/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Azura and Tharja are shit.

The "leaked" Tobin is so bad that when we find out his actual stats and skills, it's going to be incredibly hype.

Either that, or it'll be equally as shit and we'll have ourselves a good laugh.


I like Tharja.

Find a flaw in this picture.

Outside of the useless dumb peasant that's the focus of the picture, obviously.

Just like Bridelia leaked stats being obvious fake shoops from reddit, right?

Use your fucking head, he's a free unit.

me too user

Not him but Bridelia had a pic of her stats.


shitty dutch angle

on the bright side, these irredeemable banners mean i don't even need willpower to save orbs, i have 100 now like everyone else and i'll have probably over 200 by the time a "good" banner comes


Name one better person for the Wishblade in RD

*Blocks your path*

Here's Reddit's "dream banner"

Who's on our banner lads?




Azura a best!

whoever it is, it needs to include art by boris

>using lances at all
>not using mages to kill everything like a real man


Of course they'd pick Rath as their mounted archer unit...



Go back




One of these things is not like the other


Healslut alm thundercock nino azura

This is a pretty reliable squad for TT right?

Best units to use on SD on hard mode ?

How would Nephenee differ from Sharena enough to justify putting her in Heroes?


A redneck accent.

Kaze feels very off in that banner

As a redditor I never see them talk about him

>running up stairs with a sword

Better or worse than running with scissors?

I would've liked Kaze, honestly. Out of all the retainers they could've left out, why him?

speed that's not shit

what is this new meme that you can't have overlap in unit types

Four different versions of Gheb.

villager BST

How about two?

they could make her have cordelia-like stats instead of middling ones

not 32 speed

What do people see in Lute anyway? She just feels like the earlier, but not quite as autistic version of Miriel. Better design I guess?

I hope there's more Corrin smut soon.

His name is Robin, you FE13 scum.

Sanic speed and/or Wrath memes.


because him and silas dont belong to a hoshido or nohr royal

Post cute Pegasus Knights nuFE not welcome

Sonia, Denning, and Nergal

>on the map before when Roy's finally gonna promote
>not only it's a fucking fog of war chapter
>open a chest
>manakete pops out

What said. See Lachesis and Lissa. Or basically every sword.

>Lady Lel


caeda, forge them wing spears

Reclass Jagen to Dracoknight, abuse Abel and Cain, disregard Gordin, acquire Jeorge, ignore whitewings except Palla

Should the Whitewings count as New FE after what FE12 did to them?

Now that you can order in a more refined way, let me see your 5* sorted by obtained.

Nice try, fujo.



Nobody ever brings up my waifu
It's nice



whats wrong with her eyes

Weren't he and Felicia both technically Corrin's retainers in birthright? I don't believe Silas was anything more than a knight.

Fine faggot Tana and Tatiana, I'm tired of having so many girls in my teams

>-spd/+def rein

what do i even do with this

I like Hana

Your waifus is an enormous slut for Innes.

Now never mention her again.

smoked too much ragna-rock

>what do i even do with this

Cry over it.

With the exception of Sumia, and Thany I always use early fliers and give them the first HP boost. But I almost never use an archer why would i use George? Also Jagen stats are god awful why would I want to use him other then to help feed the others? I also always use the Cain and Abel calvs.

How's are all your horse teams doing? Remember when cavalry becoming meta was laughed at back in the Takumi days?


Use it? Speed bane on Reinhardt is basically free stats.

Swap def with res.
1 less atk.
1 more spd.

Can't find the motivation to upgrade my 4* Cecilia, she feels very weak all around. Does she need TA to shine? Plus I don't have optimal IVs for her.

You only dump Rein if he's -Atk. Everything else is usable and +Atk is broken op

Hey /feg/, clear something up for me.

How hard to get are those Alm and Celica amiibos?

Cecilia is absolutely terrible and needs TA to do her job. The only reason people use her is because she's the only green cav mage there is

Just finished mine actually Xander thundercock+1 Camus and cecilia4+7

Tempted to +1 Xander but might sit on my feathers dunno

Wish I had Elise

>le epic mutton man
He said non-reddit

Best c slot skill for Effie? Threaten Def?

>look at its speed for the first time

guess it is a free stat


Isn't Xander supposed to come back? It's been two months.

>Upgrading Cecelia

Doing it wrong

Cecelia is for the over upgraded 4 star meme since you probably have 8 of her sitting around

>Does a Raven user need Triangle Adept to shine

It's a requirement, also G.Tomebreaker is highly recommended. She can only tank blue and colorless units, but she does a damn good job at it with cav buffs.

Where is my Jiku?

>man, does a 4* unit need to be properly SI'd and have good IVs to shine?
Quite a puzzler you got there.

Yeah, or an Armor skill if you're going full meme team.

you ever just want to nut in something

She does. Having a true Blue counter that also fucks Colorless is nice if you have a million fucking Reds and want to try them all out like me.

She's honestly one of my most used units and I didn't expect that after that one autist ranted about her being the worst (and continues to do so).


He's da wa

>tfw pre-SI people thought your horse meme team was cute
>now I can't post about my horse team in peace because ISIS can't balance shit to save their lives

You're right, it should be more like this.

>Child Celica

They don't want to let the leader of the cavmemes make it to +4

Name a single mobage that's balanced.