>when you have a headlight out so you sit in traffic jam with your high beams on
When you have a headlight out so you sit in traffic jam with your high beams on
Other urls found in this thread:
>being a poor fag and not fixing your head lights.
It's the human filth behind me you dope
A lot of people do that were I live. I still flash my brights at them
point your mirror to shine their shit back at them
Hello M3 brother.
It is bad enough on a stock E36, but with a lowered one you are always having headlights directly shine through your rear window. Downside of having that nice big saloon window that most coupes lack.
I'll blind them back as well or just stop altogether until they turn that shit off.
Doesn't work you yahoo. The side mirrors length and distance from the other vehicle has to be perfect. You can't even verify if you're shining it back successfully since their high beams are blinding you to begin with. Not everything you read online is true.
retards who do this, especially in traffic like in your pic are braindead cunts
what grinds your gears thread?
I used to do that but gave up. Most people that do this shit are braindead immigrants who don't know what the fuck is going on. How they manage to get around the automatic headlights and drive with no lights on at night is beyond me too.
The 3er coupe is literally the best car in its class, aside from reliability concerns for normies there's really no reason not to own one, if you're a poorfag just go back a few generations and you can pay civic money
whip out your 2W laser and shine back
>adjust mirror so it shines back at them
I actually carry around a very powerful flashlight to blind other drivers when they're doing that shit behind me.
I'm surprised by how many times I've gotten in the car with someone and they have their high beams on and when I point it out they don't even know what they are.
Do driver's ed classes not teach this anymore?
>Get into car with friend
>It's evening
>Notice he doesn't have his headlights on
>"Turn on your headlights faggot it's dark"
>"Hurr my headlights suck so I dont know if they're on or not"
>They're clearly off
>"Then turn on your highbeams"
>He doesn't know how
>Can't figure it out
>After a while he just gives up and goes back to driving with no headlights on
>"Dude, turn on your headlights"
>Tell him how to do it
>His highbeams look like regular headlights
>He was probably wrong about his shitty headlights the whole time
I have a suspicion that he drives with no headlights on at night because he told me a story of a cop pulling up next to him and reminding him that his headlights weren't on. The cop didn't even give him a ticket, just a reminder that they were off.
I don't know about drivers ed, but my drivers test in the US never went over it.
Driving with normies is literally one of the most soul crushing things in the universe.
>Following some dumb bitch on the way home from work at 9pm
>Her brake lights are on but the headlights aren't
>Honking and flashing my lights at her for like 5 minutes
>She finally pulls over, gets out and asks me what my big fucking attitude is
"Mate, your headlights aren't fucking on, what the fuck are you doing driving at night with no headlights?"
'My dash lights are on and the light says they're on'
"Look at the front of your car, are you fucking joking or something?"
'Oh! I didn't even notice, how was I supposed to know?!'
Called her in, fuck you, that ignorance deserves punishment.
>mfw my rear window is a few shades darker than the legal limit so high beam fags Don't cook me alive
Sure. Tailgaters grind my gears. People who hold their phone and drive as well. Asians.
And does adjusting your mirror so it shines back at the driver behind you work?
I wish there was a button that would adjust all the mirrors out and when you press it again the mirrors would come back to their previous setting
>People who hold their phone and drive as well
lolwut, care to elaborate?
anyone who is involved with their phone while driving.
retard rice racer boys with their dumb fuck loud fart can mufflers that revbomb near you or at intersection lights for no reason
anyone with blue or purple hid's, especially in a vehicle with higher headlights like an SUV, truck or lifted truck (if you're reading this fucking eat shit)
speeders who do fucking dumb shit and put everyone else in danger because they decide to drive like an assclown
I can go on but whatever
I wish there was a button that would murder all the room temp IQ retard stupid fucking moron redneck shitheads with aftermarket xenon headlights that shine directly into everyone's eyes.
Does he even realize that even if his headlights are shit, turning them on also turns on the tail lights? Does he not realize he can easily get rear ended because of his stupidity?
It's nowhere as bad as the guys running bad retrofits in their jiggly ass semi tractors.
I’m gonna be honest with you.
I agree 100% with you on everything except the speeders.
Speeding and reckless driving are two different things.
Someone speeding can stay in the passing lane of a highway and not slam into someone.
It’s kinda hard to do.
Reckless driving would be speeding in the regular lane, not slowing/speeding up for cars entering the highway, refusing to allow people to pass you, and in general breaking other laws.
Speeding is illegal and yes it should be.
But someone doing 5, 10, fuck, 20 over in the passing lane is fine if it’s on a highway and it’s mostly empty.
a replacement headlight assembly for a BMW with swiveling xenons cost $1100
$1100 is a month's RENT for a poorfag, so fuck off
>having a BMW with swiveling xenons and complaining about replacing them
Sorta like the little tab that prismatic rear-view mirrors have?
>owns a BMW
>is a tripfag
>probably posted from his iShit
Doesn’t make it not expensive.
you forgot the
>reddit spacing
So don't buy something you can't afford to maintain?
My headlights have only one light source, which opens and closes for high beams and low beams, respectively. When the low beam goes out, so does the high beam. Fixing a burnt out light is extremely important, as losing the other means being stranded in the dark.
Couldn't you see where it's aiming through your rear view?
>buy BMW with swiveling xenons
>complain about being poor
Good goy; retarded financial decisions like this are exactly why the Jews will always own us. Try living within your means and suddenly you can afford basic maintenance costs and don't need to drive around with a half broken car like a cuck. It's like magic.
