>DLC 4 included: - 2 New Playable Characters: Merged Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito - 3 New Parallel Quests - A New storyline based on DBS Future Trunks Arc - Some new costumes, including SS4 Goku and Great Ape Suit, as well as (static) saiyan tail accessory - DBS accurate variants of SSB Goku, Vegeta, Kid Trunks and Future Trunks Some of it is free too
>DLC 3 included: – 3 New Playable Characters: Zamasu, Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosè Goku Black), Bojack – 1 New Master: Bojack – 3 New Parallel Quests – 5 New Attacks (4 Bojack mentor skills and Rosè Kamehameha) – 3 New Costumes (Future Mai's outfit, Black's Gi, Zamasu's outfit) – 2 New Poses
>HOW TO FIND YOUR XENOVERSE 2 SAVE ON STEAM Perfect guide: steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2 DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.
>male saiyans keep their tail in SSJ3 Syko is dumb
Colton Clark
>previous thread
can I waku waku myself into Super Saiyan too?
Mason Jones
Easton Cox
wow rude
Blake Mitchell
Levi Parker
I'll take that as a yes then
Alexander Campbell
Are there any skintight nopan pants I can color as my buufu's skin tone to make it seem she is walking bottomless?
Henry Rogers
Jack Hughes
Yosh I think Vegeta is having a mental breakdown
Jayden Wright
You on pc? Colorable mods would be your best bet
Camden Reed
>Majins are so irrelevant they have to use saiyan transformations
Jeremiah Bell
>"hair" spikes up >even Saiyans don't get this
DIMPS Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jace Moore
Alexander Gray
>Majins are so adept at being best they can use legendary saiyan transformations by tingling
Joshua Hernandez
Cala pushes the limits!
Anthony Lewis
Is there a way to find the cosmetic files, preferably the data/chara/HUF ones? I'm looking to make a quick change to a few cosmetics.
Robert Garcia
That's just one of the buufu hairstyles.
Luke Allen
>Super Saiyan Majin How?
Evan Johnson
Does anyone still play XV1?
Tyler James
No, and neither should you
Luis Reed
The thing is is changes to that hairstyle when transforming by default
by tingling
Kayden Stewart
Threadly reminder that the key to a happy and fulfilling existence is to DRINK THE FUCKING PEPSI YOU GAUDY TWITS! I WILL FORCE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT IF I HAVE TO! WITH A FUNNEL!
Justin Carter
Ah, I see Lima is in her full sized Oozaru form
Zachary Myers
And she's a real powerhouse!
Benjamin Rogers
No matter how hard I try I can't get good at this game. It's suffering
Hunter Robinson
so are we gonna get bootleg xenomorph and not-king cold friezas in the next game? maybe base frost? or, well, yes-king cold?
James Jones
I didn't get my W/L even until I had 800+ losses and wins and a lot of that was from beating weak rares.
Hang in there.
Easton Rogers
I'm sure you'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Remember to try side stepping around insteadof backwards. Also, try silly shit sometimes, never know what could work I'd say chances for Frieza's 2nd and 3rd form getting in are pretty reasonable. King Cold is a bit iffy, but I could see it
Xavier Lopez
I hope we get a customizable xenomorph form
Chase Powell
Why hold such obviously vain hopes?
Ethan Hill
at BEST you'll get a generic xenomorph recolor as an alternate unleashed form or a dickhead hat most likely you'll get jack shit
Joshua White
Because I want it to happen, even if it probably wont
Henry Powell
Why would they implement a transformation that lowers your stats?
Luis Cooper
Post some new cacs
And maybe help me decide on what to use as her SSJ hair
Bentley Hernandez
>maybe base frost? The final form is the base form, Frieza created his other forms to lower his power level and conserve energy because he was so much stronger than everybody else and didn't need the extra strength. It's doubtful any other members of his race have those forms.
Asher Martinez
Probably is too weak a word. It has a snowball's chance in hell of happening.
Carter Nguyen
Remember that balance patch idea we had a few months back? We're finally making real progress. I managed to change the damage of the first hit of JC to match the damage of last hit of JC. Obviously this isn't a change that we'd want for the balance patch. This is just a proof of concept to show that we can balance moves and change damage. youtube.com/watch?v=meQngy59Zfw
Tell us what your QQ bang is, what your weight is, what your height is, and what your gender is
Adrian Roberts
-4+5+5-1-4+5 Max Weight Min Height F
Wyatt Miller
Female Height: 4 Weight: 1
Right now I got a -5,+5,+5,-5,-5,+5 QQ Bang but I'm trying to get another one with either 0 or +5 for basic attacks
Aiden Williams
0 +4 +5 -5 -5 +5 is the main one, but some presets have a different one. Minimum weight. Second tallest height. Female.
Samuel Murphy
Weight 2 Height 3 Female
Levi Brooks
Oh god I didnt mean for everyone to answer this. This was just meant for the user above me
Robert Perez
>new cacs ook ook
Leo Jackson
Good job, baka.
I got my QQ wrong anyway.
Justin White
I hate you
Chase Cook
me too
Ethan Jenkins
Oh uh okay, i feel indifferent towards you.
Cameron Johnson
This slut I'll probably never play as
Brandon Nelson
Praise be to RNGesus It only took over 100 pieces of towa and goku tracksuit clothing
David White
>forgot to answer the rest of the questions >user wasn't asking in general anyway
Welp, i'm an idiot, but for the record its
Middle Weight Third Height Female Saiyan
Angel Jones
That's a nice bang user and it kind of pains me that you had to do it legit when I got it for free.
Sebastian Gutierrez
That's okay user, I could have too if I wanted to but I had the Zeni to buy large stacks of the items and chilled out with a podcast while trying to get it so it wasn't that bad
Xavier Richardson
Are you guys playing on PC or console?
Is the season pass worth getting?
Carter Campbell
Oh mai gahd bro what is that thing?! That thing is dai'in bro! We gotta' cawhl the aquarium or somethin' bro!
James Hughes
PC It's worth getting if you think the exclusive moves and characters are worth the 30 bucks.