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Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Vision Dev Diary: youtube.com/watch?v=v6WW1Nc537g

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Everytime i get drunk, FPS games become so genuine and exciting, and strategy games feel like a chore and pointless

It's this what the 99% of the normal population feels like everyday?¿

The HMS Warrior is the best ironclad.

I get that it's kind of a trophy but it's too real

>people are glad the next title is historical
>it takes place in britain at the dusk of the roman empire
>it follows the events that occured back then there
>trailer drops
>bloody battle
>camera pans over the hill of swords and dead bodies
>pic related

>Have you never watched the south park episode where autistic people drink alcohol and call it the matrix normal people are stuck in?

What does "(province to each region)" mean in Charlemagne?

Does it mean you only build 1 in each region or do the effects stack but effect the whole region?

>we see that
>historyfags rage out seeing a girl fighting (and well)

it means it affects every settlement in the province

W-where´s the Krell poster? ;_;

dead and burried I hope


Muh boi is so good he took him out

ok cool, and it all stacks? If so that seems insane.

just imagine showing this to fucking hannibal or scipio

Whats your favorite total war youtuber?

and why milkandcookies is so fucking smug?

>tfw no sci-fi TW

Whose better Vlad or Manfred? Vlad doesnt have a mount so really all he can do is cast spells and there is almost no difference in their melee abilities since it took 5 whole minutes for him to wound Manfred last time I fought against him. I just feel like Vampire counts is too generic, and I cant confederate with them as Vlad but Im missing the strong leaders from the counts.

Why haven't you converted to history yet reddit?

>picking manlets over VLAD


L'ocean is best, Warrior has small cannons

Also L'ocean can ram, it's basically a kotetsu on steroids.

Doesnt Manfred ride a dragon? Why dont they give Vlad any bonuses to anything. Hes actually worse then a caster because if he dies it effects the battle. Give him some mana bonuses or something to set him apart. Hes so shit in a fight.

Because Attila and Rome II were garbage.

>Attila was shit

Convert now reddit and you will see the light.

Post your best dark elfesses?


>one is a bald manlet loser neet
>other is a 6'2 alpha with hair and a loving waifu
>manlet is better because he can ride a floppy meat fidget-spinner

Found the fix



If he's such a loser then how can he supass Nagash? Checkmate vlad


Nagash was weak.
If Manny's greatest accomplishment is surpassing a weakling, what does that make him?

Dark elves > High Elves

>surpassing muh boi
You're playing with fire, kid.

So... where do I put mods? There is no documents folder either.

data folder

thanks mate

>poorfag pirates
do you even jewsteam workshop?

I'll convert the day some modder fixes the terrible combat animations and, in Attilas case, the performance.

I made the mistake with buying CK2 before I found out the DLC problems people are shilling now a days, not buying any game that says they have cut content, which they did with chaos, or the DLC past the first of the ones who havent.

What's with all these shills, traps and sluts lately on /twg/? Are those workshop fags bringing them in?

>tfw can't beat any campaign on a difficulty harder than normal

Who else /shit/ at Total War here?

Total war are constantly getting patched with big performance fixes

who even cares, the only thing campaign difficulty changes is how much the AI cheats

Beautiful map

God they completely butchered sieges in Warhammer.

It's all shithammer's fault

That they did. I love Warhammer but I can't deny that the sieges are pretty shit. GCCM will hopefully ameliorate.

I can beat battles in very hard, but there is no way a player can keep up with the computer that can cheap in the economy. I mean Manfred can already field 2 armies without anything other the the capital on Normal, what could he do on higher levels? I remember the AI could do the same in M2TW with 1 castle and I couldnt do that without all of Britain, but maybe my standards are higher.

>master engineer

This hero seems like fucking shit. Why should I even have this

Can they pull it off? Not only do we need mutli-tiered cities, but coastal maps for flavor and good minor settlements as well.

So far, a lot of the maps are just ass aside from maybe 5-10 (mostly Dawi stuff).

>tfw Very Hard is essentially normal for me now

It sucks to be good

Warhammer has been the best game in the series but I sorely wish they would unfuck sieges.

That and make the battles feel a bit less...blobby?

I hope the next main total war title is Warring States total war

>all these autistic idiots on lionheart's videos writing out these terrible LARP'er fan fictions, and tallying the exact numbers of troops/battles he's lost/won

Funny that we don't see this on lionheart's Warhammer videos....and they call fantasy fans autists....

same here

Maybe. Some maps are decent, depending on who did it. Middenheim, Nuln, Karak Kadrin, that new Karak Azul and Mousillon maps. Frankly even the worst of them are better than vanilla.

I have no doubt that the Warhammer games will be my favourite Total War(s) in a couple of years, once the series is done with, the DLC is out and the modders have had time to do their thing.

Not even gonna give you a (you). Stop posting JewTube stuff.

