>live in spain
>impossible to live on your own because wages don't pay enough
>making 150-300 bucks a month from a youtube channel (it doesn't scale so im stuck with that, spanish CPM is so low)
>fucking 2 8/10+ escorts per month and going to gym then have the rest of the day free
why shouldn't I stay a NEET again?
Live in spain
Do you live with your parents?
r9k would know.
go baack to your containment board, filthy frog poster.
Just do what loads of Italians and Spanish folk do. Move to Germany or the UK for work.
Do you have any interest in starting a small business?
Move to Thailand or some shit, 300 is plenty there.
>muh r9k
what for? Ive only got basic education and no job experience, and not like I would make enough on there to live myself anyway
yes as long as its online
i see all those guys claiming 5 figures on amazon fba and shit and im jealous, i wish i could do that tho but seems is just luck. whenever i ask someone that claims to make money online it all comes down to luck
shithole no thanks
Beach off Thailand>Spain any day of the week
>chinkshit shithole better than spain
If you are still a NEET in your 30's you will be depressed.
If you are still a NEET in your 40's you will kill yourself.
Don't waste time, it's the most precious resource we all have, and can never be replaced.
post channel pls im curious
Steady on. You ever been there?
Thailand is fucking awesome. Sure, there's shitty places, just like anywhere. I have visited several times and I have pals there who do web dev from home and are having a cracking time.
said the Spaniard.
i look down on all of you 3rd world savages.
i just turned 30 and i pray everyday to return to neetdom.
how did my life get so busy..
Don't you feel empty after fucking escorts though?
If you're that Minecraft faggot you can stop posting here and fucking kill yourself.
what the fuck are you talking about
i dont upload minecraft you mong, its a GTA5 channel
minecraft got even lower cpm
>amerifat incel better than spain nice sun + nice food + nice cheap escorts
sure buddy
how im supposed to fuck spanish/latin/eastern european escorts in fucking thailand? its only chinks and everything seems dirty
no its my only motivation
i wish i was rich
its just a gta5 channel, very edited videos, i was lucky to get in and ranked well when gta5 hype started
How old are you? While it's not a lot of money a lot of people struggle and fail at that kind of thing. If you can't scale make something similar, make 10x the channels.
>I'm italian and neet
>26 years old with no job experience
>everybody tells me to move to germany
It's not like I'll be able to do much better there considering my credentials goddamnit,
I'd like to go back to school and finish my degree to improve the situation,
but the tought kills me.
I just picked the wrong field and I'm spent to many years in it/got too old to switch to something else,
and on top of that the job market is shit (IT).
What should I do? I don't like being a neet.