>got my first speeding ticket today
Hold me br/o/s
>got my first speeding ticket today
Hold me br/o/s
Go to court, plead guilty. Dont be a fuck and just pay it off.
The last time I got pulled over was going 65mph in a 45mph zone and they let me off with a warning because I have a clean record.
They gave me a fixit ticket to remove my front window tint though.
>Thinking about buying the Escort MAX 360
>Realize I haven't had a ticket in 5 years
>It would be a waste of money
>willingly paying any more to the government then you have to
>going to see $300 3g prelude
>no visible rust
>speeding ticket
>weird conditions I dont have insurance
>swapped companies and moved so it was lost
>$400 ticket
I didn't even go see the car
pic related is average 3g prelude in my state
This. Don't be a cuck. If you have to, get the lawyer. You'll pay more but they always get you off so you won't have to give the gubment any extra money.
pay more now, or have it go on your record, and pay a lot more due to insurance increase.
Many places give you a lesser fine if you plead guilty, some places its twice as much.
Still cheaper than dealing with increased insurance rates.
>Endangering other motorists with your shit driving that requires a constable to tell you to get gid
Mate I'd pay the fine and not tell anyone.
>120 in a 100 in Ontario with no one around
>endangering anyone
Yeah no
ignore him he probably doesn't own a car
Don't worry about it OP. You cant respect someone who never even gets pulled over. What's the point. Might as well just sit at home on your vide/o/ games.
Speeding tickets build character. And if they do thier job you will learn new strategies about when and how to speed and not get caught.
Being an Ontarian I usually set my cruise to the speed limit to piss off normies. I was passing a garbage truck cause the last time I was behind one on the highway my mirror was knocked off by something flying out of the bed. I didn't wanna fuck up my mom's new Equinox driving it to my house to put winter tires on and didn't slow down enough for the downhill when I passed him. Happens to everyone I guess
I feel like the majority of people on this board don't own a car
That'll learn ya, ya fucken dopey cunt!
>speed safe
>speed smart
That's true, this board is filled with literal children much like the rest of Veeky Forums
Yeah because OP totally stated that.
I still stand by my comment.
>I usually set my cruise to the speed limit to piss off normies
t. Pajeet from Brampton
i make fake ins cards when i get nicked
as long as your ins isnt for the same date they dont call
Get a Pennsylvania license, you can do whatever the hell you want in other states and nothing will end up on your record. I've had at least 4 15+ over tickets in Virginia over the past 7 years and my official driving record is spotless.
everyone in Brampton should be castrated, driving in Ontario is the most soul-sucking experience I've ever endured.
>been speeding to everywhere for 5 years
>no tickets
>start parking illegally at uni to save money
>2 tickets in a week
>speed at least 20 over limit every day
>never gotten a ticket
Feels good man.
what? are you daft?
>$200 to pay a ticket
>$600+ to pay a fucking lawyer, not to mention any possible court fees
the option is clear
>being this much of a cuck
rural Ontario isn't so bad tbqh
no cops, 10-15 over they dgaf (except for the rookies)
Brampton tho, what an absolute shithole of a place
they have the highest insurance rates in Ontario IIRC
>rural Ontario isn't so bad tbqh
But I'm black, so it is.
I'm black and I live in rural Ontario
what's so bad about it?
>Be 27.
>Go 20 over.
>Use the turn signal for lane changes.
>Parking violation on desolate hydrant """15 feet""".
>Pay ticket online.
>Hydrant is now painted new with new yellow paint.
God I love this city
>step father lied about paying insurance
>pulled over first time ever
>$200 for speeding which $300 for no insurance
>speeding could've been dismissed via a single defensive driving class
>it was the same bike cop that pulled my mom over before and waits hiding
I feel you mang.
How are you even still alive?
Brampton can't be worse than Windsor
Sounds like a problem with your dad and not the cop
>Sounds like a problem with your dad and not the cop
Both. The cop didn't even give me time to look for it. He just told me when I find it to go to court to have it dismissed, gave me literally no leeway for having a spotless record, too. My stepfather was a piece of shit in general and is already out of the picture. Me mum's taking him to court for a few things.
I was just talking about shitty situations in general.
Criminal defense lawyer here.
You obviously have no idea what we do.
Any lawyer that tells you he's gonna get you off completely is 99.9% of the time totally full of shit.
have you had any bad experiences in rural Ontario?
not only am I black, I'm also an immigrant. never had any trouble with the locals. cops gave me shit once or twice in ~10 years by "randomly" stopping me, but that's about it
Same as of Friday OP. Mine's bogus because they didn't change the fucking sign from 70 kmh to 50 so they said I was doing 84 in a 50 as an N driver. Feelsbadman.jpg