/tbcg/ - The Burning Crusade General

smolderforge.com/site/ (instant 70 for testing)

Alliance (I know it's not the official name but it's better than no name)

Horde (I'll sound biased but this is by far the guild with the most members and the least drama)

(discord.gg/Tafuuhf) faction undecided

>WoW TBC database


The old god awful thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for /wpsg/ is objectively better and never had this kind of cancer.

>threadwar autism

can you discord normies just make a discord guild and fuck off to reddit

Redpill me on Terranaut

Nice falseflag autist. Hiroshima Heavy Hitters is currently in the lead (along with stealing GRIZZLY)

I'm sorry I just didn't want to put you guys as No Name tool the horde guys don't even have a poll

i heard that this server has some changes (class changes and similar), is this true? not that im against this necessarily (i dont get the obsession with muh blizzlike) just interested to know what they are?

MORE MORE MORE! I need something to sustain me until the server comes!

content is all blizzlike however raids and dungeons are all pre-nerf

in case any of you are bothered by the current quality of the /wpsg/ scene, i've been shilling gummycraft nonstop on /v/ so we'll be seeing some new faces soon. diversity is our strength, bros!

all but confirmed at this point

why does madti want to be GM so bad, she's so fucking shit at the game and barely even plays

domination fetish


Do you really think I would be so obvious if I was trying to pass for someone else?

>Do you really think I would be so obvious

you're a literal retard roastie so it's possible

i can already smell the drama

can you describe the smell? haha

you need to kick Madti before she'll do to you what she did to Manlett
he lost all power, doesn't even lead the raids anymore

smells like yo momma lol

hol the fuck up i swear to god if you let anyone in the clique from moh in your guild it'll be doomed

I am mostly tempted to just drop it tbqh as I have sincere doubts about this being worth the drama.

why cant you just change your name madti, is the game not worth playing for you if you cant attention whore?

Don't you smell it? That smell? A kind of smelly smell, a smelly smell that smells... smelly

actually i'm an irrelevant dwarf priest that never made it to 60

gummy when??

July 14th


Right here:

His ass. Not bad as an educated guess tho considering open beta was about a month and by then open beta with instant 70's would be 2 weeks.

I have an insider source, trust me

Open beta was 3 weeks, 70s beta is "significantly shorter" so I'd say 1.5 to 2 weeks.

Release should be around July 14th - July 21st as an educated guess.

>that ui
whats the point of the action bar addon if you're just gonna end up using more screen space
ahhahahahaha fucking hell

>bullying a dead person who didn't even post that
that aside, isn't someone's ui entirely subjective? surely you could have wrangled up a tranny meme if you were so hard up for shitposting.

>dead person
Cucker died?

bros i miss tucker and glacies, what happened to them?

Tucker passed away, yeah. I want to say about a month ago but I could be a little off. His mom has a post on facebook if you know his name, and if you don't then you probably wouldn't care anyhow.
Last I heard about Glacies he was in some legal trouble but I never saw proof of that.

that's bullshit but i believe it

What killed him?

The post wasn't clear, it just said that he passed away.
The obvious probable cause was something heroin related, maybe an overdose? But sorry, I don't know more than that. Maybe you could find something else about it or ask around.

can you go bug his mom
i really wanna know now

Damn. So he was an addict.


Is there any point in playing any class but a mage? Most fun in pvp, guaranteed raid spot for water and food, easy finding heroic groups.
Does any class even compare to the mage masterrace?

How many nights raiding is "normal" for tbc? I'm a little clueless.
I just saw a guild recruitment post for times I could actually make for once, but it indicated three nights a week, four hours each. That seems high to me but again I don't know shit.

>wanting to play the easiest class
why don't you just go and play vanilla while you're at it

>not warlock or druid

Depends, if the content is really pre nerf you might really need 3 days during progression in tier 4, after its on farm 2 days 3 hours each maybe, but then you start tier 5...