>unibody instead of body-on-frame
>awd instead of 4wd
>petrol 1.6L 4banger
>basically granddaddy of all modern day crossovers
>is a off-road king,only rivaled only by large body-on-frame suv powered by
Unibody instead of body-on-frame
Other urls found in this thread:
>offroad king
Cuckovers are gay and you should leave the board
It's got Stalin's spirit inside my friend
Wanted to build cheap slavshit and accidently made something good.
I'm seriously considering getting one as my first car. It seems dirt cheap and I live outside the city in an area with shit roads. The lack of airbags does phase me somewhat though. How bad is the rusting on it?
Approved by Varg
>basically granddaddy of all modern day crossovers
It still didn't have a car-like body, ride, or handling. But you know what did?
A Tercel
>inferior to the samurai
Wasnt the Samurai inspired by the Niva (and Jeep) originally?
Stalinium powered engine.
Glorious soviet body panels are to thick for rust to damage the car
it has actual awd instead of haldex
>awd instead of 4wd
The Niva is true 4WD you ninny it has a transfer case and center locking diff what the hell are you on about?
Didn't it have a locking center differential?
If you can lock the front and rear, doesn't that make it as effective as 4x4 as long as the lock holds up? Does it have optional or aftermarket axle lockers?
I imagine power is significantly less important than proper gearing. If your goal is simply going somewhere, and not necessarily getting there quickly, why need all that power?
>Cuckovers are gay and you should leave the board
niva is gopnik chads car of choice
So are ancient religions and burning churches
depends where u live, if eastern euro go for it. cheap parts and got tier offroad ability.
if outside former commieblocks, nah.
rust, idk. ive seen 10years old rustbucket nivas, and 30+ looking clean as shit owned by fucking hunters
idk, its all about how you take care of it. most nivas here are bought by companies as workhorses, so mostly they get beat and dents, thatswhere rust comes from.
airbags? its just spartan af. main reason i like it is that. just spartan as fuck
t. georgian. overall id say its worth what they are asking.
>basically granddaddy of all modern day crossovers
>commie shit
Unibody four wheel drives suck. Cherokees are a Unibody. I'd rape that thing in my Mazda. I did build a samurai once. Was under powered, even did a spring over axle lift.
Samurais also have no interior room. The 1300cc engine has something like 60hp.
I'm getting the 4 door one right after army.
>not remotely popular or successful
>build quality is too good
unfortunately you have to thank chrysler for starting this fucking trend
>designed as 4wd minivan
>not full size but still fuckhuge for 'muh safety'
>normie styling
but muh pushgod inline 6
ZJs were ugly but dat 4.0 and later optional 5.9
cool, thanks for the advice, I'm from Lithuania so I will be looking into it further.
>lack of airbags
Literally who gives a fuck? Don't crash retard.
>tfw living in flattest country on earth where virtually no 4WD Toyota's were sold
you can get into a crash even if it's no fault of yours, occasionally crazy drunks roam the roads. I'd like to be safe if that happens.
>we wanted to make civic but accidently we crossovered
GAZ M72 had all of that 20 years earlier, plus "coupe crossover" styling like BMW X6 and F-Pace instead of being a rectangular shitbox.
Did you intentionally make every single point incorrect?
>pic related
Considering the Suzuki pre-dated the Niva by almost a decade, no.
>(and Jeep)
You're thinking of the Landcruiser, which was and still is better than the Jeep it copied.
>captcha brings the smack down
I have one of this. 4х4 3D 2015. Ask you question.
And look this lada.ru
Airbags don't make you safer
Wear a helmet
still gopnikbro, best place to seek advice about niva is real life, ofc when you live in eastern euro
my buddy drives one and absolutely loves it, it isnt some top tier luxury suv, its cheap gopnik shitbox, but damn its awesome in its unique way
also average day of georgian redneck
niva is loved here by villagers for its easyness to fix, durability and decent reliability
and above all good capability
>plum niva
>dick fully erect
citation needed
I don't wanna look like a spaz case
You will be spinning your tires in soft mud and swearing while an old man in a stock niva trundles by with cigarette in his mouth and potatoes in his passenger seat.
Who said you need power for offroading?
Niva was my second car, absolute dogshit in every respect, nothing worthwhile about them whatsoever.
Pic related was my third car, i've now had it for a decade and it's caused me less problems than a single year of Niva ownership did.
Could you list some of the most glaring problems you got?
Never ending electrical gremlins, I ended up rewiring/insulating the entire fucking car.
