>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
I love Elise!
xth for butts
i love that pic
Reinhardt's really good with children.
Katarina is my wife!
>Tobin has 27 Speed
Post teams you got that juicy 705 with
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Computer, load up Celery Man.
>people are STILL playing a shitty mobile game instead of completing all the games in the series except FATES
I'd do her like the adult that she technically is.
I love Severa a lot! I can't wait for more Severa in Heroes!
>not playing mainline FE games while waiting for stamina to refill
I still wonder how they got them to do this silly shit.
This is the second time this stupid bitch has cucked me out of a Summer Tiki, convince me not to just send her home.
I don't have 40% bonus unit so that's impossible.
They gave Tobin an Armorslayer so unlucky F2Pers can deal with Hector
>tfw no 40% unit
give her brave axe to a +atk cherche
>finally roll a Summer unit after 2 shitty IV 5-stars, one of which I had a better of already
>+HP, -res
You know what? I pretty much do this for the sake of collection, and it's still better than the inverse-IV Minerva I rolled, so I'll take it. Might just keep rolling for Tiki, but that's sure to screw me over for the Halloween banner if I don't start saving now.
What's some good skills for this lewd fisherman besides being a good SP-builder?
Brave Axe+, or at worst Draconic Aura fodder. Don't do it user.
When you finally get summer Tiki, you can sacrifice her to give Tiki Brave Axe+.
post time played
I think it's time for a change and squeeze some HM
I feel you bro. For me it's just start with only Shareena, surrender, then let cavmemes do the real work
sorry i asked
i forgot how lucky i was to get Mae off the OG valentia banner
doesn't Hana, a free unit, have armorslayer?
Welcome to my hell, user. It hurt even more knowing I had a really good one already from way back in I think March. I'll give the Brave Axe to Tiki if I get her, or another axeman who comes along that I might be interested in.
i don't get it
>rein on a defensive tile survives jeorg double with 1hp on the 7th map giving me the flawless
Didn't see the other thread was kill.
What A skill for -hp Boey? He can't pull off Earth Boost even with an HP seal agaisnt these inflated HP enemies.
Speaking of S!Tiki, I rolled her, but she was -atk +spd. Garbage, or salvageable?
>implying people spend feathers on Hana
TA. He's a worse version of henry. And use raven tomes while you're at it.
Wow, ISIS actually made TT less cancerous this time around! I'm kinda surprised about that.
Why does Tobin suck so much ass?
pretty bad considering her best builds are brave axe, or quick riposte. that's -6 damage
she's does have some uses at least
>brave axe+ fodder
>can slap an emerald axe on her to cuck reinhardts in tempest / squad assault etc.
>has her uses in GHBs and events like that
Pretty bad but still usable if you like her. Also her axe valor is always usable to grind SP on other heroes.
How can he be shit? he has lightning sword :^)
>they left the fortress map out of the rotation
I already have a TA+Raven Cecilia so I don't want to build an inferior non horse version. He doesn't even need TA or a Raven tome with his fuckhuge defense and buffs from his tome. He takes single digits from most colorless, greens and blues as long as his teammates are hugging him.
>try to roll a S!Tiki to make a meme Tobin build with Close Defense
>2 green orbs in 4 summon sessions
even the game is directly telling me not to use him
Why the hell is Lunatic 7/7 so easy?
because you're not using Faye
Fortress is pretty easy imo. The map with the 2 valleys where your allies are split up is the true cancer. That would have fucked up so many deathless.
They gave us a reverse infernal where we have the terrain advantage, Celica is easily baited away from her guards, and half the AI on the last map doesn't even wake up until several turns later.
Pretty pathetic! Guess people will have to complain about the shitty rewards instead of this being whale only content this go around.
>Checking IVs on my new Raven
>Oh shit
I've even done 12 - 5 on a calculator, I'm so upset man
I just got another 4* Rebecca who do I give the Darting Bow 3 Azura, Mae, Reinhardt or 4* MCorrin?
Yeah it's so easy compared to Veronica's. You can hog the defense tiles and you don't have 2 cavs instantly rushing you and a 70+ HP Sheena *blocking your path*.
