/hou/ - Night Wave: Cold Front Edition

Welcome back to another Night Wave thread. How's everyone enjoying this comfy cool weather?

Previously We'll be meeting up every Saturday for a maintenance/welcome meet.

Address: 12121 Katy Fwy, 77079 - Whataburger @ 9PM


Tuned 335i

Texas State Wide Meet:

Galveston Cruise

Single Turbo Swap

Steam Group

>zeemaps.com/map?group=2109989&location=Houston, TX#

Walkie Talkie app

>phoneposting this blows

Other urls found in this thread:


hello again.

>This Edition is brought to you by LeMons


Wtf is all this bitch posting about

>I want to do something...
Post a date a time and a place if we come great its a meet
If no one goes try again later

>Next Meet when ...

Look at the fukn Thread m8, check back daily

>JeJ posting
This has to stop its shitting up the thread I know its not JeJ doing it either ill talk to JeJ about this too

Bottom line
If you want to do something...Just fukn do it
If you want to plan something plan it and post it

Remember J.F.D.I ( just fukn do it)

Whoever actually took the effort to make this thread, I appreciate it. I didn't think anyone would.

I agree with your post, but you already know what the bitch posting is about. No one will do anything for themselves, they need their hands held and their mouths spoonfed for every little thing.

I appreciate NW

Statewide meet 2 when?

>t. Austinfag

And I appreciate you, and your spirit. Though maybe we can liven up the OP image next time it rolls around, eh? I know you were working under pressure though.

Now let's accomplish things together.

TX/o/K2 (name under construction) will take place at the Lime Creek street (as in public road) circuit, just no date, time, or anything else settled. I would like to have a lot of time to prepare, though, at least a month or two ahead like we did with the first one.

Agreed. JeJ has become an embarrassment and mockery of the name, this needs to stop, and whoever condones it shot.

I'm missing something, what did JeJ do again if someone was so kind to elaborate.

Entire threads of just JeJ jokes when he isn't even formally a part of the group, so for a while all this thread was known for was making the same jokes over and over and over.

where is this lawn mower racing series?

Jej needs to adopt a trip

your heart

I wrote this
SS of the post is proof of this

Please tell me how I have been an embarrassment

Tell me more on this
Yes I do someone show me how to get a trip
>so I can go on someone's trip hide list

>someone show me how to get a trip
Pick your favorite word, put a # in front of it, and put it after your name. the trick is authenticating it with the group so we don't get a ton of counterfeit JeJs with trips fighting for primacy.

Example: My name is JeJ#JeJeJeJ

Testing trip

And checked.

post proof now like your camry with a piece of bread shoved into the intake

This trip is now mine

This is why we wanted you to knock this shit off.

What's with the bitching near the end of last thread?
Don't know what the fuck is wroung with y'all but I'm still looking at the dec 1 meet with game preserve being the superior choice.
That and how we should decide on go karting that day or to set it for next week or something

I told myself if I ever tripped, that was it. I was gonna quit browsing Veeky Forums.

that was over 10 years ago boys. i'm all in now.

Ain't nothing wrong with that picture.

This is genius.

ATTENTION: The final official major meet of the year will take place on December 1st. Details that still need to be decided are the route and run, and where we eat afterwards.

Sunset on that day will be at 5:22 PM, so if we meet at 5:00-5:30 it'll already start to be dark. The decided upon side activity will be Joystix, 9:00 PM-2:00 AM, or Game Preserve as a backup if we get denied entry, which will be open until midnight.

Assuming collection time waiting for newcomers takes an hour, the run takes an hour or two, and the earliest our backup closes is at midnight that means we can meet up any time between 5:00-8/9:00 PM and still have time leftover.

If anyone has any suggestions for new local (our radius is pretty wide) routes, and new eateries that are open late, please post them now.

thats the thing, the bitching is just bitching. thats not important. its about what you want to do. if you wanna go karting this weekend, post an attention grabbing image, and go karting. if no one shows up, cool. if i show up, cool. if everyone shows up, awesome! just bee urself dude

also, i'm not in favor of going karting before joystix (we are gonna try joystix first before game preserve cause it has better selection) because i'm gonna be tired and i'm too old okay?

How have you guys been?

Anybody gonna be at renfair this weekend?

Literally read the FAQ, how spoonfeed can you get.

>thats the thing, the bitching is just bitching. thats not important.
Yes it is. We're finally having a real discussion again, aren't we? I know you're new, but you suffer through 10 fucking threads of bullshit nonsense and say you aren't tired of it. You got here at just the right time to say "things aren't that bad."

You have the right attitude in general, though, if we want something to happen, do it ourselves instead of waiting for some fuckhead to do it for you.

