!! Server?

Please stop being gross. Please. It's unsettling.

Can confirm.

>Healing melee

I'm playing DRK as well but I can't figure it out. I'm going in and stunning people (healers mostly) throwing my bubble on people who are under fire, pulling people who over extend to secure kills, swapping grit on and off and using soul survivor -> bloodspiller on weak targets but I'm still losing more then 50% of my games. I know I just started but I don't know what I'm doing wrong?

Whoseville, Tonberry

Would you be down for lewd,
be it chatting or ERP?


>make a female character
>she's cute, really cute
>start obsessing over her
>realize this obsession is unhealthy

I need to escape. Male Miqo'te don't get bullied r-right?

No, this one isn't okay.

No one ever bullys catboys.

I'm a DRK but I have PLD as my secondary class. PLD seemed a lot more straight forward and stronger with better utility in Cover but my inner edgelord demands I hit people with a greatsword.

>Elk in the Mateus linkshell
It was comfy while it lasted.


>realize this obsession is unhealthy
user, I bet that's the least unhealthy thing you are doing

Just keep playing as your little girl

I'm just having some fun, please don't bully me!

Maybe, but I'd like to level some more and get some cute glamours first!

>play PLD after flash buff
>go through the usual rotation of flash>eclipse>eclipse and then maybe next flash
>wait a minute the aggro bars are still low/non existent

Just how much did they buff flash? Did I just get shitty dps?

You just let me know when and where when the time comes.

What country you from?
I'm Australian and was thinking of throwing one of my alts over there for ping reasons.

Oh god you're actually leveling it too that's some dedication. You do you I guess! Just...please don't pretend to be me, it's very awkward.
No one cared about who I was until I put on the mask etc etc.

I think they doubled the enmity generation of Flash/Overpower/Unleash

Their midlander is cuter.

You got it. Here's a fun screenshot I took. I hope it's alright!

Is using Yatan at all a DPS loss?

Did Ragnarok rip?
I got blackscreened during a quest and now I keep getting "Players in queue: 25" for a while.


Meria can you stop pretending to own the copyright to your midlander looks.

>asking a boxshitter to not be gross


Personal taste and all that! I didn't create mine with the intention of her being cute or anything I just kinda...made her.

>amber this mad that kiss called him out for being a psychopath

>implying it's not just one of her friends shitposting her for more attention so she can look like a victim again

I want to like this barding, so I've been using it. But something about the tail plume bugs me

Didn't Amber get banned for being a retard and talking about his scat fetish in the thread?

>put your character in slut clothes
>tons of tells and ERP offers
>put character in normal clothes
>nobody gives a fuck about you


He evades constantly, bans don't do shit to stop him.

why are you attempting to have control over what anons do on an imageboard

>Kelly Welly - girl
nope, i've been in discord voice with him, def a man

it looks nearly like a clone of them it got them so rattled they started posting with a trip

But kelly is a girls name!

Your version is actually cuter than the original
I approve


Male catboy dragoons are the single worst playerbase in the entire game.

>Tfw really like my town outfit
>Most I get is a tell saying "cute char" etc
>Wear Moonfire or bikini in Ul'dah
>Get nothing
It's perplexing sometimes. Maybe I should just put something like "Fu" or "Futa" in my search info and see if that works.

Meanwhile MCH of all races are the strongest Job in the cosmos

Not all do.

Yes they do because 99% of midlanders use the same face and only do tiny changes to skin and hair color.

Wearing nothing works very well.

You're right, occasionally players will choose an alternate face, but the most popular one is posted the most. You can put brown drill hair on 80% of the midlanders who post here and they'll all be called Meria clones.

Is it okay to kick tanks from my group if they don't wear the proper jewels (270 ones) ?

>This lizard is too oblivious to pick up on being chatted up


No, I just don't waste time with people beating around the bush.

>wear normal RP set-up
>keep propositioned all the time
>this happens in every fucking MMO I play

It's never slutwear too. I have no idea why

Shame, I enjoy a bit of chat up before getting down to the nitty gritty.

>walk around fully clothed
>get quite a bit of "cute" tells, half are ERP solicitation, but actually being nice about it instead of crass

No, Kelly Welly is a fujoshi who FUCKS lizards.

yeah i don't know anyone who would seriously imply that

How did you mod this? I-I am asking for a friend, of course

Is it ok if I pull a Lyse and only wear armored legs and arms as a tank?

But you need to wear something! You'll catch a cold like that.

ah, what a nice cringe

Get in user, we're saving Doma!

Yea and it's also ok to kick healers who can't keep tanks wearing 270 jewels alive.