Texting while driving

Is it me, or is texting/dicking around with your phone while driving becoming really common? Every time I glance over at someone who is swerving or driving slow, they're looking at their phones. They also just sit there when the light turns green instead of going. Is this getting worse?

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It's def getting worse as every car that is slow on the fucking highway, the driver is either texting or talking.

I'm starting to think it's beyond texting or talking. People have such short attention spans that they get "bored" and go on facebook or some shit

its not just driving, I see it fucking everywhere. If someone has 1 second of downtime(or even if theyre in the middle of a movie/conversation/etc) they *have* to stare at their phone. I think maybe half the time they're replying to a text or something, but the other half they're just mindlessly scrolling through whatever dumbshit "social" app they have up at that moment. I unironically want some huge EMP to knock out all cell towers and send us back to 1950.


That's my girlfriends excuse. How do I end this?

Give her the D.

I texted and did a selfie on a motorbike

It's not anything you can do. The entire country has ADHD now and can't let go of these things

Worse than that, it's an addiction. Even the action of checking your phone releases dopamine, it's no different than cigarettes, without the carcinogens unless you count the radiation they give off,

I'm sorry to hear nobody pays attention to you, my man

>People have such short attention spans that they get "bored"
How the FUCK do you get """bored""" while driving?

Make her watch car crash videos

Rlly easy, i mean your just pushing a petal and spinni g a wheel so.etimes.

I got bored when i was 19 and had a job in the sticks that sent me on a straight boring highway for 12 miles. One time I fell alseep for a sec and jerked by steering wheel. thank god I landed in the did not crash into the next lane over.

That was like my one major fuck up driving

It's becoming very common.

Insurance industry here. All the automotive safety features that have been forced on auto manufacturers in previous decades, all the seat belt laws, all the draconian traffic enforcement, any positive, the cumulative "positive" impact on traffic fatalities has been completely offset by the increase in "distracted driving".

Combine higher frequency of accidents, higher traffic fatalities, and the ever increasing cost of vehicles and repairs, and you have a recipe for your insurance premium skyrocketing year after year.

Everyone is overstimulated as fuck. It's actually a serious psychological and physiological problem.

>tfw its $500 to $3000 for using phone while driving here

Feels good honestly, fuck the stupid normie fucks who cant put the phone down for more then 10 minutes.

Basically this. My school did some demonstration once and basically didn't tell anybody. We got out of class and saw the "wreck". Basically the county closed to road in front of school and had this HUGE wreck. Basically a pickup with a small sedan. Everyone in the sedan was toast so and the pickup had people riding in the back so there were actors just laying everywhere. Bodyparts and shit. Long story short they did tell us but I cut school that day so I was the only one who was like HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK. Basically our town had an issue with morons hooning and kids riding in the back of pickups so they did this. Never cut school again

It might be the kind of person that texts and drives. To me it's almost like shutting your eyes and magdumping at a shooting range.

>sat at lights
>person in front is always blatantly glancing downwards
>they set off a second or two late when traffic starts moving
It's only a second or two and I can deal with that. But now stretch that out culmunitavely over every other fucking idiot in the same block of traffic, and all the other blocks of traffic. How much time is lost?

How much longer is your commute? How many extra minutes from each day, hours from each month, days from each year are you spending sat in fucking traffic because faggots want to mindlessly look at zogbook?

Time is the one truly precious resource you have in your life and these god damn assholes are wasting yours.

I remember my high school doing something like this too. Don't know if it had an effect though

I only use it at red lights.

It's incredibly common. The slow ass in the left lane is always on her phone, the lane drifter is always on his phone, the sudden merger is always on his phone, the late green lighter is always on her phone, et fucking cetera.


According to the American National Safety Council
>1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
>Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.
And yet,
>94% of drivers support a ban on texting while driving.
>74% of drivers support a ban on hand-held cell phone use.

So it's one of the most dangerous deadly things you can do while driving and very commonly causes accidents but a vast majority of people agree nobody should be doing it? I fucking hate people. Absolute idiots.

Here I'll just post the link because fuck it why not


They're introducing a $2000 fine for double offenders for distracted driving in Vancouver

it's always some dumb faggot looking up and down every 2 seconds.

I've been thinking of honking at them. Hopefully that'll scare them and make them pay attention.

Ride a motorcycle, you will become more attentive and see that yes it seems like 80% of fucking everybody on the road is always staring at their phones while driving

Break up with such a moron.

I've started getting so sick of dumbass drivers that I've been using my horn more times this year than I have in the past 6 years of driving. That's what it's for, to bring about attention to the fact that they have fucked up in some way towards you (and occasionally to say "hi!"). Don't like it? Too bad. Don't be a shitty driver.

The punishment should be public whipping. Second offence should be a felony with no jail time. Third, death penalty.

They should just force everyone to drive manual unless they have a disability, so you have to have both your hands on the CAR and can't even touch your phone.

First should be public whipping, then second should be put on a cross for 5 days and 5 nights. Third should be burned and stoned to death.

I will change my music at a light, but I find I don't usually have enough time to reply to a message.

I drop my phone as soon as the green shines.

>tfw my school did this with drunk driving
>me and my younger brother were part of the performance
>he got to ride the helicopter airlift while I "died" on the scene

I was so mad because he hates flying and I've always loved heli's

Dude I told one of my coworkers that I like driving and he looked at me like I was crazy

We’re mechanics

It's because people always have some stupid excuse for doing it.
>It's not like I'm "on" it. I'm just checking my texts.

this enrages me and usually fuck with them

Most people are too stupid to be allowed to have a car

How do you fuck with them? I'm always worried about road rage

100% this
ive been spoiled by my manual and whenever I have to drive an automatic, I understand why people text and drive. I don't get temped to text (because I don't text people), but I do become restless, tapping my fingers and so on.

Get her an exciting car.
Honestly with the shit most manufacturers come out with I don't blame anyone for getting bored.

Just make sure your car is faster than theirs.