Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/
First for baddie OP post
This is the worst thread so far. Kuddos. First for anime.
Make a new thread as user and then post with your trip for first post.
Weak OP
What tools do you guys carry in your trucks? I hear this one trailer trash lookin bitch rides along in her friend's dad's Pete with a 200lb tool bag. Seems a lil overkill tbqhwy.
Wouldn't be any more phoned in than this post
Yeah because you posted in it
What like degenerate doublesfag just did
I'm not an animal
didn't know you guys were so thirsty over that attention whoring cuck's dick
these tears are really tempting me to start making a new thread at exactly 300 posts
At least write something in the post. Doesn't mean you have to go full autist like oilfag and spend thirty minutes writing up "witty" things. At least link the old thread or put how much HP yer truck has.
None, I used to have a bunch in my lease truck "just in case", now here I keep a multi tool and a knife to change lights, seals, and fix broken wires.
>fractured ass because I saw the post in the last thread before you
He must have made it himself!
>people making fun of something = tears!
Neck yourself
I dont care who makes it or when I just want to be first so I can write
The bump limit is 310
>pic is tools
who fuckingcares, like it's literally the most pointless thing in the world
all you attention whores should do an irl meetup and video tape yourselves circle jerking, and just reuse that video clip everytime for the op
Well now you know, they are attention starved. The way they shitpost confirms it.
Can I bring the brownies?
Wait, maybe I will bring our new "Protein-Infused Diet Pepsi". Y'all niggas need to try it.
>write shit thread
>get called out on it
>starts samefagging from asshurtness
>"y-you're just an attention whore"
I'm user and you are wrong
who fucking cares what the OP is? what kind of loser white knights for tripfags anyway? why don't you trip up if you love them so much. maybe they'll be your friend if you namefagged too. the OP is just a placeholder for the thread. it'd be one thing if there was ever any useful information in it like links or a pastebin but it's just one pathetic nerd who spends way too much time enjoying his own wit
>sees people having fun and being happy
>user in flies into a rage
i wish i could make tracks for a real racing game instead of Rust v0.02
is this too cartoonishly aggressively banked side to side? are these turns too tight? i dont even wanna begin on off-track geometry or on-track detailing until this like 2 meters or w/e of road is absolutely perfect and sets a standard of what is acceptable for the rest of it
please note that the part in obvious gray/orange dev textures will probably have a grippy natural sufrace later, like gravel or tamped dirt. the pressed concrete and poured concrete will remain level accross their widths wherever that material is used and only be not level to change elevation, unlike the dev textured bit thats all waverly
>tfw my plan of making the thread such a hostile place that tripfags would post less to no at all is working to perfection
gundam: check
oilfag: check
ef: b&
truckerfag: broke down
zf: sucking dick
truckdog: at leddit
Now if we could only get rid of the diabetes peddler.
it's fun ruining other faggot's fun too
i take their fun away and harvest it for myself. your asspain is immensely entertaining
You could've at least linked the old thread...
Or we leave this one for shitposting, useless arguments, GoogleTrucks with no driver, and making fun of EF and Oilfeg can start a real thread with serious topics!
Like this:
>had paperwork day yesterday
>ofc somebody took the tractor off my trailer
>load me in another trailer
>make it to first stop fine, driving to second stop and injectors shit out
>limp it to a couple more stops since they are all within a couple blocks
>mechanic brings me new tractor
>it's the fucking tractor that I wrote up 2-3 weeks ago for a huge list of problems
>no working horn, no reverse alarm, bad air leak, CEL burnt out, cuts power randomly on highway and won't do more that 40mph, and stalls while braking causing you to lose power steering while making a turn and almost veer into car right in front of you
>the only thing they fixed was the electric horn, still no air horn
At least my last stop was #2's store.
I respect that actually
>Or we leave this one for shitposting, useless arguments
then how would it be any different
>there are people who cares less about discussing trucks then they do about being internet famous enough for some rando to put their name in green letters in a post on Veeky Forums
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Through the sands of time.
The prophet had been reborn.
Welcome to where time stands still
He cometh
>thinking anyone gives a flying fuck about "muh master plan xD"
Forget not the wages of the company cucks.
For it is death
Within this glass is beholden to power.
The dark figure approaches
more gauges than you can suck a dick at
You underestimate him, sir
This thread was made by those who supertruck
And the supertruck
Keep it
This is what it's about
You've done the same to others
What's it like in your mom's basement? Any windows? Or just the warm irradiating glow of your monitor?
…post pics
Can any truckerfags post pics of the inside of their sleeper? It seems comfy as fuck sleeping in one of those
Too dark rn but its pretty fun. Like camping.
I would but we’re still on the road headed home, can’t be doin’ the flash photography thing while the rookie is behind the wheel.
Oh also go away Truckdog
I'm not truckdog, I keep telling you that
That's more proof your truckdog kek
Proof? What proof? You have serious issues
That's a stupid unfunny truckdog response
>PS4 on truck
Does yours not make a terrifying electric cry when it’s on? I brought out my Pro once and when I fired it up the PSU was squealing, presumably from the modified sine wave power. I’m too cheap to throw down $600 on a pure sine wave inverter though.
The inside of a true flat top baller
Is protine Pepsi actually a thing? Or are you just going to pull a /k/ and jerk off in it?
I actually only tried that once. I had a 300w inverter from the truck stop but it kept burning out accessory outlets. It worked fine when it worked though. My current truck has a 1500w inverter so it should work well in here but since it's a PS4, I'm out of games to play.
It's my new special blend. You gotta get it fresh or it gets a little flat.
