/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

New 3DS game is called "Deep Strange Journey/Strange Journey Redux" further info and teaser:


SMT HD Project teased at Nintendo Switch Presentation:

>Starter guide

>Tips and tricks

>Artbook, soundtrack, manga, and other downloads

>OST links

>Misc. translations


>Recommended reading

Previous thread:

Beat the shit out of that cock sucker.

>2 generals

ok so how is July 9th going down
is there a stream
where is it
will trauma man be there

Can anyone identify the fade out demons next to jack's squad?

It might be the three wise men.

That could be interesting, do you think the new route could involve battle the three wise men?

The new route will be Jack's route

Finally got the chance to look over the newly released info on Kat/Marcus and I can honestly say that I'm so hyped for the special edition. Looks like Fatlus JP was hard at work designing the packaging and really giving us a premium Whale this time around. As for Fatlus USA its unknown whether we'll get something similar. I highly doubt because, with Kat getting no dub, we can assume that we're not getting the Whale and how Marcus didn't bring in the numbers for FatlusUSA. But, they might surprise us with it, so keep your fingers crossed.
The 25th anniversary Kat Whale edition comes with 6 set CD soundtrack presumably including remixed tracks from the previous FAT games, and probably some new ones for Kat. This is really good, and I'm sure that people will be hyped to hear a fresh new arrange of battle themes from the older games. It also comes with a Maniax Artbook, probably including Kat concepts, Switch FAT concepts, older unreleased concepts and maybe some historical info on the older games. All of this is packaged in what looks to be a black/gold accented box which looks pretty similar to the FAT1 GBA Box but bigger. Not to mention, for a 3ds game this blows Red 5's JP SE out of the water in terms of premium content. This is worth importing if you can, I would estimate it would be around $175 USD/ $210 CAD.
EDIT $150 USD/ $192 CAD without shipping fees/import taxes

It's a possibility, but I think they just wanted to give them portraits since everyone else has one now. I'm hoping that's them on the cover, since I could never tell what they were supposed to look like in the original

Is Strange Journey Redux gonna be dubbed?
I hope, or at least give us the chance to mute the japanese voices.

Playing apocalypse after four, so fucking glad that black frost is fused after king frost and king frost's stat distribution actually makes sense.

We don't know yet. According to the Amazon description, it will only have Japanese voices. However, Amazon descriptions have been wrong before.


What do these words mean? I'm excited for that special box too, I hope I can find a way to snag one.

Only japanese voices acording to ATLUS feed.

Oh right, aren't English VA's on strike or something?

>tfw US will be lucky to get a small preorder bonus with DSJ, let alone that dope ass special edition

My wild guess as to the new endings:

Ending 1: You find a way to utilize the Schwarzwelt in a way that it restores the planet environmentally and reverses the damage it caused earlier, but also fills the planet with (for the moment) pacified demons that may or may not cause problems in the future for humanity.

Ending 2: You somehow *become* the Schwarzwelt and transform into a physical god, using your vast amount of accumulated knowledge and power to lead humanity towards a new tomorrow.

I'd like a cute chibi Bugaboo and Mastema keychain personally

I'll be happy with anything, as long as we get a nice outter box like we did with the original Strange Journey release. I love the way those look.
Keychains would be a cool thing, though.

Those boxes remind me of GB/GBA games, never really cared for them.

I love things like holographic boxes, actually bothered me that Pokemon stopped having them.

was P4G or P5 the first Persona game to completely discard Shin Megami Tensei sub title?

Arena dropped it first, if you count that.

i wonder why they did that, maybe so consumers wouldnt be confused with the title or maybe because persona is now its own series



Great Logos

3 days

When is the livesteam happening? on the 8th or 9th? and what time EST?

This looks rad but gore's face is so fucking weird.

>luise faire in that bubble


>mfw friends

How do COMPS not break during combat?
Portable computers aren't exactly durable.

They were made with old Gameboy shells, they're not going to break anytime soon.

>tfw no hoyfriend

I prefer the original boxart

Yeah, me too, but how else is Atlus going to show off their new waifu?

Reversable cover with Alex in the same pose as Marine with her helmet on to mirror the MC on the other side.
It's just more simple and less busy, though I believe I'm just biased with nostalgia.

Stick to Persona if you want shitty English dubs.

Will lucifer even be fusable in this? I mean Louisia did nothing important throughout the game compared to other demons.
Do you think it will be Kaneko's Lucifer, reusing IVA's or a new design?

or just no Lucifer at all

I don't think it's bias. The Strange Journey boxart is exactly why i bought and ultimately got into SMT in the first place.