>that was over 10 years ago boys. i'm all in now.

malao, someone screencap this

Archepelago this shit xxxdddDDd

Houston? More like underwaterston!

So like Spoderstang was saying in the last thread, the core problem (probably) is that our communication is too split/spread out. What do you all propose?

post in the thread regularly is what i plan to do. post CONTENT. HERE GOES SOME CONTENT
I like pic related for december 1st run. its not too hard, and cruising around that comfy southside sounds good to me.

>Crocodile encounter

that sounds like fun

Looks like a good road for a run.

>tfw we're actually talking about shit again




>going south
>of houston
>closer to the coast
>where the ground is even flatter

This is a horrible idea. Drive that road and tell me it's any fun.


Does Houston even have any natural predators?


Where are the most niggers concentrated?

Someone actually drive it and know for a fact if it's worth a shit or not. We've done too many runs based off of looking at maps and going "yeah, that looks good," and it ended up being a boring or bad idea.


Pretty close to me, if I go for a drive tonight I'll scout it out with the slowcus

Let us know how it goes, what you find out.

Joystix December 1st, but where should we meet at 7:00 PM?

Way I see it is:

>collection meeting point somewhere relatively near the start of the run
>wait 30-60 minutes to make sure no one else is coming
>run time
>new eating place/Joystix

Someone should probably contact Joystix now to see if they'll actually do it that day.


you know what, i forgot its the first and last friday. we changed the date and place to december 1st and game preserve. people wanted to go to joystix, it got posted as december 1st at joystix. but joystix is not open december 1st. we will have to do game preserve. that way, we can meet up in magnolia, by where my work is. and take 149 runs. i think thats the best idea.

At Game Preserve and I think it's perfect. Great parking lot, and it's right across from a Whataburger. It's up north so we're closer to touges, too. It's all coming together, boys.


We don't need to go far


i have the top time on this course of 42 seconds

I got curfew bumped to 11pm

congrats now you can go to foodarama right up until they close

On god, y'all niggas better cut the shit right now.

>Picnic Lane in Memorial Park

What the fuck is this?

I assume it has a 5mph limit or some shit.

We still on for 9pm at wata

Is the volvo guy also the kart guy?

No he's the mafioso

Is this road accessible at night? It seems to have a parking area etc, could be genuinely fun to run a few laps while hanging out. Or at least a little brake from whata

I fucking told you faggots game preserve is the superior choice

i like the game preserve idea cause thats my stompin' grounds there. also, new tripcode cause i fucked up the last one

Anyone going to this Saturday night?

I might, I have somewhat recovered from my hang over

You know what I'll go if some else goes

Ill go

We could pay for a average looking thot to pose with the cars

so i get off around 8:30
How long do yall linger at whataburger because i might not make it until 9:30 / 9:45

Are we meeting a watts tonite?

I heard a car meet so I thought we gonna go there

when and where m8


Unless y'all wanna meet at the water there

Anyone thought of a time? 8-9o cocks at the watta then just goto the meet right next to it?

Could do, it's right next to it, and I'll need coffee and fries anyway.

Ight we could stick in watta starting at 8 and then dick around for a bit to see if others show up

Ill be at wata at 8 then

This 30 mins or so from the meet, if anyone wants to do a little driving?

Never run it myself, someone posted it months ago.


deal my Nigerian niggers.

See y'all there

Yeah, I've been to Joystix a few times. It's downtown, there's no good parking. It's a really fon place, but not good for our group.

>Waffle House around the corner
Awwww yis. Waffle House is the last true diner chain in America

I thought this was a joke because it so deliberately looks like a penis.

I have a test this week, and a lot of homework, so I won't be coming out. Good luck with the thots boys.

We will be on thot patrol.

It's definitely suspect, but it should be good, half of it is on/off spiral ramps. Not many high speed corners in Texas

i remember that, the same guy also posted a webm of his miata or maybe it was an mr-s?

anyways it's straight through a business. not exactly a smart/safe route.

Miata I think.

Good point on the business, scratch that idea then. I just like driving with you faggots

>businesses are spoopy
>endangering the public isn't


Dawg. No one's going to give a shit if we do a few 30 second laps at a time. You people can't be this pussy. We've done far more dangerous thinks. What, is Hewlett Packard going to send their rent-a-cop out? Let's do this shit, man.

I'm down user

ayy, thass wassup

What if they do send a rent a cop out, and she(male) beats ur ass on times with his(her) Prius that he(she) still has 2 years worth of down payment left.?

Depending on the attractiveness of the rent-a-cop, I would be highly aroused.


>tfw a trap but Veeky Forums doesn't like traps



Too much autism in one picture.