Actually there is a Starbucks Double Shot with protein. Comes in vanilla, dark chocolate, and caramel.
Been sleepin on my couch a lot lately for some reason. It's still wayyyy more comfy than a cuckshed tho.
>tfw user thinks it is all his doing
Whose sleeper smells the worst?
>Truckerfag's old freightshaker with 7 cats and a litter box that hasn't been changed in 3 weeks
>Whiney-Kun's International that was previously inhabited by a 400lb convicted sex offender who wouldn't find a job anywhere besides the oil fields but now is taken by Dakimakura that is more crusty than Louis CK's green room
>EF's low-roof Pete which only amplifies the scent of trailer park raised pig
I think Tfag's is #1 worst, EF's is a close 2nd, and Whiney's is 3rd because the terrible International plastic smell overwhelms the stank of the pillow.
>tfw slowly fading away into the woodwork
>MFW the OP contains literally nothing
>200 pound tool
>Friends dads truck
>Actual tools
A ton, but its a different story when one is broken down four hours into the bush than in town.
>30 minutes
More like ten to fifteen, but I agree, at very least post a link to the last thread.
That would be great.
>How dare others enjoy doing things
This tbqhfam.
>Less to not at all
Now that stereotypical Canadian winter has set in we're busy as fuck at work, so less time for shitposting.
I mean, you didn't post once in the last thread with your name on. Maybe spend less time driving and more time phoneposting.
>Two threads
Eh, seems like more trouble than it's worth. I like writing the OP but if I don't get to it, oh well.
That would be sitcom levels of irony if you guys crashed because of a little flash photography
Why is she sleeping on top of the blankets like a basset hound?
>TFW don't even have a sleeper
D-does my pump control cab count, sempai?
>some rando
Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate.
>all these gauages and not one of them is a pyro
You arent even the asshole of a supertrucker.
Mine smells like farts, sweat, and shame.
Mainly shame tho.
>when you drive 3000km in 46 hours
fuck the police
In unrelated news because people hate off topic posts I got a puppy. Border Collie x Australian Shepherd
Sounds perfectly legal to me.
Absolutely Mr dot officer
That dogger is cute as fuck.
How long will he stay cute and small? I give it 4 months before he gets too big and you have to euthanize him and get a new pupper.
You will get to make a new one in a couple hours anyway.
I'm hoping to stop him from growing by feeding him coffee and cigarettes. but honestly I have no idea, I don't know anything about dogs lol
>totally not truckdog wanting to jerk off to old memories
14hrs drive time with a 17hr window to do so in a 24hr period
Perfectly legal here.
>Border Collie x Australian Shepherd
Teach it to computer and it will rival the shitposters here.
I used to have that dog you got to give him exercise or he goes insane and starts eating everything even eating himself. My Aussie got so bored he started eating his own arm
now you know why we shitpost so much
Oh wait, I'm drunk and I just realised you are meaning that the 3k km was done in a 46hr period?
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are not a real trucker until you have pissed into a bottle and shit your pants. Both at the same time puts you into supertrucker territory.
thats what fasd girl said
cry more faggot
Dumping some fuel into this bitch boy.
Cruising 80mph across Nebraska. Got a short haul 1,200$ load I picked up yesterday afternoon. Will get it off in an hour.
Delivered 3,200 Minnesota to philly on Monday
700 shit coil from philly to canton,oh
1,000 ltl canton to Minnesota with a 1500 Cleveland to Minnesota dropped yesterday
1200 today.
This will put me at 6,900$
I'm loading 3,100 out of Nebraska to Syracuse ny after I drop this 1200
But that would go on next weeks
so once you get your CDL, how hard is it to find work doing stuff like cross country in the US?
Cdl interviews are great. You walk in with all the power and they basically have to convince you to come work for them.
only 19 here, so i got two years until i'll be eligible for a full CDL, how is it working for a trucking company
I don't know.
Yeah you do, it sucks
Weren't you getting enough attention without your trip? Poor baby.
I wonder what caused this complex. He acts like he has a good relationship with his family and everything but he clearly doesn't receive enough attending from them to satisfy him so he needs to get it from here. I wonder if there's some depressing backstory like how even though he does everything he can to be exactly like his dad, he could never outdo his brother and so he's like stereotypical younger sibling trope. I can see the montage right now, just like in a movie; the wall of the living room is filled with trophies from his brother, meanwhile he has like 2 blue ribbons and a little league baseball participant trophy, he's always in the corner of family photos, everyone in town knows him as his brother's brother instead of as an individual, and then there's a psychological scene where his dad and brother are walking away from him, and he's running, screaming "dad notice me, I'm here too" but he can't close the gap no matter how hard he runs, and then he trips and falls, the spotlight follows them as they leave the scene, leaving him alone on the ground in the dark, with nothing to comfort him but anonymous people in his phone calling him a faggot.
Okay sir, I'm just going to go ahead and do a level 2 inspection.
>Coffee and cigarettes
If you want him to grow up to be Rod Stewart, than those are the right foods to give him.
>Will it shitpost like a leaf, a burger, or a roo?
Done and done.
>Cuckshed psychology 101
He's administering a field sobreity test on that 379.
You couldn't be more incorrect.
1200$ for today. 8 hours driving.
You better not be delivering to that ethanol plant again!
Then enlighten us, what is the reason you act like such an affection-starved social media princess?
This is a trucking general.
95% of this stuff I post is trucking related.
I don't know what you want from tbqh
Yes. A renewable source of energy
Commander of the two lane
Everyone just wants you to not be annoying.
I just want him to fuck off and die.
No you don't. Don't try to act hard on the internet.
I want you to die too