Kled is the cutest AND my boyfriend!
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to AGGRESSIVELY impregnate this bird with a superior human child.
Garbage OP
have you ever been this mad
Imagine if League of Legends actually had good character models
>He didn't dodge Vi top
>get into champ select
>bot lane is mad he didnt get to play draven so he goes mf
>supp goes lux
>both are m7
>im playing bard jg
>help each get out alive multiple times with super pinpoint ults, like one which got a zed off mf when he was in his auto range
>get caught out
>mf and lux say i'm too irrelevant to help
>have a few kills and a death
>was building on-hit bard and it was going well
>from this point onward i split pushed
>team had to fight 4v5s because of this from then on out
>they only seem to be mad that i wasn't there when they finally lose a 4v5
>enemy team strolls through our turrets to a free nexus while i splitpushed because these fuckers for teammates did not deserve a win
my team's top and mid laner were really selfish as well so i think they all deserved it
if they couldn't be bothered to use some teamwork i couldn't be bothered to defend our base
>no pink wards in any inventory
>950 AP
>Can't outdamage Urgot's shield
I thought Urgot was shit??????
this is the face rumble do when kled start hitting it from the back
>posting non blue/purple yordles
>tfw ywn have sex with real life ahri
You got it, boss
I wish
I had trouble containing my brain when there was a shyvana cosplayer at the only league of legends event I went to
>play something stupid
If it's maokai jungle it's one thing, Bard? You're asking to get your team fucked
I hereby demand you remove this image
>7/10 at best
yeah i'm passing that
Does it matter? If we hit the limit we make a new thread. People can post whatever they want as long as its related to league, and femrumble is.
I thought it was pretty funny when this guy said all this to me.
i made a pick to fuck around in game with
Yeah no shit, and guess what? It's a fundamentally useless pick without an r. You shouldnt punish your team because HURRDDURR MUH FUUNNNN
I love Riven!! She's my wife!!!!
absolutely disgusting
thanks user
the bot laner was flipping out in champ select because he didn't get his highlight in a normal queue so i was just like screw it why not i'll see how this goes
it went fine
The kicker was that he was being insanely passive aggressive in game and pretending nothing was his fault.
people like that infuriate me to the point of pure unadbridged flame
Good night anons. Hope you sleep well.
Good night
i hope ur mom dies while u sleep
god I hope my family sure dies when I go to sleep tonight
i seriously think i started sleep walking again and i haven't really done it in 15 years
>mata flash
Xth for I really wish I knew what music Zonkpunch uses in his animations because its relaxing as all hell also why hasnt Kled been nerfed yet despite being prevalent in pro play and having a ridiculous success rate despite being set behind
>people get mad over non rule breaking images being posted
>people get mad at drawfags that take requests and don't even attention whore
>jannie that sperges out every couple of days and deletes threads for no reason sometimes multiple in a row
what the fuck is the reason behind this?
I know, were on Veeky Forums. but this is very uncharacteristic. Is it because league is such a well known game that this general attracts some of the worst people that can't handle Veeky Forums culture or something?
Very sad to see.
To everyone else of you, keep it up this general can be good at times.
And waifu sliders!
Vladfag here, never had a tumblr blog finally made one
How improve pls halp
P.S. how was the pale pole express NA?
Thicc is best.
what's a waifu slider?
coming back after a year, got 2 questions:
how viable is camille? she looks pretty fun
also, how bullshit is this new redemption item?
>is a girl
>have a tumblr
like ceramics
comfy bfs~
>Being able to sleep soundly enough to sleepwalk in the first place
>Complaining about thread quality
Only jannies and newfags do this, don't even reply to them user. Retards usually sperg post for 3 days before reaslising their shitposting isn't changing anything and then leave to go back to /v/ where they belong.
A lot of posters here are people new to League, but they can't talk about it on /v/ because /v/ hates moba so they come here to a board they don't understand and wonder why we're not cancer like /v/
Like that one faggot who keeps posting Lulu ms paint comics, he'll be gone in a week. They always are.
>I HATE those guys
Sliders to adjust body proportions. From skinny to thick, for boobs, waist, hips, butt, etc.
Like character generation sliders in any modern RPG game.
>rp blog
you're making a big mistake here buddy, trust me on this
I'm sorry lolgen but I really need to blog right now
>Be jungler
>my toplaner is shen
>he's a support main
This part is important
>Gank enemy Xin top
>blow his flash, still kill him
>he teles back to lane
>go right back up, kill him again
>meanwhile botlane is getting destroyed 2v2
>shen gets solokilled repeatedly by Xin
i dont feel like i slept much about 6 out of every 7 days of the week i wake up
i think i sleep walk on these days
>this bming by kt
love it
camille is pretty midddle of the pack
she snowballs really hard and her late game is nasty but getting there can be a bit difficult
redemption is pretty bullshit
>there are people here RIGHT NOW who don't completely ignore Singed
Explain this, lolbabs.
Late night.
