Previous: >[Epic of Remnant II: Agartha no Onna] >5* Caster, 4* Assassin, 4* Berserker (All three will be added to the story gacha) >Drake, D'Eon and Heracles Sprite & NP Renewal
>News >A new summer event has been announced in which Raikou will receive a swimsuit version >English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog >Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
Threadly reminder that /fgog/ endorses my cuckposting
Benjamin Butler
What did she mean by that?
Alexander Mitchell
The entire world loves Sakura
Bentley Richardson
How would it have gone differently?
Ethan Robinson
I don't know she says it when she does her NP when she's an enemy. It sounds catchy thou
Evan Robinson
James Myers
Christopher Davis
Irisviel is the cutest!
Evan Myers
How many quartz do you have and who are you saving it for /fgog/
Anthony Sanchez
Is it okat to plat extella without playing Extra and CCC?
Adrian Green
wait, why is Da Vinci in hologram form in her workshop screens (in JP)?
Isaac Wright
Gay butt sex mana transfer.
Jordan Smith
Remember to pay attention to your one, true legal wife
Aiden Collins
Why did a chunk of Agartha break off into the sky?
Carter Martinez
Which Saberface will get this year swimsuit?
Andrew Carter
Aaron Sullivan
I only have one decent Servant so far. Should I roll for Gilgamesh or in the hopes to get another good one? I kinda want to keep all my quartz and cards for Scat.
Anthony Moore
0 days remaining, July the 7th in Japan, it is time. Happy Birthday, Miss Blue!
Robert Sullivan
my wife Misora
Jacob Garcia
Behold, Autism list! Sacred line of stopping cuckposting!
Josiah Ward
Hello, I have a very strong urge to mate with this dragon.
Daniel Perry
I see Nasu loves priests who knows martial arts.
Isaiah Long
Fuck off and stop namefagging me
Owen Walker
Good EoD can't come soon enough.
Chase Richardson
Currently 30 quartz I'm saving for Shirou in EoR 3
David Flores
Only your conscience will know you're a skipping faggot. If you can live with that go ahead.
Grayson James
When Da Vinci's with you in Camelot and gets blown up you get a hologram until she comes back
Hudson Sullivan
Like 200 or something, savig for Bryn Never ever coming back
Andrew Peterson
Post anniversary wishlist
Liam Miller
Haha no
Thomas Stewart
Easton Morris
We are getting limiteds this year. It's been confirmed by all my sources.
Josiah Brown
My wife Okita is so high.
Jordan Ramirez
Fergus removed from the game
Jason Foster
They lost the master emerald
Benjamin Hughes
So what's this I'm hearing about dead mods?
Dominic Walker
>can hire seiyus >can't afford spline (or whatever sprite-kun makes his masterpieces in)
Ethan Powell
Is this Scat reborn into a human or something?
Jaxson Cruz
Yes, but it still might take a while.
Noah Collins
Jetfag is still here though?
Gabriel Foster
He'd have fucked Rin. Then tag-teamed Berserker with Archer.
Matthew Evans
Realy cool male warrior.
Andrew Roberts
oh, all right, thanks. That's pretty neat.
Kayden Murphy
So, in a few years at best for the English version? Why is Aoko supposed to be a servant?
Kevin Thomas
Half AP on Chaldea Gate missions, alternate costumes, 1 blank saint graphs in RP shop
Asher Scott
Doesn't Gil have less rateups than Scat?
Jaxson Morales
>reborn into something unsigthly
Landon Gray
Zachary Richardson
Caster Artoria
Thomas Butler
There is always that one guy, Scat is, well was a human too.
Evan Harris
Ayoko, ???, Akiha, and Rin
who's the second?
Angel Nguyen
I wanna cum inside liz!
Charles Gray
Bryn! Some new SQs too
Luke Thompson
Because she is very cute.
Hunter Phillips
The only bad thing about Aoko is her brown hair. She'd be toppest tier with black hair.
Nolan Powell
Azaka. She is Nasu's original pride and joy.
Christopher King
I have a very strong urge to kill that dragon
Luke Hernandez
whatsherface from KnK
Isaiah Adams
My husband Astolfo is CUTE!
Kayden Jenkins
> not recognizing Azaka
Kevin Richardson
Carter Peterson
>She is Nasu's original pride and joy. I see, that's why the second VN or her has been released already, oh wait.
Adrian Morales
My nigga Goetia!
Matthew Gonzalez
Is Veeky Forums down
Jeremiah Long
Saido no Doki 済度の時 Time of Redemption/Salvation
Jaxon Miller
This image makes me want to suck his cock and I'm not liking this I'm not gay
Joshua Williams
Gabriel Williams
And we have come nearly full circle, jeez. It took Nasu enough to bother remaking his original unpublished novel, it was a kind of passion project.
Robert Cruz
His rebirth.
Samuel Robinson
>roll all my quartz on NA for Evil cat >kaleido and a bunch of good CEs >no servant at all wew. I hope my NA account keeps getting all the bad luck instead of the jp one
Jordan Sanchez
my waifu becomes real
Matthew Bell
How does she feel about her sister's puppet eating the Magus who raped her?
Chase Hill
yeah we've all been posting on reddit for about an hour or so
Aaron Martin
She wouldn' love you, though.
Elijah Lee
It doesn't fucking go down. Send help!
Eli Hill
Is there was raping? I thoight last Nasu's work for children.
Bentley White
You were my sheathe all along would be a whole lot gayer
Angel Watson
Pretty good, but shit that happens in absurdly inaccurate mindbreak doujins is just that.
Anthony Young
My waifu literally said I'm Sigurd so she loves me
Benjamin Torres
Nothing. I'm expecting to be disapoiting despite that still.
Chase Fisher
> doujin HA and KT are fandisks too you know. Doesn't make them non-canon.
Isaac Perez
What if Guda is a Demon Pillar?
Jace Turner
Charles Peterson
Wyatt Davis
What if Guda is a primal created by Eorzea's desire for a hero to stop other primals
Isaac Garcia
Just give me another Taneda Risa servant.
Cameron Cruz
That stupid face of hers can't support blonde hair like that.
Owen Wood
tfw this actually happened
Juan Sanders
literally wouldn't make any sense whatsoever
Nolan Clark
ok, then my waifu becomes real and I get a command spell
Juan Miller
Hello undercovered Arcueid.
Austin Gutierrez
Guan Yu 5* when lads?
Evan Cooper
Grayson Ross
Guda will be the last beast that needs to be dealt with
Julian Hernandez
But a random series of unlicenced, and obviously non-canon doujins involving a character who has literally no reason to be involved in a Mahoyo story is totally the fandom truth cause memes, right?
Jaxson Harris
He has one in his pants
Evan Rivera
Yeah? Well I want to make her pregnant with my babies.