Mallet man edition
Mallet man edition
Jinx is the best girl.
xth for breast metal waifu
Thank you Mr. Mallet.
Thank you Mr. Mallet
Thankyou mr. Mallet
hella op
Thank you mr. mallet!
Thank you Mr. Mallet
Thank you mr. mallet
Thank you mr. Mallet
why did sneaky endlessly chase the kassadin whose teammates were nearby. what the fuck was his endgame
>TSM will win rift rivals
>EU drones will disappear
Thank you Mr. Mallet
he played the lane phase well, but it looks like he went full retard mid game for some reason, he's just a dirty meme picker.
i fucking love him tho
imagine being inori and getting outplayed by a random sub and getting kicked from P1 right before rift rivals and having to play for team liquid
xth for Syndra
why the fuck is memeyeung pulling bans from the """kings""" of europe?
>ribbon mains think theyre rocket scientists because they cancel a few animations in a vidya game
lmfaoo kys yourself'ves
Looking at G2 this is Europe vs Korea right?
What would you have to do to get into bed with Syndra?
they'll just cry about scripts
NA = new asia
>tfw Europe is playing
go away
He plays a shitload of Nidalee. He's not really a big threat on it, but people still ban it just so he doesn't get his comfort
>Going this far to defend that POS project of a player that Ray is
how can you guys fucking like C9 that much? Sneaky is the only player with any value in it and it's not even because he's a good player, it's because of all the merchandise and his potential for entertainment
user im on nofap day 3, please stop with these lewd posts
You will never mate press Syndra
>tfw you'll never hump his fat ass
I refuse to go away, she's to cute to leave for me to leave her.
holy fuck anyone else see that T H I C C na girl in the crowd?
back off
Traps are really gay guys
It's just a man with tits.
Riven is objectively the hardest champion in the game to play. This is not up for debate. It takes literally HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of games to master her combos and to know which ones to use in the right situations. Winning lane with Riven is a matter of having perfect game knowledge, awareness and the reflexes to capitalize on even the tinest mistake the opponent makes. Riven constantly lives on the razors edge and to win games with her means taking risks and making plays more extreme than any other champion in the game. She is on the extreme end of the risk reward spectrum, being the most high risk champion in the game, but also having the highest reward as a Riven master can carry any game as shown by the fact the #1 player in NA is a Riven main.
She is a powerful champion with huge potential, but it takes the hands of a master player who has invested years of time and effort into unlocking that potential, and even then it takes at least 1 hour of practice every day to ensure the skills do not wane from lack of use. I don't blame people here for not having the fortitude to become a Riven main, it takes so much perseverance and patience in a game where every other champion can be mastered in 40 games or less.
This is supposed to be urop v na
actually rop v kroena
somebody do that copypasta of Yasuo "outplay" but with riven
that just makes it better, its all im saying
Doesn't matter what you say, I won't.
post yasuo pasta pls
nofap is a dumb meme anyway
listen here, I gave you your (You), what else do you want?
It takes more than exact timing, it takes CAREFUL examination of your cooldowns and his, if you lose to a riven it's because she perfected combos in and out and got rewarded.
Well, he's not wrong
For you to give me more (you)'s until my que pops.
I have a vid of him sucking dick.
He's really good. :3
if it's not your dick i'm not interested user >:3
>Lee versus Elise
>doesn't expect to be invaded by her
oh man these players are legit retarded
anyone wanna play aram or norms?
ign is artism
>Invading a champion better at 1v1 than you
>ywn get hammered with Poppers
>3 chinks
>2 gooks
explain this lolbabs
>EU hooks
Funny enough right when you posted I got into champ select.
if you die to yasuo, you got outplayed
it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").
Indeed, to be defeated by yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the yasuo player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.
I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.
eh, between Elise and Lee early, Elise takes it easily.
jellybean was made for breeding
mike "mikeyeung" yeung is playing like a gook today
>G2 struggling against an 8th place team
so when do the good eu teams play
g2 is such a joke
>suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome
>made for breeding
No, she's the exact opposite.
You'd have easier time getting this cakeboi pregnant than you would with her.
when will you stop being a tripfag
kill yourself retard
>when the guy with the most kills says you deal no dmg
Thank you Mr. Mallet.
Why does every EU mid who plays orianna feed like fuck? Seriously, this is happening too often to just be conicidental.
fuk your esports fabulous men are the point of league's existence
it is a game of unrivalled husbandos
Why is this emoji cancer suddenly allowed
Dude please just go away with this degenerate shit goddamn
What does this mean?
nice racism dude
its time
considering im getting a copycat, this will probably be the last time as not to enforce shitposters
my mom has pcos the infertility meme is greedy obgyns overreacting
So there are no good eu teams playing anytime soon?
just use a trip. thats what its for
Asians actually want to live and immigrate to NA.
EU only have mudslimes funneling in.
pls add the helmet too
if you die to riven, you got outplayed
it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").
Indeed, to be defeated by riven is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the riven player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.
I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.
Didn't even realize Mike Yeung kicked to get Rift Herald away from them. What a god.
With Ashe as Mako
Why Zven is not building BoRK BoRK?
>Twitch carrying every single game
>polycystic ovary syndrome
well that's a bummer
>hey eyes are literally tiny Veeky Forums logos
I thought Yotsuba was our mascot..
cause he's a boosted shitter
reminder rekkles is the only consistently decent EU adc
this meme cant be just a coincidence.
I dunno man
I wish Corki's ult timer was for his Package instead of his rockets? Its more of an "Ultimate" and has a longer CD.
Also I laugh every time someone picks Twitch against Sneaky. Im guessing Sneaky isnt a Twitch main but still, did he used to be a long time ago?
i thought rushing reaver is mandatory on xayah because of her w cd nerfs? idk i dont play her
Wait who dis? Sauce?
League of Legends
Why would you build BoRK on Xayah?
>league of whoever gets corki mid wins
there are just s many of them