/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General


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what a weird fucking image


pugged heroic maiden and completed a +16 today
feel accomplished desu

When will they let us marry NPCs?

post laughing female blood elf faces

>get a legendary
>it's shit

I wish there was any spec/class in the game that I wanted to play...
Can anyone relate?


If cathedral world quests are a perk for one of the buildings, shouldn't they offer better rewards than any rando dungeon world quest? I mean the nether disrupter gives us a world boss that drops 900 gear.

>when the guild milf posts new pics in discord

>do random heroics when the command center isn't up

>do random heroics when the command center is up
>Lower Kara
>Upper Kara

because you can do the quest on heroic

Post and rate mogs.

How do I get a guild?


>tfw not a mythic guild that attracts females but its a heroic guild and its just a sausage party


>tfw exactly 50% parses every raid night
>as an arcane mage

The only way to get a high parse as arcane is if you use rune of power and and have the legendary ring for a 2nd time warp.

pretend to be a cute girl or trap

literally /ourguy/

search on the guild recruitment forums for a guild that shares your interests, then contact them in game.

>7.2 has been out for 3 months
>today was the first time I ever saw someone using Nerus Moonfang as their bodyguard
>I saw two people using him in 15 minutes
redpill me on this guy /wowg/

>is if you use Rune of Power

shit nigger why arent you using it in the first place

What's a server with a good community and serious progression

Would you let this paladin tank for you?

mechanics exist, I don't want to be chained to the rune for 10 seconds. The only fight I take it for is avatar, gotta burst that shield on the construct down in the 15 second window.

>run out of WQs to do


10 seconds of immobility seems doable to me on almost every fight. Mistress and Sisters would be the ones with some problems I think

>doing 800k dps on Maiden
>I can barely pull 500k on KJ
I'm a worthless whore

WoW is fucking dead, why are you degenerates still circle jerking over that piece of shit? Come home to vanilla.

Yeah dude I'd rather play on a server with 1000 people instead of 100000! Yeah!?

you'll get it tomorrow chill out.

it's just a game.

Sometimes I wonder if he got tired of trying to run a business with niggers and now runs a chinese gold selling scheme

are monks fun?
I know WW isn't great for ToS but I was hoping to stick more to M+ anyway and was wanting to play MW more than anything

Playing with 1000 people is much better than playing with 100000 that never speak or do anything with each other.

>goroth:use anywhere that isnt burning
>inquiston: hug belace side and sit there unless needing to be dispelled
>harjatan: dont move unless you got splash
>host: pray you get spirit realm
>maiden:use during wotc or after infusion
>kj use in between armas and burst
Mistress is the only one im unsure of.

BEST Shemale reporting in!

What is /wowg/ doing tonight? I got my 4 set finally, but nothing much else.

>can't play my spacegoats
no thanks

Whats a FUN class for world pvp and bgs and shit?

>World PvP
>In Legion

Gearing up my havoc dh alt. Am I missing something, or are they really squishy? My moonkin and sham had no probs soloing rares and shit at this ilvl, but on my dh if metamorphosis isn't up I'm squishy as hell

you are arcane, use shimmer and displacement to your advantage

there are plenty of 10 second windows for RoP in tomb. dodge with shimmer or blink and displace back, or even use the talent that lets you use AM while moving if thats your pref

>playing havoc now
but why

These are more or less correct. Of course, you can always just not use rune and never worry about getting a dumb mechanic that forces you to move out.

You're not using their self heal mechanic specialty.

Threadly reminder of Global Rule 13!

I dont want to wait until tomorrow

Why is avataring such a big deal anyway?

odds fap
evens sleep

>This immediately lowers the level of discource, and derails the thread to be about the avatar user instead of about the topic of discussion.

But how will i get the attention i need now

>cos last boss
>tell demon hunter to use spectral vision to reveal the infiltrator
>"haha no idea you could do that"

Why don't they make tripping against the rules as well then?
Seems really autistic, dbh

Cause the faggots who do it in /wowg/ are terrible and are usually furries/trannies, who should be removed not only from this thread, this board, this website, but from the entire earth.

tripping as a way of verifying identity has it's actual uses, posting pictures of the same character with every post has never had any use

big if true

What is the Horde equivalent of Varian's compass?

anyone else getting more +15 titanforges than usual? I've gotten like 10 across my characters over the last few days. More than even warforged stuff. All on wq rewards.

Colin's dick

I was looking for SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY


Anybody got an explanation for the whole "using a boost token past level 60 maxes your professions up to that level" thing?

I wanna use a boost but i wanna wait till 60 cause i heard it'll max whatever professions you have up to that level you boosted.

that's right

why would you care about that? getting professions to 700 takes about 10 minutes and a few thousand gold. Waiting until 60 is not worth it at all.


Why do they keep nerfing that dungeon over and over?

Need a couple tanks and a hunter (horde) to finish Mogu'shan Vault achievements for the Glory of the Pandaria Raider, anyone want to help out?


Why do women destroy guilds?

Are you doing any metas other than pandaria raider, and MSV achievements?

Likely also doing Org and Thunder raiders, and can do the other MSV achieves.

Does it just give you all the vendor recipes?
Would I have to still go and track down other ones?

Not everybody has free time and a couple thousand gold.
I'd rather burn to 60 thru RDF and heirlooms then grab professions and boost to 100 to jump into games with a friend.

>Why do thirsty beta men destroy guilds?
Fixed for you.

they destroy everything

NA? I can come then, post btag

Yeah, NA. DashOPepper#1224
Any other tank or hunter want to join us let me know, we need at least 2 tanks and 1 hunter for the pandaria raider.

>tank and healer in my guild
>they're a couple irl
>tank sucks some serious dicks, wouldn't be able to play if dbm didn't exist
>can't play for shit even with dbm anyways
>healer is decent but nothing amazing
>carry the fuck out of them through normal ToS because we're a casual guild
>they keep asking why aren't we doing heroic instead of normal
I fucking hate players that don't know their place, fuck

titanforges in general yeah, I'm getting more titanforged gear than regular gear. I d/e all of it though as I'm already 920


Because it's overtuned. The kara dungeons need to be nerfed as well.

lmao is that the tomba 2 guy

>doing falcosaur world quest on DH alt
>see some prot warrior pull 3 packs along with 2 patriarchs
>run up and do 2 eye beams in a row because head legendary
>everything dies
>he goes "jesus christ, you fuckin melted them"

I impressed someone today

>not +17


Big belfs

big undead

literally the appeal of belf/nelf is their slender physiques
why the fuck are you ruining that?


is there a more casual word in existence? sum shit is supposed to be difficult.

You liar, you impressed someone the other day not today. At least fix your pasta before posting again.

my guild wants me to raid with them but i don't like raiding
what should i do

A belf being extra thicc when most are slender just makes it hotter

that pasta is so old


>killing birds
>see guy pull birds
>kill birds
>he says "wow"

i had an impact


u did the it

>bear druids first legendary is luffa wrappings

>tfw original owner of the pasta
>only posted it the first time