Is rally the patricians mode of racing?

Is rally the patricians mode of racing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Quite so.



Does patrician mean poor?

Literally the opposite

Rally is one of the most difficult forms of motorsport, so I would say yes.

Yup, but it usually balances out with completely trashed cars at the amateur level
>t. Soon to be cavalier rallyer

No, endurance sports car racing is


But no OP, top speed racing is where its at

What does NASCAR have to do with endurance sports car racing?

This has been decided. The answer is yes.

God tier:

Great tier:

Good tier:

Shit tier:

>God tier:
Veeky Forums is most patrican board on Veeky Forums

>street racing not God tier

Wec>F1>Rally>Gt championships

F1 pre2008 should be god tier too.

From best to worst
>F1 pre 2008
>Wrc before econoboxes
>Dtm and btcc
>Drag racing
>today F1
>Modern wrc

i present you patrican madman mode
>luxobarge rallying
>mid night aka madman squad
>top speed runs on livestream
>georgian breivik
>touge skidz

>georgian breivik
may he rev in peace

lol kys

>>luxobarge rallying

Rally is basically bench racing

What does NASCAR have to do with racing?
It is contest for fastest pit crew with additional random factor in form of driving in circles...

it's up there, but the best is improved production racing.

Yaya nah, m8