Why is she so lovely?
Reinhardt is never an option for Darting Blow.
Of those listed, Mae or MCorrin I guess.
When people say DB3 for Reinhardt, they don't mean Darting, user...
Swap, Reposition or DFraw Back on Alph?
I often see Tharja being considered the absolute best red Mage, but she has always been disappointing for me. Her resistance is so low that the Green Mage in the A-C Bond thing kills her in one hit. I would feed her to Katarina in an instant had I got her.
Got him!
I prefer Reposition on melees, and Draw back on ranged. Swap only on Armors or budget option if passing QR2 from 4* Subaki.
I know but I don't have any unit with DB3 other than a 4* +Res/-Def Klein right now and I'm not sure if I want to sac him yet.
Reminder that Reinhardt was cool with the child hunts while his younger sister was not, learn who to use.
I prefer swap on units that can take a hit, so if your fonse has Brave Sword don't bother.
Between repo and draw back, take whichever one your main arena core 3 has less of, variety of options is always good.
she doesn't need any resistance
>pic related not even fully buffed up
>Heroes Tobin has lower base speed than Gaiden/Echoes Tobin
>Desperation AND special
Tell me more.
Hug Nino!
Love Nino!
Squeeze Nino!
Smell Nino!
Tease Nino!
Headpat Nino!
>only need about 2,900 points per day
The rewards are worse but the effort is less.
>not even fully buffed
>next to Ephraim
and Kat dies to DC if desperation isnt available
keep both for their niches
>Blade mage with buffs, desperation active and special ready on 2nd hit beats another mage
I mean, that picture hardly proves much.
yeah that's like the bread and butter of every mage
does the work here, but she'd do 21x2 if she got full buffs, which would be enough to oneround linde on defensive terrain
She's missing +1 atk! Might as well have no buffs!
If you're a shitter not aiming for 100k, maybe.
By the way the quests are daily this time around, which is pretty neat.
So does Heroes Xander.
I think Desperation is what makes her work for you, in my life I never rolled a Shanna once and I currently need 3 Desperations to finish my builds. I'm tempted to roll in the Tempest Banner just for Mae.
is Brave Sword Alphonse really that good? I have a spare BS+ inherit but I also wanted to 5* him when I get 20K feathers the next time so if his Prf weapon is better on him than Brave Sword I would rather save it for another unit.
>Camilla is -atk
>S!Tiki is -atk
>Nino is -atk
>Kagero is -atk
Daily AND double rewards halfway through the event. Going to work that stockpile of potions back up again!
in that specific case she wouldn't even need desperation at full hp with the defensive tile, but yeah other than that desperation is what makes blade memes basically invincible on player turn
She is the best red mage because there isn't anything better, she is bad compared to the green and blue top mages.
Don't worry I have a +atk eirika, +atk lucina, +spd nino and a +spd bunina if that makes you feel better
Who's calling her the best red mage? I see (and agree) that Celica is considered the best, and Katarina is basically Tharja that can't take a DC hit but tanks magic better so it's mostly a wash.
>thinking ragnarok is better than bladetome
It is though.
Anyone else not bothering swapping seals for TT? It's such a drag.
How are your memes doing, /feg/?
I don't bother, B team only comes in if there's a need to clean up which is usually just a few stragglers on the last map if they were even needed at all.
Lucina is surprisingly perky in Heroes.
what is Eldigan doing there
>all this HM for Eirika, Julia, and Lukas
>there were people on this very board who claimed Reinhardt would not be OP in the current Tempest Trials
Get absolutely fucking descimated.
She's surprisingly chipper for someone flat as cardboard on both sides
I mean, my A team doesn't even use any seals becasue it's a team I put together for this to farm HM. I keep the seals on my arena team, and things like BoL and QP belong to Linde and Rein exclusively.
Celica is too gimmicky and Katarina would be best if she has the blade tome but she doesn't and fuck wasting a 5* for a mediocre unit, I'm waiting for a real good red mage.
>Want to get the 'Fonse some double SP
>Also want to get in top 1k without using pots
Such a complicated feeling.