The absolute worst quality of fit and finish of parts on anything i've ever encountered, "new" parts were just as bad, tolerances were shit, gaskets were shit, I had to machine fucking everything I bought "new".
There wasn't a decent seal in the whole fucking car, it leaked every fluid imaginable and let every other fluid imaginable in.
Timing chain would get loose and threaten to kill the whole engine if you didn't adjust it every 5,000 or so k's.
It ate 5th gear, twice, geabox design is so bad it barely lubricates 5th gear at all, you have double the recommended amount of gearbox oil to even have a hope of lubricating it, even then you really don't want to risk using it.
Steering/suspension were also laughable and the thing forever reeked/leaked fuel into the cabin.
I'm sure if you live in a third world shit hole it's good on the basis that it's 4 wheels and an engine, but I mean here in Aus where you can trip over cheap, reliable, 4WD's that last for half a million k's with nothing but regular servicing, they're an absolute joke.
while i stated in gopnik shitbox, here in georgia niva is cheaper to run than even samurai.
you can get tranny for niva for for like 150gel, thats like 50usd. imagine how cheap other parts are.
keeping niva running is what every Veeky Forumsutist should experience, because its fucking epic
also old pajeros and samurais with big wheels are popular here, big suvs get laughed at here, only big suv that doesnt get shit is land cruiser here
> here here here
damn i need to reread my comments before posting
sperging out
It's a fucking shit pile only peasant third worlders could tolerate
could it be that you just got a dud or something?
fuck off kangoroo fucker its ultimate poor mans asswhooper here. talk shit about it in georgia and you will get your throat slit with soviet ww2 infantryman badge
being pile of shit is what makes it so romantic
5 point Harness and your good homie
It was low k's, one owner, never used off road late 90's model, throughout my ownership I met a few other Niva owners and they were all duds, those problems weren't unique, they're basically standard features of a Niva.
>you can get tranny for niva for for like 150gel, thats like 50usd.
You can buy a block of chink slag cast into something that resembles a tranny, but I wouldn't call it a tranny.
>keeping niva running is what every Veeky Forumsutist should experience, because its fucking epic
That's the equivalent of an engineer aspiring to build and live in pic related.
What's so hard about using > and < correctly? The smaller value is ALWAYS at the pointy end of the symbol. What you've just said is "smaller than 4.0L V8 diesels".
>not watching primitivetechnology on youtube
its like you take it in the ass too faggot
sup dudeweedland
aw it looks like it has eyebrows
The best channel ever
>dat BTTF screenshot
Niva is SUV Samurai is as classic 4x4 as it can get only shrinked in size.
>nothing worthwhile
Suspension is very nice, light years ahead of Samurai. My biggest issue with Niva is high tech mounting of drivetrain components that resulted in ton of unsolvable problems and vibrations. Engine is also rough as fuck even tho samurai engine is not exactly smooth also.
Had both.
You ever tried to drive in batfuck nowhere Siberia?
Ex missus is from a town near baikal and holy shit, what they consider "roads" are more boggy than the average effluent pond on a dairy farm!
Also, those nivas fuck out an awful lot.
The best little 4x4 is a Suzuki samurai or mini escudo.
Samurai will break you back on long trips over bad roads. You'll be sore for days. It has leaf springs in the rear and really limited suspension travel.
Niva has 5 link and very long travel. Front is firm but is very nice modern double wishbone with forged lower arms.
>Veeky Forums
>comparable to engineers
I think you're greatly overestimating us.
Pretty sure you are describing the AMC Eagle
close, AMC was ahead of their time i know subarus predates this, but this was 79, and it was on ALL models
based eagle posters
It's just too fucking bad AMC fell, It'd be nice to actually have a 4th car maker in burgerland, these guys were always innovators
The last non big 3 maker dying like that sucked
Funny thing is i actually own both, Suby is 2wd because it was an option, and not standard
It's "eggplant". Step up your Lada memes.
>actual real true full-time 4WD (because otherwise stock fiat 124 diff was upset at being put at such an angle),
>lightweight and irrevelant because low-range gearbox
>see 2, unlike modern crossovers it's not a longtitudal hatch with bolted on rear drive
>too light to get stuck because no frills
>too light to get stuck because no frills
It can get stuck because engine has no torks though
It's basically a cheaply made, less powerful, even more unreliable Land Rover Defender with a gutless petrol engine, skinny tires and a lack of proper diff locks. I don't really understand why people are so desperate to sing it's praises.
>lack of airbags
Airbags no damned good if you roll. Wear harness.