>shitty week
>get reprimanded at job for reading schedule wrong
>ac is broke
>it's 100 degrees daily
>playing like absolute ass in games, slumping very hard
>can't win often and when I do my team just carries me
>don't learn because my anxiety runs very hard when I'm playing badly, feels like I'm just not cut out to play
>slump very hard
>win 1 game out of 5
>get so angry that I just start depricating myself cause no one to talk to
>lose again
>don't learn at all, repeat mistakes
>emotions out of control and on a train that's just running down hill
cry in anguish
I don't even know where to begin with fixing half of this shit. I just want to get better and these stupid things keep happening again and again.
i feel gayer just seeing your post at a glance and i cant even read what you typed
but now ive read it and now i have brain damage
>Forgot Dumbzz existed
Thinking back, maybe Zac was always bullshit and the buffs just put him into absolute cancer territory.
Also I complain about the thread quality all the time and I've been here for several years.
but Sona is already perfect
What if - in the lore, human males could actually impregnate male yordles?
Think about it. They're a fae like race, and can be seen in different forms depending on the person. What if yordle physiology allowed inter-species breeding in order to increase their numbers?
As a strictly evolutionary trait, of course.
>almost at silver 2
neat. thank fuck i can stop playing ranked once im gold
I don't think yordlefags are as bad as innercircle fags, but holy fuck they're getting there.
just like i said last time
unless you're an artist or join a dedicated group of rp'ers, it's going to die quickly
make sure to make daily posts about vlad stuff, or just you stuff to keep your blog aflout
if you're a artist its like 100000000000x easier because people will follow you for your art
browse around tumblr for ACTIVE rp blogs and/or commision art
and dont get political, no one cares and you'll just lose followers
have fun (i guess)
t. used to follow this scene for years a long time ago
Nobody cares about your irrelevant opinion
who is that? my friend is asking haha...
wait this game has nothing to do with vlad!!
I care and agree. Yordlefags have always been cancerous.
That makes two irrelevant opinions then, thanks for joining in.
>imperial hemomancer
Don't you mean homomancer? You know, considering he sucks Swain's dick every night
But other waifus are not.
Lulufags are terrible. The fags that post about wanting to fug Kled/Rumble/Ziggs are pretty bad. I don't have a problem with Poppy/Trist fags.
yes it does
post combos that make you monkaS
>Morgana +Kalista
>Rakan + Kalista
>Leona + Pantheon lane
>Ivern + Rengar
>Lulu + Kog'
>Kayle and Master Yi
>innercircle fags
does this have something to do with discord? if so, you're just as bad t b h
Out, now.
>Rakan and Xayah
>Master Yi
monkaS is based fuck you
You mean three
Trist/Poppy fags spam their images as well but they at least do it in bursts instead of throughout the entire thread.
You have three options:
>Keep complaining and shit up the thread, just like those you hate
>Stop being new and learn how to filter images
>Shut up
Which one are you gonna pick?
anime posters speaking wisdom once again
My complaints happen a few times per week. The people I hate shit up the thread 100 times per thread.
I'll keep complaining.
>You have to be new to complain about things
I'm gonna put a baby in sjokz and and she's gonna get round
[Picture of Sjokz comically, heavily pregnant in a tight dress]
My dick buried deep up your ass is based, idiot.
>You have to be new to complain about things
Yes, you do. Because if you don't like it, why the fuck are you here? See: You're one of these posters, this general is not for you, that's a shame. Maybe you should find somewhere you actually enjoy posting instead of whining like a little bitch.
T-Thanks user
>Not Suzy
you have to keep track of your mistakes. so e.g. create a spreadsheet and after each game you note your champ, w/l, kda, cs, the three biggest mistakes and the three best plays you made.
at the beginning it will be hard to find the mistakes bc the often happen without you knowing it was a mistake.
before each game you look trough that file and remember the mistakes you made and try to avoid them.
and practice active learning: you notice something bad, e.g. you die too much. the next 5 games try to die as rarely as possible. focus at one thing per game.
i believe in you, lad.
also post op.gg and
git gud
>Didn't even check the one reply to the post he's quoting, which was also me
The same reason why you or anyone else is still playing League in the first place is the same reason why I'm still here. The game is shit but sunken cost fallacy has no cure.
Nevermind, you're just a fucking idiot. You'll keep being an idiot regardless of truths being shoved into your dumbass face.
>Hurr I hate this thing but I'm gonna keep playing it anyway and complain
What kind of stupid fuck does this? Your post genuinely made me feel ill.
Yoooooo, is anyone here on the Veeky Forums league club and can add my new account? I miss being part of that club
IGN: murphstarr
>"What kind of stupid fuck does this"
It's funny how you say this on Veeky Forums of all places, the place where not even the users want to be.
how do i find cute boys/girls i can play with
Speak for yourself cunt, I like it here.
Post in /r9k/
I'm unsure of how to start actively learning but I'm getting a whiteboard soon that I can use to write down more notes.
Emotional regulation in game when I make mistakes is hard for me because i usually just fail and crumble under pressure.
>cute boys
Just post here.
Eww, roasties are not cute.
>second night in a row where the little japanese kid I queue with feeds his ass off but we get carried to victory
thanks for reading my blog post
not in season 7 mate
I too wish it would actually take advantage of 16 GB of HBM2.
>t. Radeon Vega Frontier Edition owner