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Orbfest rotation, make sure to grab the mythril from all the stages

Xth for Tifa's Tifas!!1!
Best waifu and canon!

I'm gonna fucking 6* Garland and KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!

it's not about being faster, even though it is a little bit. it's about not having to sink your time manually farming something for that long.
this way you can pic related and do other stuff with your life instead of staring at the game screen for a week to a month grinding this shit.

Those are some big ol' dirty milkers

>keeper's 3 fucking never

Yeah I'm really new, I just started this weekend.

Friend Code is 5oCh

Is Forbidden Chakra a decent BSB? It's the only major Full Break SB I have.

The point is only that the party got into a situation where they could have died, and larsa was along for the ride (and also in danger).
It was not part of Vayne's plan that Larsa was able to run fast enough to outpace the most dangerous criminals in Ivalice. That was pure luck.
If larsa wasn't in danger, he would have no reason to run. If there was even the tiniest inkling of a chance that larsa's life was at risk, don't you think it's the True Hero's duty to prevent that?

This is only one of countlessly many examples where Larsa was in peril throughout the game. One that isn't just random gameplay happenings, but actual scenario planned out by the cutscene devs.

I am not criticizing larsa's logic for not being an adult, I'm criticizing his guardian for letting him run out and get into such mischief for no benefit to him or his plan. Larsa is going to try and do these things, it's up to the people in control to make sure he's not getting hurt.

>had things gone anywhere near logically he would not have had the opportunity to do such things.
The fact that he had an opportunity to do such things IS a logical flaw, you're right.
And do you know who's responsible for that?
None other than Vayne Solidor. He's the one who could have prevented the young prince from going off on these escapades.
But he doesn't.

Vayne Solidor failed to prevent Larsa from running off and putting his own life in jeopardy. You said it yourself.

Who /700club/ here?


>Cloud is weak to dark
>Ultra Cross Slash hits dark
I am making thinking noises here

>sub1000 attack
>Not even dual wielding
Why the fuck do people play RK when BE exists

Need MCIII help. Have one, should I do Beatrix (have OSB), Agrias (Have BSB and en holy SSB), Serah (have Mag/MND + haste boostja SSB)?
Serah is my only haste source on a mage team and comes with mag boost, but when between ssb casts she doesn't do much so a lv 99 would just be survivability increase really.
Only OSBs at 99 I have are Cloud and Noctis so a holy OSB would be cool but my knight skills are lacking for the gimmick.

Because I want a game where more than half the characters are actually from Final Fantasy.

Cool, which Final Fantasy is Thrancred from?

>dr mog
wow I sure do love all these final fantasy characters

All of them.


no, it's not.

by the way, can I get some magic?

pssh small time I only have +20 attack out of like fucking +80

This is bait but I'm gonna take it anyway.


>that energy
>that exp before rank up

Cindy's body is outrageous!

The amount of attack that some characters can get through masteries is pretty ridiculous. What's the current softcap?



The point is that there was never any reason to suspect that he would be in danger, and it's debatable how much danger he was ever in to begin with. Just because it happens doesn't mean that it was logical or logical to predict.
>Countless examples
No, it was essentially the only time that he could ever been interperatation to have been in any semblance of danger, there was no other time (outside of the end game) that he was in any danger and could logically have been predicted to have been in such danger.
Hell, it's essentially the only time outside of the end game where he even was in danger.
There was no logical way to predict such actions, and plenty of reason to predict against them.
Again, failure to predict the illogical is not a fault, we've been through this plenty of times before. Not preparing for the illogical and hilariously implausible can not be taken as a fault. In the same way that his death cannot be attributed to him, neither can larsa's debatable moments of danger.

700+ in both ATK and MAG here.
Truly the True Hero.


laugh out loud

Aegis or Genji shield for my WoL?

user stop I just fapped.


>no edit of this with RK rainbows/discos

You're right. HOW could it possibly be predictable that a 12 year old boy running around alone in the world would ever lead to such a situation where he might be in a little bit of danger.

Ivalice is such a safe place for a young prince to stroll around, especially with the approaching civil war and rozzarian spies teeming all over.

What happened to larsa was not illogical from the True Hero's perspective. It's not even a fucking surprise. It's genuinely amazing nobody recognized him well enough to straight up murder the little guy, that's the only illogical part about this.

If anything, Larsa wasn't in enough onscreen danger given the score. Vayne should have and would have known it was a bad idea to let him roam freely.
You literally said it yourself.

I will grow stronger

Relic luck prevents me from getting into the 800 club, damn moogles

Ugly! Sephiroth is very ugly! UGLY!!


