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- Midsummer daily event and Void mage buff
- Australian servers added for roo riders
- Mining Guild expansion/rework, new minable mineral introduced
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So this is a long time coming... I haven't spoken out about this before because I didn't want to deal with people arguing or trying to "disprove" what I know to be true, but I've finally decided that it's more important to spread the truth and stand up for what's right- it's worth the energy spent to deal with ignorant people.

I believe, rather, I know that the word is flat. I have a few simple proofs for this as well.
1. If the world was round, then rivers would not flow downward toward the ocean. Because the Earth is accelerating at 32 meters per second square upward, water is pushed downward to their lowest point. Gravity on a sphere would not let them act the way they do.
2. Planes and helicopters, as well as birds, have to fly TOWARD their destination. If the Earth was a spinning globe, they would simply need to hover above the Earth until the destination came to them (with minor adjustments, of course.)
3. All the proof of a globular Earth is brought to you by organizations already well known for being liars and misleaders… namely the media and the government- both well known for having a bias.

>all the erpers are vile disgusting perverts and you just want gentle loving

Summoning when?

So I'm a new member only quest I've done is waterfall. What should I do first to progress and make money as a new member? Should I do quests? Probably will go back to f2p at some point.

ya keep doing quests there is a lot that give good xp rewards so you can pass shitty low level training


when do I sell user

Got a list of quests I should prioritize?

not really, depends what you want to do


please user seriously when do I sell

when the price is high
t. master market manipulator

is the price high right now?!


i guess? idk i guess it might go higher when the lizards actually get removed
i'd just hang onto it. dwh is useful

>two days into the game
there's literally a drop party or giveaway every 15 minutes in f2p
I haven't seen them being so common in rs2
you can regularly grind these for cash at this rate

>tfw too fast to get banned

god's work user

I don't know who to listen to... which one of you is the master market manipulator?

where do these happen?

do you use the dwh or not
if you do why would you sell it
if you don't why do you have it in the first place

dumb anime poster

i want a dwh. i don't know what i'd use it for since i never boss but i want one so i can stand around in the ge with full void and look cool

dwh looks gay

you look gay

host gathers people from the GE and does it in the falador party room or in a random place in varrock
most are actually genuine all the way through

Original version of image?

>i want one so i can stand around in the ge with full void and look cool
that's where you're wrong user, you'll looklike a fag

>sayob leaves
>shitposting about sayob stops
haha ye "hurr durr if u knew sayob-san u wud kno its not her(him) shitposting keheheh :d"
also whats even worse is when someone proves a tranny wrong in thread they back each other up calling the person proving them wrong an autist and posting dumb reaction images

>he says while shitposting about sayob

What happened to fixing farming ticks? My herbs are taking hours to grow

>join f2p
>10 different people spamming obvious scams

every thread until you like it

stop logging out dummy

im at my mummy's house with bad internet ;_;

Bought a DWH for l33t fl1ps, where all is it useful for soloing? I've taken it to Bandos, KQ, and know it's essential for Raids.

Worth trying to smack Zily with it before running about?

papa mia a cute

let me gently love you user

tfw no sayob to breed me like the dog i am and fill my hole with sizzling hot cum while i let out a little squeak because it hurts so much

weeb posters get me rock hard

are you a girl(male) ?

Daily Reminders
>Post braaaaaaaaaaaaap in chat
>Vote yes to squeel of fortune tomorrow
>Bully champs

I saw a real champ yday, wearing karils and praying mage at wyverns and worst.of all wearing an antifires shield. Didnt manage to get a sc tho.

>tfw looked death in the eyes today
>tfw fought bigger, badder mobs without a hitch but almost got killed by pic related

Did you wear full melee armour and mage her?


Then git gud.

Buying weebs 10k each

Is darts smithing still profitable usually or is blast furnace the only way to make money off smithing?

Dart tips are still profitable, but if you fletch them you lose money though.



this was legitimately funny

i thought this bitch just posted trash

>this was legitimately funny

wtf bro she the most entertainer osrs content creator behind DOMEHEAD420

those gloves killed me

end yourself weeb shithead

What site is this?


>"so you going to buy me 99 herblore big boy?"

comfy skill

What is this autism

fuck off

>doing callisto
>pker comes by
>freezes me
>i was a bit lucky with the one drop of dark crabs + super restores
>he cant even teleblock me because hes using ancients
>cant switch for shit
>just lets me walk when splashing barrage twice
>tell him he sucks and give him the 'lata'
>tp to edge
I havent seen someone this bad in a while

2nd pickaxe

I can't gz this.

Minimum requirements for Rex as an ironmeme? Is 73magic/70def and ibans good enough?


so should I panic train at this new fishing spot in fear that reddit is going to have the drop rate nerfed to something dumb like 20k


Why not?

>>he cant even teleblock me because hes using ancients
It's a good thing that's going to be fixed soon.


Thanks friends

lmao holy shit no way!!!!!!!! no fucking way rofl!!! guys look they posted it again!rlolololchofll cant make this shit up guys! yes no maybe xddd so helpful so great
quality post right here m'm9s!!!

Why cant you?? Mean..

How exactly?

u mad?

can you repeat that question? troled xP

Rex is melee, as long as you have decent armour to protect from the Spinolyps you can safespot him at any level, it'd just take you longer to kill him.

How do i get favour with this shitty house fast?

what shitty house
did you do the quest?


Forgot image

This house and no i havent

Do the shitty quest
Go kill lizards for 3 hours

I need the favour with the lovakengj house to turn in the armor tho

Oh my bad.

Okay instead, go mine in the shitty mines until you want to kill yourself.

pretty sure you just mine that yellow shit to get favour

Lovakengj is literally "mine sulphur until 100%"


ur too much of a wuss to even make a mve

is there an /osg/ discord or what

go ask in the cc

Yes, and its full of trannies erping and faggots posting cancerous youtube and facebook shit with their anime avatars

Wow this fucking design is so retarded
>cloud goes over you
>you take damage
W O W, this is so fucking bullshit and cancerous and retarded

stfu tranny kys niggerfaggot

Im not a tranny, idk what your problem is kiddo

>he doesn't know the take 0 damage from the gas glitch

What glitch?

lol shut up i wont tell you retarded cunt
youre the most obnoxious and annoying faggot in this general

So there is none, gottcha, stay pathetic in your q cc :>

ok update