Ruining your car with a front license plate

>ruining your car with a front license plate

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i get that not having a front license plate makes certain cars look nicer, but there are a LOT of practical safety reasons. it doubles the chance that a plate is caught on camera or seen by a witness in the case of a hit and run.

18 States in the US and four provinces have only rear license plates. every other country in the world requires front and rear and finds it baffling that some of the US would permit only a single plate.

Something to do with metal being scarce during WWII so some states havnt reverted back to front plates.

>every other country in the world requires front and rear
That's reason enough to not have two plates

Front plates look like shit anyways, atleast here in the US where they are pig fat.

>Montana, Texas, and Wyoming all require front plates
Freedom truly is dead.

>Giving a shit about people's safety
Kill yourself my dude

> finds it baffling that some of the US would permit only a single plate
No we don't.
Western Eurogays need not apply

>live in Virginia
>cycled by a front plate
They look like shit. There is no value for a front plate when all vehicles will have a rear one. Any plate system will always have to scan the rear of the vehicle.

>being this autismal about such a minor issue
>still defending 19th century traffic enforcement that's expensive and endangers both officers and civilians more than speeding in the first place

>Any plate system will always have to scan the rear of the vehicle.
you can have a front mounted camera in a garage, on a gantry, or on a portable tripod. in britain speed ticket cams are taken from the front because that gets the plate and the face of the driver.
>With custom designed high magnification optics, the DragonCam LIDAR can capture identifiable license plates at distances up to 137 m (450 ft) on typical U.S. /Canadian style license plates and up to 300 meters on European style plates, sufficient for even expressway enforcement from the safety of overpasses and on-ramps. The compact system allows for hand-held, tripod, or in in-vehicle use. Violation images and data are encrypted into a single secure file at the moment of capture.
>PIC: Bright IR flash operation with NO driver distraction.

Never mind the caught on camera shit. Front plates are a pedestrian safety hazard. Until they are banned (not just made optional) I will feel free to have pop-up headlights, bull bars and nasty looking hood ornaments.

Same here in Germany. I'll enjoy getting $30 tickets in the mail while in Murrica officers have to pull INTO highway traffic to then stop people BESIDES highway traffic, plus their method allows for subjective enforcement. SUVs all around you speeding but they'll pull you over because your car looks sporty. Cameras treat everyone the same.

>imblying the EU requirements matter in the USA
Because some states in the US only require rear plates, by default every system scanning cars will have to do so from the rear of the vehicle. The states requiring front plates aren’t adding any value.

>running ketchup on your hotdog food platform

Nevada doesn't require a front plate. It is "required" if you have the mounting points already on your car, but literally NOBODY runs one. I have the mounting points on my front bumper but have never ran one.

How comes all states that don't require a front plate are absolute shitholes?

>by default every system scanning cars will have to do so from the rear of the vehicle. The states requiring front plates aren’t adding any value

not necessarily. until recently, a lot of NYC based toll crossings had toll gates. if you entered an E-Zpass electronic tolling booth and the tag was unable to read, if you have a front plate it just reads that and raises the arm. if you don't have a front plate the arm stays down.

now most of those crossings are cashless, e-zpass tag read or bill by mail. the New york state thruway authority, the Metropolitan Bridge & Tunnel Authority, and the Port Authority of New York & NJ have all acknowledged that this plan will cost some lost tolls. some of these will be people who are mailed a bill and don't pay, but also some due glare from sun and then not being able to read the rear plate (whereas the different angle of the car and the camera when reading the front plate offers a second, better chance).

for law enforcement, especially in the day of automated license plate recognition systems, they have a much better chance to read the plate if passing on opposing side and then turn around quickly. if used in parking scenarios, if a person backs into a spot and the front faces the aisle in the parking lot, and they don't have a front license plate, the license plate is not readable.

if there is a fixed camera, like in a store, and a car hits somebody on the sidewalk - a camera facing out towards outside might see a front plate. if they just hit someone and back up, then plate not caught on camera. etc.

Front license plate cucks btfo

>exception exception exception
Front plates are useless, and they look like shit.

