If your car was an anime girl, what would she look like?

If your car was an anime girl, what would she look like?

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I have no idea, but what car would be a cute sassy tomboy with short hair that sometimes bullies me :^[




Fat braphog.

I drive a Ford Expedition.

Only my Audi is an A4


just like this

a cute boy with glasses

but in ceramic white

apparently this one


I see you're a man of culture as well.

>tfw no prospective gfs and suck at talking to grills
also I can't stop looking at early models of the 300zx and it's really fucking me up

This probably

I don't really think of my ND as a cool beauty, more as an annoyingly energetic brat like pic related.

2008 Scion tC.
>Not the hottest girl, but she's very cute and curvy, almost pudgy.
I did a search for curvy anime girls and came across "Natsumi Asaoka". I dunno who that is, but she's cute like my car. I guess...



i want a young teen gf like 13-14

im 26, this was normal for all of human history but now people want to throw me into a vat of acid for looking at teen titties

worst time to be born


mah nigga

An older, thin, matronly school nurse who actually still does cool shit in her spare time.

Sexy, but has a sister that overshadows her like crazy so she has a slight inferiority complex.

Used to take a bit to get turned over but now runs like a top. Also, while she’s cheap to fill up she needs it a lot because of a small tank (seems to only be 8 gallons)

Pic related is the car.

Does anyone else disagree and/or have a character they think fits this?
And yes. There will be more pics.
It’s just gonna be a bit.

>German Blood, American Attire, Italian Tan

Mega Milk

Does there exist one for the FD?

I have no clue but here is a pic of my car with anime girls

>what would she look like?
a fucking whore


Oh look it’s bestia!

Tri-Five Chevy
>inb4 boomermobile
Nice, but 4 doors instead of 2 so probably passed up for others because muh sport coupe.
American, blonde, Christmas cake.
Not fast enough to attack corners or a drag strip.
Clumsy, but good looking.

Best trim

>Focus '13

Normie European girl

Why do you guys do this?

Transformers are better.

gassing europe for the second time ;)


>1966 FIAT 500F (fuck you it was rusting away until I took it)
I don't know, the cheerful kind I guess
also a bit jealous of her little sisters, probably
>"are we going out again user?"
>"*cough* sorry I'm not as energetic as I used to be anymore"
>"please don't forget about me"

Was gonna post this, good work user

i'd say its a petite latina.

small with some junk in that trunk and if you fuck up she'll slash ya throat.

>tfw just posted this and only now realized that she looks just like "her"

She used to like the dorito too.


Hair color:

Hair style:
Long - Sedan / Luxo
Short - Utility Vehicles / Hatch / Sports Anything
Twin - Hatch / Kei / Compact
Drill - Luxo
Ponytail - Coupe / Sports Anything

Eye colour:
Match paint / trim / interior

On - For happy cars like Miats
Off - For frowny like FRS/GT86

Hat for spoiler.
Ribbon for cosmetic mods.
Glasses for quad/fog lights.

probably too cute for my fat lexus luxobarge but I can deal

I'm OK with this.



My little vtec can't be this cute.




Sadly no. It's this unreliable baka.



No im just a huge fucking faggot

God I love the look of this car

a cutie

>Best Girl


Nice, cute and shiny, but terminally ill.

S2k Best girl


My manufacturer already showed me what she'd look like.

She's very cute and very practical, but kind of a square


What would a beat up 2011 toyota corolla be?

Don't look at that SLUT of a Miata user, she'll understeer you both into a tree.


Kashikoi, kawaii- Elichika!

oh fuck mayne

I guess like this...

There's no option for dark gray interior, but I guess this is what my 1992 Camry GODMACHINE looks like.

The beauty on the right.

you've gottah move on, you are going to be unhappy for the rest of you life with that attitude. Take a shower, get a job, and make friends. you'll figure it out from there.

what car?

maybe its stockholm syndrome but I really don't think AW11s are that menacing

they are cute, first and foremost, but sassy, and won't hesitate to kick you in the balls or at least the shin
they aren't going to pull a knife on you, unless you really fuck up

Sounds dead on to me.

Dunno how to describe my car...

>dorito donuts
this makes no sense

Ms "I'm a stock character" from bleach.
Black NA8.

Well, having not been a car person until I stumbled upon Veeky Forums, and being a burger who honestly doesn’t give a flying fuck about other countries, describe the age make and model of your car...

Used a picture my car as the noise.

1974 Subaru DL. 1.4litre boxer engine. 4 speed Man. Trans. 2 door Sedan.


Sleepy and slow, but comfy to be around. Sasuga Mustang-chan.

Short one with downs syndrome.



AN Asian 30ish mother of two rambunctious kids who she homeschools, but she’s kinda like miss frizzle from the magic school bus.
Biology? Let’s go to Nevada to go look at some fossils and reptiles and various wildlife and compare them all!
Science? Let’s go to the smithsonian! We’ll hit some history while we’re at it.
Wears glasses.

Sexy, but in a “shit I wish she was my wife” kinda way.

I don’t really have pics of anime grills to post sadly, otherwise i’d give our cars some.

Anyone got a qt3.14 Asian chick for this bro?
Also, probably a bit late, but would anyone be kind enough to post one for mine?



>If your car was an anime

it would look like this

Fuck yes
Yandere is best dere

>Yand is best
No, Tsun is best.

well yeah, i agree. now what is the anime girl of this?
who is that? what anime?

Niva-chan isn't the cutest or the smartest girl but goddamn she's reliable.

Mirai Nikki is the anime.
the chick is Yuno Gasai.

who is this?

No, kuu is best