Lets throw some ideas for goat siege maps

>Multi stage sieges
>You can reserve units for each stage or just throw everything right from the start (but they start tired in the next battle)
>More in-campaign siege options (Like attempting to dig a tunnel, Skirmishing, night assaults, sneaking troops inside the gates to open it from inside) etc

Dei or vanilla rome 2 with some workshop mods lads?


Fucking sapping and countering it. Where the fuck that feature go after Rome 1?

played it to death with all factions now, and i'm also bored of the original rome before you mention that as well

DeI as Pontus is the only answer.

>Funny that we don't see this on lionheart's Warhammer videos....
What kind of a faggot watches let's plays.

How the fuck do I beat Skarsnik early game as Agrund? On legendary he's got 2 dull stacks and won't fight my single stack without that one.

Have you got the +12 defence and attack buff on your lord for dwarf warriors?



Atleast we gonna be able to recreate the siege from AoR intro cinematic when TWW2 hits

DeI is great but battles are too easy

nice gay moat for me to shit in

>tfw next total war is warring states
>tfw battle of kankoku pass

My dick is wet

>anime to learn history

the absolute state of every china poster

god damn I hate china posters so much

China is the future of history, and that's a good thing.

Its gonna be china and no whining will change that

>tfw battle of bayou mission

holy shit yes

based CA


literally no tactics involved

God I hate the Chinese

How will they do the battle of dakan plains?

Can I just take a minute to BTFO all the people clamoring for a China/Three Kindgoms/Warring States TW.

First, the two claims China fans make about the success of such a game is based on two propositions:

a) That there is mainstream demand for a China TW game

Outside of a few posters on /twg/ and TWC, I really don't see this. We've seen that the more popular time/country settings like Rome and Medieval sell very well, and less popular periods like Attila's sell poorly. China would be a very niche title, since there isn't a lot of evidence that there is the sort of interest in Chinese history as some posters claim. In other Western media, China is not covered extensively in film, television or other historical video game series like Assassin's Creed.


Doubt we'd ever see a game with that scale.

b) That the hypothetical China Total War would sell well in China.

People who claim this clearly lack an understanding of Chinese media laws. If making a video game about China and releasing it there will make millions, why don't other series (AC, CoD) do the same thing? Answer: Chinese media laws.

And before someone argues that WoW's Mists of Pandaria contradicts my point, that expansion mainly featured a vague Chinese aesthetic, rather than the mostly accurate depictions of countries we're used to in the Total War series.

Because of these strict media laws, any Western video game (or film) released in China must be vetted for approval by strict censors, and may not even be approved, as we saw with the Ghostbusters remake last year. This process can take weeks/months, and could be highly expensive/stressful for CA, especially if their success depending on an opening in the Chinese market. As the game would be actually depicting Chinese history, the censors would make sure that the game accurately reflected the official party line on China's history, and did nothing to glorify China's historic enemies or its systems of government. Not only would it be likely that censors would object to the idea of another nation (e.g. Mongolia, Korea, or Japan) conquering the Chinese mainland, but they'd probably take issue with the 'corruption' mechanic we see in games like Attila, as the censors may view this as an attack on Chinese governance, as well as assassinations and even the idea of razing territories or destroying buildings. The idea of spreading religion as well (especially Islam, a very topical and sensitive issue in Western China due to regular terrorist attacks) would probably attract the eye of the censor. To bypass this censorship, what we'd likely see is a heavily trimmed down game, light on features, conforming to the official Chinese government's line, a game so barren so as to repulse the average Western Total War fan.


>no tactics

China is boring shit with no variety

What the fuck is that shit

Putting aside how unlikely it even is that the Chinese government would let a small developer like CA release their niche strategy game into the Chinese market without extensive censorship and concessions, CA would have to obtain a local distributor (another costly and time-consuming process) as well as filling the game with DRM-heavy features to prevent the sort of piracy that is common in China.

Wishing to cut my post short, I shall summarise:

1. There is little evidence to suggest a Total War based in China will do well with a Western audience in the first place.
2. Any Chinese Total War game actually released in China would have to be vetted by extremely strict Chinese censors who will not tolerate even a remotely negative portrayal of their country.
3. Even if 2 is satisfied, the process of actually releasing the game in China would be immensely risky and difficult for a small-medium size developer like CA.

I hope this clarifies why a TW: China game is, at the very best, extremely unlikely; and in the near future, probably not going to happen.


>siege of sai quest


I hate you so much

And now to finish my wet dream

The best battle, where my husbando took a big dump on the wei

>yfw CA goes ahead, releases china total war, goes bankrupt and we never see another total war-like game ever again

thanks faggots

>tfw you're more attracted to the guy than the girl

Her horse is so happy.
Modern conveniences be damned. I would never let it go. Shame on you, France.

its gonna be vikings

Chinese Vikings!?

Alright you meme loving fucks, you know what time it is?
