> News - Splatfest on July 15 before the game comes out - SPLATOON 2 COMES OUT JULY 21! - splatoon needs 3.1 GB of space to install - The First Switch My Nintendo Rewards Are Splatoon 2 Equipment (japan exclusive so far) includes: Splatoon 2 FA-11 Custom Gear (Switch) Splatoon 2 Ika V Collaboration Gear (Switch) - New Splatoon 2 Switch accessories have been announced. Products include green and pink joy-cons, a Splatoon 2 themed pro controller, and a console bundle (Switch + Splatoon 2 download key). - Rotations are now every 2 hours instead of 4. - New amiibo announced as well being inkling girl, boy and squid. They can save your current loadout and transfer it to another console, they also include exclusive gear!
>Splatoon 3 >Pearl becomes the villain out of jealousy against Marina's popularity
Adam Thompson
Is anyone else really worried about the specials in this game? It seems like they've gone from mostly being useful for zoning rather than killing to mostly being useful for killing rather than zoning. They just seem more boring to use and more boring to fight against
Ian Foster
> pubes on a octoling/squid
Jack Nguyen
>I want to ______ Pearl Remove.
Lincoln Morris
Have you considered sucking cock for the money?
Nathan Rogers
We ever get a translation on what Callie's saying here?
Camden Flores
Post your favorite Ice Cream
Ryan Ward
>implying it would be Marina returning to Octovalley for losing to Pearl in the final splatfest
Logan Watson
what do you think their eyelashes are made of?
Mason Ortiz
That's one hairy mollusk
Michael Hill
You...are...pretty good....!!
Daniel Wood
Same here user ;_;
Jackson Howard
>tfw Hime is leading
just a random twitter poll, but the race seems to be closer in Japland
Elijah Gutierrez
Anything else is wrong.
Joseph Martinez
Levi Ortiz
of course they'd pick the child-like, whiter girl, the pedo fucks.
Maybe Judd wasn't the last one? There's probably more kittens around too.
Jaxson Foster
the failures that replaced her and made her irrelevant while she was hunting for her cousin
Daniel Moore
Her washed up career and the fact that her job was stolen by a minority
Parker Cruz
>mint choco chip My nigerian sibling
Jeremiah Turner
It can also mean to go back to a previous state, which is probably the intended translation. People in the last thread said she was saying she wants things to be the way they used to be.
Isaiah Cooper
Easton Anderson
Do not bully I think US and Europe got paired again. Japan got rock vs pop I think
Juan Jackson
With the no region-locked switch, I think it'll be the same???
Leo Fisher
>Pearl >Marina >Marina is another word for a harbor >Pearl Harbor
Jeremiah Harris
I'm warming up to Pearl, but Marina is clearly that diversity inclusion shit
Ian Clark
who /diabetes/ here?
Carson Cruz
Who the fuck were these girls again? What were their names because I forgot after seeing Pearl and Marina.
Luke Fisher
It's something like "I want to go back" but it's in katakana, which is usually reserved for weirdness like robots or aliens.
Juan Taylor
Oh fuck off, if that were the case she'd have an afro and not be such a walking sex object. Japs think with their penis, not their politically correct side of their brain.
Jackson Kelly
Not posting the "Cone Head"
Levi Jenkins
Joking aside, Marina is probably too womanly and "strong" looking for Japan.
Carter Bailey
That's some premium banter from Japan
Aiden Johnson
>go baaack
Gavin Rivera
Is it because it's a kid's game? I know the Japanese Pokemon games(at least Sapphire)used kana only, though they at least used hiragana for most non-name stuff.
Xavier Moore
why is she black with wild nails then
Tyler Bailey
>any character that isn't light skinned is a ploy to shove diversity into your face Imagine being this retarded.
Nathan Brown
Ain't nothing wrong with having Filipino Octarians senpai.
Sebastian Adams
Sorry man I just have a soft spot for mint chip Although this one is good too
Michael Sanders
you're saying weird nails is a black people thing? what?
Carson Peterson
This must return
Aaron Flores
This. The Japanese still have an active fascist and Nazi party. They don't care about political correctness at all.
Jordan Rogers
Reposting in here for all your splat bait needs.
Gavin Morales
I’m having trouble deciding between cake and ice cream... I used to be a cakefag through and through, but ice cream has so much more variety.
Isaac Howard
>callie sees a picture of marina.jpg
Isaac Rivera
I recognize the race traitor but who is that hasbeen?
Henry Thomas
it wouldn't be the same without callie
Jackson Richardson
Ask yourself what you'd rather have during the winter months. Then you'll have your answer.
Luis Reed
I wouldn't know, the analisis is from someone else. But if the rest of the game is in hiragana there's defenetly a point being made that something is off about how she's talking.
Carson Ortiz
Elijah Howard
Marina has the better design, but I don't really care for her personality. Pearl comes off like a combination of Marie's bitchiness and Callie's energy. Marina's got Marie's chill and Callie's niceness, which is kinda boring in comparison.
James Parker
Evan Fisher
My bae
Mason Thompson
Marina is getting more fanart though and Pearl fans think they're the minority. It's probably too early to say.
Brandon King
>not reproducing asexually in the year of Marie 200000XX
Jose Powell
who /neverwillbetray/ here
Dylan Morris
Ask yourself what you'd rather have during the summer months. Then you'll have your answer.
Robert Gomez
Daniel Robinson
I'd honestly still rather have some ice cream.
Ethan Long
Nolan Phillips
I'm sticking to Splatoon 1. Fuck the new idols.
Landon Sullivan
I'd let them paint my tentacle if you catch my drift.
Jonathan Murphy
You have to pick one.
Liam Walker
Always and forever
William Myers
Elijah Mitchell
fuck i forgot about the Squid Girl costume!
I hope they bring it back
Jonathan Smith
Austin Richardson
>marram >2midriff >lower tentacle Let's go with Marram
John Bennett
What if one of them is a futa and Pearl is their illegitimate daughter
Cooper Brown
Is there a link to the music performance only??
Also RIP Annie ;_ ;
Camden Brooks
Where’s peep and arllra
Adrian Lewis
OLD AND BUSTED Get with the times, fags.
Cooper Rodriguez
I actually like the new idols better. But I also never played Splatoon (1).