>He doesn't even live in a cartoon world
I bet you also don't know that cars explode if you shoot the gas tank.
>Speeding and reckless driving are two different things.
>speeders who do fucking dumb shit and put everyone else in danger because they decide to drive like an assclown
How about you two compromise; speeding isn't inherently bad, but shitty driving IS, no matter how fast you go.
You're poor no matter what you drive. Stop pretending you're not.
>when your lows are brighter than the sun and your highs are only slightly brighter than that so every cunt flashes you and you flashing them back is only mildly effective
>what grinds your gears thread?
Rude people.
> At a funeral
> Mourners clustered around the 'flower area', by the car park
> Kid was popular, so there was a lot of people outside the chapel, too
> People insist on pushing through the crowd in their cars just so they can leave
> One even insists on pushing past the kid's father as he thanks people personally for turning out
Have some fucking patience. It's his son's funeral for fuck's sake, you can wait a while or use another car park!
> Slowfags
If the speed limit is 60, you should be doing at least 50. Certainly not 40, let alone fucking 35.
Nice twisty road, 50MPH speed limit. You should be doing 50, not 30 because you're petrified of narrower roads!
> Brake checkers
I want to go faster, so you slow me down further? Way to go, you're a fucktard and going to get hit someday.
And, of course, if you DO damage my car with that shit, I'm dragging you out of yours and beating it out of your hide.
> Highbeams and foglights
Too bright! My mirror is pretty much constantly dipped due to this shit.
> Super-bright DRLs right at mirror height
Fuck YOU, BMW. I hope brexit slaps 100% tariffs on your shit.
> Busted lights
Is that a scooter, or just a slow fuck ahead of me? Oh, it's a hatchback with a rear light out.
> This one guy on a shitty slow two-stroke scooter
You have a full fucking license, as evidenced by the lack of L plates. Your exhaust stinks of burning oil as I'm stuck behind your 40MPH ass. Get a real bike or get the fuck off the road. At least use the bus lanes.
> I don't need to indicate!
> Look before I pull out? I can make that 20 foot gap, even when I pull out at 5MPH and then proceed to take half an hour to accelerate up to 30!
> America
> Educating drivers
> A nation of drivers taught by amateurs who insist on teaching the next generation.
> No professional driving instructors.
> No inspections at all in half the country.
And you expect intelligence?
>driving home at night on a backroad
>road is empty
>enjoying leisurely drive
>suddenly blinded by a tailgater
>He lives in a shithole nanny state where they limit rear window blinding.
Something like that.
That one has to be fake though, no way you're paying 35 bucks for a 5W laser, let alone in that size.
A decent 500mw laser is enough, just make sure you put on protective glasses for the use wavelength or you're gonna fry your corneas while trying to fry the corneas of the fucker behind you.
>great grandmothers funeral
>line of mourners with blinkers on following hearse
>apparently going too slow for some fuck
>cuts into line
>turns into mall 5 min later
>my grandma died so lets ruin the roads for the living
Normal people have some patience.
normal people tolerate it, chads take steps to give these rolling roadblocks a piece of their mind
You mean assholes.
Normally they are female, middle aged and overweight.
>he doesn't have rear high beams
tell me again the point of going dead slow and holding up traffic?
unless someone put that shit in their will there's no reason to do it
show respect user!!! we are just as entitled to the road as you
It's to make sure the family and relatives can keep up with the hearse.
So why are they going slow? They should all fucking send it and beat granny to the pearly gates.
just too sad to go at appropriate road speeds
rip gramms
They are going slow so they can keep up.
Granny should arrive first.
When will swagfags learn?
If you can't afford the maintenance then you can't afford the car.
Oops, I think this was me
you sound like a manchild
That's the spirit.
Yeah, but this was in the middle of a graveyard, with a crowd standing around and shittards insisting on pushing through the mourners.
Funeral processions here do the speed limit, unless it's someone seriously important to a lot of people.
I ran across a gypsy funeral a while ago. Actual Romany gypsies, not Irish pikeys. Hearse. Two limos. Procession of trucks with floral displays. Horses. Seriously expensive white horse dressed and cleaned and prettied up, mane and tail long and flowing as it tossed it's head to show itself off, and then half a mile of people walking behind the procession. With more vehicles behind them. And then, finally, the mass of traffic trapped behind them. Made the local papers; apparently it was their patriarch, so they had to pull out all the stops to make everyone know he'd died.
I heard from someone that they have to be replaced in pairs too
>I'm going to have poorly functioning safety equipment on my car because I choose to drive a vehicle I can't afford to maintain
lmao what a loser
>be an insecure poorfag
>buy a car you can't afford to maintain to compensate
>headlight goes out
>now everyone knows you are a poorfag and on top of this stuck with a vehicle you can't fix
If you have a driver 1 and 2 option and you're the only one who ever drives the car, then I think you can. Adjust your seats and mirrors for normal driving and put that into driver 1. For driver 2, don't adjust seats but only adjust your mirrors.
>Stuck in traffic
>Nissan Juke behind you with high beams on
Some day, I'm just going to get out, calmly smash someone's HIDs with a hammer, then get back in the car again.
>stuck in traffic
>motorcycle with their high beams on ALL THE TIME ALL THE DAYS ALL THE NIGHTS NO EXCEPTIONS
>riding up the line of traffic
>*opens door*
that's why poorfags should stick to driving Pontiacs and KIAs