>arguing for more, better surveillance
Choke on a dick, bootlicker

Being hick-proud about no commie front plates is one of the few things they have, so they're clinging onto it.

every mom have a retarded kid

It's ironic because plate readers are legal in most US states including those without front plates, and they're illegal in my front plate country.

blogpost: i got TWO fucking tickets in chicago for not having a front plate
1 for not having it at all (fair enough)
1 for putting in my dash on the inside of my car (didnt have mounting points on the front of the car)
fuck chicago

That car was already ruined on the drawing board

Cali here, and despite the law, my front plate stays in the frunk. If I run into cop trouble, I guess I'll say I forgot to put it on.
I'm sure it's a fix-it ticket, but fuck it.

Wow your car is so gorgeous, a front plate would absolutely ruin it!

>New Mexico
>commie hating hicks

Shitholes nonetheless.

I got one yesterday in l.a. for keeping it in my window bc I also don't have mounting points. Hate this place desu.

>>Front plates are useless!
>highlight examples where they aren't

The entire purpose of license plates is fucking surveillance, so if a car does something it shouldn't that the authorities can look up the registered owner. That is LITERALLY the point of license plates. If you're going to have something for a purpose, you might as well have it done correctly and have the plate on both the front and rear of the vehicle.

Wait, you're car was parked, or some cop pulled you over for that?

>deliberately buy a car without plate mounts in a state that requires front plates
>fully aware that the law says plates must be fixed to the front of the vehicle
>deliberately refuse to spend ten bucks on the plate mount piece available from the manufacturer
>deliberately refuse to think up an alternative solution, even zip ties on the lower grille would work
>cry when you get a ticket

Feels good to live in the south. No front plates, no inspections.

>no inspections
t. Bubba "I don't need the gubbernent to tell me what's road safe and what's not" Hickerson III.

yeah, it totally doesn't make your state look like a third world shithole

lol it's a 25 dollar ticket you fucking faggot. I had the car for two plus years before it happened and already have the mount, some people just don't want to drill into there bumper for a shit state that already taxes every dollar out of you.

It was parked.

>imblying any state other than Mississippi has a lower HDI than any country in the EU.
Reminder: Americans of European decent are an order of magnitude better off than those who remain in the old country, and even with a shitload of minorities and
>muh 56%
meme, the American south is as good or better than the EU.

Now the shit state is getting $25 from you. If your bumper is worth that much to you then stop complaining about the ticket.

Pretty doubtful considering I can put it on and appeal it. How old are you? Do you even drive?

Meanwhile eight European countries top the US overall in HDI and sixteen European countries top the US in inequality-adjusted HDI overall. In fact roughly half the US states have an HDI ranging between Romania and the Czech Republic.

In other words dark green is northern Europe tier, medium green is southern Europe tier, bright green is eastern Europe/Balkan tier, and Mississippi is Turkey tier.

Can conform on user there. 3 years without a front licence plate and I have never been pulled over.

I live in southern IL. Never gotten a ticket for not having one. My dad got like six. Moral is to not live in Chicago.

At least in montana the cops don't give a fuck as long as its visible. 90% of the vapearus and the like have it stuffed in the window on the driver's side.

>It was parked.
Ok, that makes much more sense. I'm going on a year with no tickets for it yet, but I don't park it anywhere other than my garage.

From what I hear, in Cali it's like a seatbelt ticket. They'd never pull you over for it, but they'll nail you if they've already got you stopped for something else.

Single plate states have THE absolute worst fucking drivers.

>New Meshitco
>The incest belt

You've never been to California my friend. I have nearly 100 clips of dumb shit other drivers have done and ive only had the dash cam for 2 years

Californians are 3rd worlders.
Rev up those gas chambers.

Here the rule is if your car has a mount for it then you need the plate, Illinois is pretty leinent and I doubt you would get pulled over for the front one anywhere, well maybe chicago but still

Wait, you cant just kill the entire state!
>goes to Arizona
Ok, NOW you can kill the entire state

And Arizona while we're at it.

I lived in Ohio first before moving to chicago. I never had the front plates in Ohio for 4 years and never got a single ticket.

I got in a wreck living in a state without front plates, so my new bumper is completely free of the plate mount. Looks a lot better.

