>/tosg/ Guilds info: There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar. If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
>Klaipeda Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3) cute (Merigolds and Majiene)
SPSRC and arsk they often retweet other smaller profiles
Andrew Brown
How many 290 runs does it take to hit 317? I have a 4x tome leftover, should I just use it and some dungeon reset vouchers since they're pretty cheap?
Justin Myers
Coffee is recruiting
Logan Fisher
show capy lewds
Adrian Smith
If I make an Astra bow for my Wugushi, will I be the strongest Wugushi?
Jeremiah Baker
I know someone who has a +16 stage 10 astra bow who tried wugu during renewal and said it was trash, poison was only ticking for 20k with that kind of investment
Julian Robinson
yes, you might even hit 3k ticks with your poisons instead of 2k like the pleb-wugus
Aiden Taylor
>Fucking 20 minutes queue for every automatch activity DED GAYM
Jaxson Hill
I'll do it! I'll become the strongest Wugu! I don't do Saalus though, so I won't be able to transcend it.
Juan Anderson
I was wondering who is the artist for all ToS characters ?
They all obviously fucking fappable as fuck.
Henry Torres
there's barely any point in making an orange if you're not gonna transcend it. Stage 0 orange weapons trigger me so much.
Dylan Price
It's a crazy lesbodyke, she even signs her name on the loading screens.
Jacob Reyes
Are you dumb? Orange still have the best base damage and anvil enhancement values.
Kevin Collins
Group content makes me nervous though, I'd rather just farm silver and buy the shards than do Saalus myself. I'd only aim for stage 3-5 though.
Joseph Fisher
You can solo 2/4 pf saalus maps pretty easily.
Justin Lopez
Yeah but I have 8 characters that are high enough to do Saalus, if I did it on one I'd feel like I have to do it on them all and that just makes me want to die instead.
Adam Miller
I have 2 stage0 orange Farming for a third stage0 orange right now
Brody Davis
Is there a Physical/Magic defense number that I should be aiming for? I've been wearing the same armor since 120 since it has STR on it, but it's starting to get painful taking 1k+ damage from ranged.
Hudson Lopez
Does she draws porn ?
Item Merchant on Klapedia is hot as fuck
Austin Jones
i have it on my SR subhuman
Mason Bell
>stage 5 on a blue shit
Gavin Price
the difference isn't that big with purple weapons +11 aufgowle bow has 2059 average patk counting the bonus minimum and maximum atk it has +11 astra bow has 2231 average patk which means that astra only has 8% more patk than aufgowle at stage 0 but, let's compare them at stage 5 aufgowle has 3333 patk astra has 3679 patk now the difference is 10%, and it keeps increasing at higher stages
Leo Long
Hm, maybe I should just go for purple instead. Astra is really painful to farm, and the DEX and crit rate is pretty pointless for a Wugu.
Joshua Taylor
Poorfag SEA here.
Can i enjoy this game (with my friends) for free ?
What are game breaking limitations for being free ?
Gabriel Murphy
WOW A WHOLE 2% MORE DIFFERENCE AT STAGE 5 Thanks for proving I was right
Christian Perry
the only issue will be having to buy tokens with ingame silver, but they're fairly cheap and you can acquire enough money to buy a one month taking in 2 or 3 days of very casual play. Paying players can get the p2w cube that gives you goodies but they can be acquired normally without having to pay, just putting in some extra effort. There are no items that can only be acquired with real money other than aesthetic stuff like costumes and hair styles
Carson Jenkins
stop spreading misinfo that 2m can be made in 2 days on a fresh character
Elijah Taylor
token dont cost 2m anymore bro
Ryan Bell
yeah you're right, on my server there is only one at 4m
Dominic Butler
They should add tokens to gacha.
Aiden Brooks
you can't sell token for more than 3,5m do you even play this game ?
Jaxson Taylor
>make token gacha only >rank A 1% possiblity
Lincoln Jenkins
nigga u stupid
Charles Nguyen
take a SS of a 4m token and i give you 1000 blessed shards
Jaxson Jackson
send me the money
Jack Anderson
>SS Fucking nazis get off my board
Michael Ward
what server?