Imperial Shield should be first choice if you have it, obviously.
Hero's Shield when varied elemental damage is on the field.
Genji Shield when instant death is on the field.
Appropriate elemental shield when only Fire, Ice, and Lightning is on the field (Dragon Shield if their counter element is on the field as well, vulnerability is not worth it).
Else Aegis Shield.

Thus of those options only, Aegis Shield until threat of instant death is in effect. 3 more DEF and petrification immunity, which is far more common than instant death.


what a fucking waste.


sweeeeet, 48% chance succeeded.

It begins

What did jake mean by this?

What's to waste? I don't lose the extra when i level up, i've done it a few times now

Yes, I badly need to recover after that Summer Fest and Cloud USB fuckery. I should at least be able to make the DU lucky draw, but sadly the Al Bhed banner is now a skip.

Every second you have full NRG, that's a second of NRG lost.

To spend 260 NRG properly (ie TM farming), you'd need hours with a fast macro, and given your low rank you're going to rank up again very soon.

Rikku's USB is a trap banner anyways
>shit VoF and Protectga/Shellga already cover
fucking pass

He may be a child but he is intelligent and his actions largely prove this, especially when it comes to his self-preservation. And again, he always had protection, and was always watched. Even when he went into the mines he had protection and was intelligent enough to preserve his life above the others'.
He was in danger illogical, and the True Hero responds properly to this, adding to his protection. Every time that Larsa is even debatably in danger (outside of the ridiculousness of endgame, at least) it is because he purposely avoids his assigned protection for the main party's protection, and even then he doesn't do this often at all so there isn't really any reason to anticipate it. Short of chaining Larsa to the wall or something there isn't much else that could be done, and that would have been an illogical action.

if you had 0 nrg when you level up, you would get instant full nrg.

But since you're already more than maxed out... you get nothing.

i dont even know how to TM farm yet

I don't even have fiona or w/e as a party member

So trying out mobius, which of these things am I supposed to summon on and do j just do the story after the tutorial?

>such a shitter he's never been below max energy on a rank up
I hate how we don't have rollover level up energy in BE though, so dumb

it doesn't have to be tm farm. Just never have more than full nrg. Always try to have next to nothing right before you level up. It's a fucking waste to level up on full or over nrg.

What's the next banner you're pulling on?

ff12 pham, gotta get some ashes and raslers

Not him but too many to cover up. Plus think of the white ones as 3*.

Debating to do or skip RK Dungeon Update Lucky Draw banner in a few days since I only had 60 mythril at the moment and wanted to do at least 2x11-pull at the event on July 20.

What fucking protection did he have when he went into the mines.
What was Vayne doing to make sure THE EXACT SERIES OF EVENTS THAT HAPPENED didn't happen?

What, is Gabranth somehow compliant with the young prince running away for weeks at a time without reporting back now? What does he tell Vayne?
>"Yeah, everything's good Consul. Haven't seen your brother since he ran away and went into the mines with your archnemesis. No need to send a search party, he's an intellegent young boy and is therefore immune to consequence."
Vayne has an army of people stationed at every corner of the map, and not a single soul can be enlisted to watch over his precious cargo?

Your argument only works if Larsa actually does make good decisions. If he makes good decisions, then Vayne gambled right.
But Larsa makes dumb decisions, like following the party around to do their errands with them in dangerous territory. Vayne's prediction that larsa is a big boy who is immune to harm DID NOT COME TRUE.
Vayne should have known that Larsa was a dumb child, because he was fucking 12. Even if he didn't know his brother was mischievous, he should have plugged all the holes he could when THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF HOUSE SOLIDOR HINGES ON IT.

I'm still pulling on ten, got at least one more 11pull to go before I throw in the towel.

Probably try to get a couple Ashes from FFXII, but other than that I'm probably saving up until Veritas of the Dark and Flame arrive.


this aoe damage is insane

pretend I used clapping hands like in those bad twitter posts to tell you to RW Ultra Cross Slash

He had the protection of the main party, which logically would have been more than enough to protect him from anything in there that would have logically tried to harm him.
He wasn't away for weeks at a time ever, what are you on about? His trip into the mines lore-wise couldn't have taken more than a couple of hours, maybe a day or so if you really want to stretch it, he was accounted for during all other times.
He wasn't a 'dumb child' though, he makes very few poor decisions throughout the game, even considering his youth. The True Hero wasn't making gambles, he was making very safe predictions.
Also, the entire future of his family didn't depend on Larsa, Larsa was just the best and most sure option at the time; without the hilariously illogical events of the endgame the True Hero would have had significantly more time to find someone worthy of producing his heirs, and had illogical events not happened then there would be no problems with Larsa either.
Why do you find problem with someone waiting to find one worthy of procreation before engaging in union?