But Arizona is great

Wow I can't believe a small piece of sheet metal destroys an entire car!
Oh wait, no, that's not how it works.
Here's a picture of OP.

Been driving in Illinois for 4 years now. Only got one ticket for no front plate and that was after I gave my car to a valet in Chicago.

It's just a way for the states to get twice as much money for registration. Since they have to charge you for two plates. Here in PA, we only have front plates and we have some of the best drivers on this side of the Mississippi.

I was stopped only once for this almost 7 years ago. They dismissed the ticket they gave me when I showed them a picture of it zip tied to my car and then took it off right after.

Now no cop cares at all

That's a fucking joke. A piece of stamped metal costs $2 total.

>europoors comparing their individual irrelevant countries to the entire US

never change, cucks

Why would you keep this continent vs continent garbage going?

Yet Americans get to pick whether to refer to the entire US or only their state depending on how it suits them best. Yeah, right. Either you answer for the entire US including Mississippi and all those other shitholes, or you answer for none of it. There's no cherry picking.

Here's an idea: we can all just NOT DO /INT/ SHIT ON Veeky Forums FUCKING CRAZY IDEA HUH

the answer is: niggers

What is Veeky Forums? Is it like Veeky Forums but everybody shouting?
And is there less shitposting there?

>not wanting lower insurance rates

>living in a country where insurers have access to your ticket records

Who gives a flying fuck about HDI?
That shit is as irrelevant as the Gini Coefficient.

t. 3rdworlder

>Doesn't understand Germany has about the same Gini as Bangladesh.
Like I said, worthless.

The EU is full of criminals, fact.

Yeah, but at least we're not running two criminals for presidency.


Who is your EU representative, without looking it up?

and fucking ukraine rates better than sweden, norway, or denmark

There is no single representative, there are lists by party in the member countries and they then get sent by the parties in proportion to the EU election results. Apparently there are currently 96 German representatives in the EU parliament, and I could write any one of them who I think is most concerned about my issues.

Yeah, you guys are running more like 14 criminals you don't even get to choose who represents you?

>sweden, norway, or denmark
What do these countries have in common?
Hint: It has to do with the men there.

>being this butthurt

i live in a place where the shittist of shit cars share the road with me and ive yet to be killed or seen anyone killed by a shitbox

yet ive watched a brand new corvette t bone an suv and kill the driver


No idea

We get represented by proportion. If party A gets 30% of votes in the national EU election then party A gets to send 30% of the country's representatives.

Return question: How are you represented in the US House of Representatives or the US Senate if your district candidate or state party of choice loses the election and someone else gets sent to Washington? What if you're a Republican and the Democrats win your district for the House or your state for the Senate?

3rd this. Califag w/ no front plate for 4 years

>smoking hasn't killed me yet but I know someone who got killed by a dog so obviously smoking is safer than dogs

dat filename

people in shitboxes tend to be better drivers because they know their vehicle wont save them if something catastrophically fails, and pay more attention to the maintenance of the vehicle. every vehicle i've seen in a wreck was newer vehicles because they don't pay attention to anything

We don't have anything like the EU, and it works similarly(but very differently) to your national elections.

That may be true to some degree. But people who let their cars fall into a state of utter disregard clearly don't care for their or anyone else's safety. Busted brakes, bald tires and misaligned steering don't make you a better driver, they're merely testament to your carelessness. Not to mention intentional modifications of questionable engineering.

>4 years
At this point I'm thinking I'll never do it.

Seems like you could just cut off/ fill in the mounting holes

>cut off holes

>Sneeze in Arizona
>Record rainfall for the century

Northern Arizona is alright in terms of climate and stuff, but the southern basin is a sunburnt hellhole that shouldn't be populated by humans. Phoenix is complete blasphemy.

I have a bro in Flag.
Nice, but kinda crunchy, and bitterly cold in the winter.

High fluctuation between night and day due to the altitude. Mid 80s summer days, 50F summer nights. Mid 40s winter days, mid 10s winter nights. Keeps snowing and melting.

reminds me so much of this picture

Do you drink at the Monte Vee?

I figured the hat was a collector's item for rednecks, or something.

I'm not even American, just autismal.