Brandon Hernandez
what the actual fuck, they can't be register in my serve for more than 3,5m
Sebastian Hughes
Are you fucking retarded? You can list anything you want at whatever price you want if you have a token.
Parker Gray
send blessed shards now
Kevin Baker
sent :)
Chase Morales
John Garcia
klaipeda btw
Ryder Mitchell
>been awake 4 hours >been masturbating for 3 hours
someone help, I can't stop. I want to play the game but my character is so cute and lewd. I want to have sex!!
Oliver Smith
send pics of your char so we can masturbate too
Chase Jenkins
No! She's mine!
Colton Gonzalez
Is Swordman viable yet?
Colton Garcia
send me ur nude, I want to masturbate too
Jacob Hill
yes, it is go either doppel or murm nobi, both are really strong and require considerable investment
Ayden Edwards
>tfw actually going to finish antennas before artilonium
Luis Thompson
dumb rodent
Liam Barnes
@181938705 @181938754 no one cares you insufferable attention whore redditor stop replying to yourself
Christopher Brown
I have more yellow caro kills than you
Brody Russell
Most likely, i have 6k Caro kills and i started farming the antennas for the bow from 1.5k
Ian Morris
Fuck off Klaicuck Blogposts are allowed and WELCOME in this general
Caleb Allen
How do you even distribute your points for str, int, etc? Is putting 300+ points in one stat depending on your class and kinda neglecting the rest really the way to go?
Jason Young
if you're a caster you go full int if you're a priest3 chap you go full spr if you're a support you go full con if you're a non-attack speed reliant phys class you go full str if you do rely on attack speed you go 200 dex and rest into str
Jose Young
>if you're a support you go full con so, no one goes full con
Logan Rivera
You can go full DEX if you are sub 10ms ping on AA builds or full physical whale stage 8+ weapon
Jack Myers
cryo chronos go full con full support taoists go full con PvP memers go full con, but who cares about them?
Hudson Sanchez
Stream yourself masturbating to your character so I can masturbate to you masturbating to your character.
Aiden Nelson
>all CON full support taoists who the fuck plays them?
Nicholas Reyes
seen them in several solmiki groups
Grayson Jackson
Levi Robinson
no they aren't you fucking fedicuck no one cares about the disgusting attention whores you server hosts
Camden Smith
Klaipeda has worse desu
Michael Phillips
Fucking pathetic.
Josiah Edwards
I've always wanted to stalk people that post here, and screenshot their character. Then print out the picture of their character and spray my seed all over it. Then take a picture of that and post it here.
James Price
Just posted a fact, this general has more shit comming from NA server but if it's NA then it's fine i suppose
Elijah Martin
Why is a dead game still being DDoS?
Owen Moore
Justin Stewart
>/tosg/ killing other /tosg/ why can't we all be friends
Samuel Wood
How to improve WolfB&B? Looking Glass helps Beast and Flower Princess, that's it really.
Aiden Peterson
looks like you should transcend your weapon further in order to win
Michael Baker
lmao wrong thread, my b
Joshua Rogers
dead game
Colton Young
>Druid Master inexplicable sold all of her family's land JUUUUUUUST before the shit hit the fan and sent its value down the toilet
She caused all of this, didn't she? She's on their side.
Adam Rodriguez
triggered tranny spergs a tantrum.jpg
Julian Miller
wtf i hate transexuals now
Daniel Ross
Matthew Price
Lotus is full of neckbeards or underages. Only possible explanation to the fact they play at 11am on a Froday morning. Fucking weaboos parasites
Camden Mitchell
It's shit mate, Forest is still kill Go play Blood or NeutralSword B&B is just too much inconsistent
Brandon Miller
Nathan Ward
you mean frogday?
Gabriel Davis
Should i main Yugi Muto or Seto Kaiba?
Ian Allen
i killed the tower you retards
i'm the actual^tm leader of lotus for all you newfags
please quit the game
Atom out
Noah Moore
exactly. Friday is the day of the frog
Angel Bailey
I'm the shadow leader of Lotus, and I planned all of this. Well done, my servant.