There was never any SMT attached to Persona anywhere but in the west. Dropping it when Persona became a stronger name than SMT only made sense.

They wouldn't reuse IVA's design, since it was still based on IV's design, and they aren't sending IV's demons anywhere else. It'd be either a new design or Kaneko's.

Finally got around to getting and playing Apocalypse.
Glad I looked up when the skill expansion apps unlock because I was hoarding App Points for the moment they unlocked. They really want to fuse a bit smarter with how they are limiting the max amount of skills per demon in the early game.
Combat is fun as hell but the friendship is magic stuff makes me cringe a bit during cutscenes. Hard to believe the game straight up has an MA rating here.

Wake up.

So, is there any new information on Deep Strange Journey?

wait for Sunday JST

Only is you post lewd Zelenin instead.
No Feetshit.

That and affinities make fusion the best that it has been

>trying to make Zelenin cute
It's futile, ese.

The new boxart is too busy, even compared to SMT4.

Sasuga "Atlus Design Team"

Chinga tu madre, pendejo.

Would you rather have Yasuda or the Atlus Design Team?

Anyone who can replicate Doi or Kaneko's artstyle better, sure I'll pick between the two.

does someone have the image where Tayama says "you're just another shithead"

I'd rather do the art myself than have Yasuda.

The design team redesigns look even more generic than Yasuda's art style. I get that Kaneko wants the new blood to get some practice/experience because he's a retired elderly man but can't they do it somewhere else, not ruining previous great art?

>no mods
>report leads to bad gateway

Several boards are down too. /a/ and /v/ are still up and getting raided.
We've entered the chaos route.

Truly a world of chaos.

>yfw this is the world of strength

There's CP posted in various threads on /v/ and they're not getting deleted. Reminder this is the world Chaosfags want.


If you men cared you'd flood the thread to bump/image limit and nuke it without CP as to kill that thread.
Induvidual strength.

I can't post at all on /vr/, but Veeky Forums status says posting is UP. sigh, world of CHAOS sucks.

>mods are back
Back to a world of law.
What's the difference?

I wonder if new endings will have same amount of gameplay compared to the others or maybe there will be one or two sectors after H

Raidou is cute!

New game is called DEEP Strange Journey? More like DEEP "other routes suck so go neutral" journey, amirite?


who /neutral nietzschean superman/ here?

Stop calling Alex nuKiko, you fucking nufags!
She's fucking nuMetis.

Anahita will be making her smt debut in DSJ

I swear to g*d if SMT HD doesn't reach PS2 Megaten title levels of art direction/atmosphere I'm gonna get a little bit angry.

I pre-ordered the Special BOX lads

>Asherah - variation of Astarte
>Now Anahita
All forms of Ishtar, how many fucking more fertility goddesses will you keep making variations of, Atlus?

As many as it takes for me to run out of fertilizer.

it's "Overman", you shitscum

Oh god don't tell me the whole site is down now.


Only /a/, /b/, /pol/, /v/, and Veeky Forums are up right now

/v/ went down for a bit.
Maybe the whole site, then it went back to the same boards which were up before

Why is satan talking moon to me is this a trick question


>our play testers were too good for triggering conversation flag with a dead partner :P
This was Hardin excuse for leddit

WHAT IS HE SAYING user. Wat do

Is Imposing Stance worth having on a STR Nanashi, and is Magaon worth having at all? I went in this thinking it was like SMT IV smirk where you basically miss if the enemy smirked and thought I would need it.

Magaon is definitely worth it
A lot of bosses will smirk themselves and you're going to get fucked if they attack you

I can't read chinese sorry dude

I have Magaon on Nanashi, should I have him keep it as well? The change to the timing of getting skills has been a bit annoying.

>implying she hasnt been in multiple smt games before

happened to me to, user. guess we aren't as good as ATLUS playtesters.
if you're asking for reals ATLUS tells you what answer to pick on their apology blog post about it

This one is readable at least.
Top: Do something with your own strength
Bottom: Rely on your allies

Technically she hasn't been.

such is the power of using the actual screenshot function of the 3DS.

I wasn't talking about the image quality, the text in the other screenshot has jibberish in it.

>that slight nipple

For some reason I thought she was a palette swap of another demon in I and II. My bad.

Ain't no thing, user. I mean I literally had no idea, I just decided to search the wiki and be pedantic.

are there any megaten related IRC channels floating around? not interested in a discord whatsoever