Anyone? Or are the like 2 mobiusfags dead?


>star emoji works but not claps or 100s
Lame. Woulda been a nice shitpost

Who's it gonna be? I'm hoping for a 5th Reberta.

Queen is here


It could be a 5* Wakka.


Another fucking kelsus post probably

Never has there been a more adequate summon message.

Unless it's a dupe, there is nothing to complain about

Useful TMR and enhanced finisher

Looks good!

But Vayne didn't KNOW he had that protection.
Vayne didn't know that larsa would literally go to the leader of the resistance's fucking house to stay the night and plot against him.
He literally walks right into the Marquis's house and tells him confidential secrets about how best to kidnap Ashe from Vayne.

Ghis didn't even know larsa was in the fucking mine (which was off limits in the first place, remember?). Why doesn't Vayne order his men to keep an eye on the fucking rascal.

And the timeframe before the party goes to Bur Omisace is a very long time, narrated as though it took at least weeks. Larsa is with the team for ages before being recalled, and somehow nobody finds out or cares where he's been the entire time.

And the future depends on larsa as plan B. Even if he didn't foresee there ever being a plan B, he knew he couldn't live forever. Hell, one of his biggest plans is to groom larsa into being a great emperor someday, something he has clearly failed at when he can't even keep him from risking his life and fraternizing with the enemy.

>FFXIV event
>Oh shit I can get thancred's knife for cloud..
>it's actually a bunch of bullshit

I'm ready to attempt to pull relics for the potato, but still miss even with 5 relics on banner. I already want to use him for most JumpStarts, but I only have the hastega/faithga SSB now.

hey I did it
all it took was telling Arc to heck off

The next lucky draw or V event, depending on if I skip the lucky draw.
X if I can't get Rikku from dailies, otherwise i'm going to save up for DQ or III.

>tfw you have a 900 atk Noctis friend who hasn't played in 5 months

I wonder what happens to these guys. Do they get bored after spending hundreds of dollars and just quit?

forgot pic

Well there's the first step..
Assuming about 180 a week, it's still gonna take 20 weeks total to make a level V. And I'm pretty mediocre/lazy about the expeditions so it's probably gonna be more like 22~24 weeks. What a pain.

tfw to smart too play BE

And before you say
>Vayne didn't know Ondore was with the resistance

It literally doesn't matter. If you were president, and you found your little brother had snuck off to russia to speak with putin, wouldn't you want to know what they were up to?
Especially on the brink of war, you would think he'd run a tighter ship.

Also interesting that Larsa would know who the biggest threat to Vayne's entire existence is, while Vayne wouldn't.
Either way Vayne made a mistake here.

how are you supposed to susvide the dark espers's first turn?

>Also interesting that Larsa would know who the biggest threat to Vayne's entire existence is
Larsa himself is the biggest threat to Vayne's existence, the wily little runt plays everyone and at the end of the game sets himself as the emperor of the land's strongest nation in everyone's good graces with one of the strongest men on the planet as his personal bodyguard.
Vayne may or may not have done nothing wrong, but Larsa certainly did everything right. (Or at least got all his gambles to pay out in full)

>5* penelo learns a skill called dirty dancing

Oh baby.

I don't disagree that Vayne was the True Hero, or that he did no wrong (in the sense that he did no active ill without justified cause).

But I draw the line at the notion that his plan was impenetrably and inhumanly foolproof. Larsa was Vayne's one weakness, and it's a much better story for that reason.

Little faggot even gets that hot penelo ass too.

If I have got the Razzmatazz on Warrior of Light, will his break options also apply status? My account is less than a month old and due to Orlandeau taking precedence for my TMR priorities, I don't have WoL's raid-boss gear so I was thinking of giving him the petrify sword for some easy arena runs. If it applies with say.. fullbreak or the erasers then he'll be able to nab me some much easier wins in arena.

>post friend code in the doc
>tons more requests
>half of them are chinks/gooks
>decline automatically if their message isn't in English

Also I'm seeing Meme Gods equipped with Drakesguard Robes and Mythril Swords, fucking why.

Yes, they would still apply status.
He'll prefer the erasers since they're AoE, but you can also use Shining Wave to do the same thing. Breaks are pretty useless in arena, since you're always doing and taking 999 anyway.

>Penelo 6* never ever.