League of Legends General - /lolg/

Psycho girls a best! edition.

Old thread! eyosongive.us

lolwutsports bleh

>mfw EU

First for jinx is a slut

Why did people stop posting kindred butt?

Rip Sneaky

Your mom is a slut.

Brand is my favorite champion

She got nerfed into the dirt and sucked dick because of it

>Why did people stop posting kindred butt?
Judgement was passed.

xth for Syndra

Best ship btw

Darius is the best toplaner.

>he isn't able to play sub-15ms ping
tfw living in Istanbul and have 12ms ping
Feels good playing ahri.

NA will lose every single match after today screencap this

>tfw not living in instanbul

Feels good

>darius gets fed early
>throws his lead away by trying to 1v5 10 times in a row


Man these skt skins just don't look worth it, what the hell.


that rule doesn't apply to that word because it's not a consecutive ei like in receive

ironically enough the word receive is one of the few words that follows the i before e except after c rule, the rule is wrong more often than it's right

>esports is on
>we're all watching and shitposting about it
>still autistic waifu OP
i hate you people so much

What is the closest thing to a male slut support?

taric? rakan?

>Syndra, Ekko and Zac is shit
>Nami and Jhin are ok but they have better ones

only good one is Olaf's tbqh

Sedjohana is my waifu now

>steal baron
>I type "I swear to god if you guys use the duration of this baron to just do jungle camps I will fucking LOSE IT"
>veigar LITERALLY does krugs ONLY with his Q because "muh stacks" for half the duration



>jensen on leblank

It's over

Dirty fag, Braum is not for sexual. He's too pure.

where is it

>casters sucking plebbit penis

Ok lads, post your mains and let other guess your rank!

>ywn be zac and kidnap lulu then stuff ALL her holes with goo


>Not using the advanatge yourself and pushing all lanes
Stay silver

>expecting anything els

we should just send our challenger teams to compete against Europe's best next time, this isn't even fair.

I used to love her
I knew I'd miss her
So I had to keep her
She's buried right in my backyard

You probably play Brand support

>posts a plebbit hero

/lolg/ , hand me my mallet

>Implying they stand a chance againt Tempo Storm or GCU


Oh we won, I was just mindboggled how these fuckboys refused to listen to pings.

Twitch LOVED to come sit next to me (Yorick) and I couldn't do anything to stop Akali and Wukong from blowing him up.

I'd ping him away on ping cooldown, but I've never met a more reluctant team, its like they didn't even want to get carried.

Gold V

Is mallet man equivalent of this guy from dota?

if your chinese team doesn't have uzi in it they're trash

>Implying na would be shit without Mike "Europe's brave warrior" yueng

>playing some cheeky 1v1s before the game
why is Fnatic the most likeable team in the world?

>it's blitzcrank meta
How come?

>baiting this hard
Heres a (You)


Yes, yes I do.

Gold 2

You disgust me beyond words. Just kill yourself A S A P.

Lulu is mine, and she stays mine. And she's happy about that.

is he gonna win ti again
is carl gonna do it

Reddit loved monte though

because all supports build the same items and blitz has a decent kit

But Lulu is dead.

>play surgeon shen jungle
>kill midlaner
>/all The doctor is in.
>r my adc literally grasping his arm and pulling him back from the brink of death
>/all Here's my prescription. Take 1 after each meal. You should be fine.
>gank and kill toplaner
>/all is it a throbbing or a stabbing pain?
help /lolg/ i can't stop

Post sauce, good sire.

what the fuck did soaz just do

it's just like my soloq


grab is op




comfy bfs~

Can The Mallet Man hold weight of the EU on his shoulders?

Sounds gay. You're gay.


>EU gives up Cait and LB for no reason
>picks Galio even thought Europoors can't play him for shit

I only like olafs

too bad i dont play him, or any of those champs

Support Kog'maw

Literally nothing ever changes about blitzcrank from when he is meta and when he isn't. There has always been grab and some nice burst.
What happened to shield meta though?

Cait is no problem

>Yensen on leblanc
Its over already lads

grab is always op even if poopoo pros can't land it

I like s4 more

>that soaz farm
why you gotta keep mallet man down?

>Tempo Storm
First ban to Annie just to make LS sperg

Silver IV

Posting mine.

>Check out GigaByte Marines yesterday
>Stark and their adc is gone
What the fuck

>Mallet man has to 1v9
It's spring split all over again

>LeBlanc's damage

Jesus fucking christ

does soaz even have a pick that's on the same level as his shen?

>havent played since season 4
>used to be plat in season 1 diamond in 2 and 3 and peaked at master in s4
>im silver 2 now and cant seem to carry like i used to

At least i wont ever have to play against riven again with the new ban system

Who the fuck is mallet man? I don't follow the clown fiesta known as EU LCS

>assassins doing damage
More news at 11

Febbiven where?

>FNC is probably the best team at cs'ing in the west

where was the user that said this?

>best EU mid
>3 deaths in 13 minutes

What about /lolg/'s LEAST played champs?

>Best NA mid
>Needs to 4v1 to get a 10 cs lead

I as an NA fan never really cared about this stupid rivalry between NA and EU. It was mostly because I never watch EU and don't plan to so having an opinion on whether they're good or better or worse is silly. But now I can firmly say NA is better than EU.

What the fuck is going on here? C9 is trashing FNC on every metric possible. Every lane has a cs advantage, control, etc; though I figure that where the gold difference is is mostly in the jungle.

Europoors on suicide watch

>eu really thought luck made them the better region
so sad to see this happen to be honest with you guys

I am curious because that one guy got banned. You cant demand the money you have spent back when you get permabanned right?

>jensen giving up a triple kill because of his shit TP

Fucking c9

Naut is good

what the actual fuck is fnatic doing?