/nintyg/ Nintendo General:Duh Cunt edition

This is a general for the discussion of the Nintendo consoles and games released on them, as well as Nintendo games on mobile devices.
Previous: Tags: /3dsg/, /wug/, /mk8g/, /smm/

>Important News
「!」 Watch the Splatoon 2 direct here: youtube.com/watch?v=GnIAN06eSAE
「!」SNES Mini announced, comes with the never official released Star Fox 2: twitter.com/nintendoamerica/status/879369032947847168
「!」Nintendo will support 3DS beyond 2018: uk.ign.com/articles/2017/06/15/e3-2017-nintendo-will-support-3ds-beyond-2018
「!」Metroid: Samus Returns (Metroid 2 remake) announced for Nintendo 3DS: youtube.com/watch?v=gc9FeeAEMWk
「!」Super Mario Odyssey - Sand Kingdom & New Donk City Demonstration: youtube.com/watch?v=t92phCwLJVw
「!」Xenoblade 2 - Demonstration: youtube.com/watch?v=NfGk6VMcJsw
「!」Metroid Prime 4 announced, made by talented new development team: nintendoeverything.com/retro-not-working-on-metroid-prime-4-made-by-talented-new-development-team/
「!」Culdcept Revolt apparently pushed back to October: nintendoeverything.com/culdcept-revolt-apparently-pushed-back-to-october/
「!」5 Things You May Not Know About Splatoon 2: youtube.com/watch?v=k7mPXq0PZRY

JP - nintendo.co.jp/schedule/index.html
NA - nintendo.com/games/coming-soon/
PAL - nintendo.co.uk/Games/Upcoming-Games/Upcoming-Games-753286.html

>New 3DS XL vs New 2DS XL vs 2DS Comparison

>amiibo Compatibility Charts
Switch - amiibochart64.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/amiibo-igcc-switch1.jpg?w=646
3DS - amiibochart64.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/amiibo-igcc-3ds3.jpg?w=646
Wii U - amiibochart64.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/amiibo-igcc-wiiu4.jpg?w=646

>Discord chat

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pity bamp


do a barrel roll!

hey we hadnt seen an overnight death in a while

any of that new stuff on the eshop worth it?
implosion looks pretty fun

vaccine is on steam
got mixed reviews, have no idea about implosion

>another fucking mobile game on the switch
I fucking hate this piece of shit so much

I have 2000 USD of expendable income lying around in 100 dollar bills under my bed.

Should I buy a switch? I already own a wii u

Which one?

Yea Splatoon and Arms are pretty bad. I recommend a PS4 Pro with Uncharted and Loco Roco.

im probably the only one who thinks this
but the switch feels a lot weaker than the wii u last was

there's just so little to it
all it is is just a flat menu
no motion whatsoever, nothing to draw your attention except the icons for the games

i dont know, the system just lacks personality for me
maybe i just miss the menus having unique, nostalgia-inducing bgm
or maybe even the sea of miis running in from the top of the screen

shut the fuck up gor

make way for best girl






Yeah sounds like you got nostalgia for the old UI.
Do you people really not check where you're posting first?

thoughts nintyg?

Do you want a Switch?

I have Vaccine on Wii U. Not sure of the Switch version is updated. It's a decent little arcade game with Resident Evil 1 visuals.

I think they're on a have custom themes in the future. Otherwise it's pretty straight forward and simple. At least on Wii U you get a community feeling from Miiverse Plaza.


And if you say this life ain't good enough

Gonna pick up a Switch on the 21st for Splatoon
So far the games I'm interested in are
First of my priority list, after Splatoon
>Mario kart 8
I played the "original" on Wii U and enjoyed it but when Splatoon came out I dropped the game altogether with only about 30~50 hours clocked in.
>Zelda BotW
Played it on Wii U and fucking hated it, Looking back in hindsight though I think I quite likes it overall and want to play it again some time down the line when its £20-ish.

Anything else you guys reccomend looking into? That Not F-Zero game looked pretty cool.

None. The only things worth it are some of the first party games

arms sucks

get blaster master


You might want to rename that pic so it looks like it's yours at least.

>no new courses

Where the fuck do I get a switch

>console war losers playing both sides of the fence
Im not surprised actually but posting am image on the internet is not going to ruin my fun im having with it
Hey chill out guy chances are at lease one of the rumors about MK8D getting dlc later down the line might be true.

Finish your games before you buy new ones. Pro tip.

Use one of the several online trackers to see when a local store gets a shipment.

You can sell yours to me
I'll pay you more than 300 bucks for it

Buy my PS4. I swear it has games*.

>PS4 has games
You mean movies right?

But I already have a PS4. Bloodborne was great. I want to play Splatoon 2 though.

Will you trick me into buying a PS4 so I shitpost ps4gen?

i probably do
but there really isnt much when you turn the system on
it just feels like a UI that any other system could use, and not feel different at all
its just so "non-nintendo"

im not gonna go on any tirades or anything, im just just a bit bereft

great meme /v/ro

fuck off secret gor

>Bloodborne was great
You clearly do not own a PS4 if you think that.

Who wants to battle in Puyo Puyo x Tetris?

Terrible taste

BB is mediocre, my friend.
-PS3 level visuals
-can't really see shit anyways
-poor hit boxes and animations
-AI is sometimes dumb (i've killed two bosses who did nothing but stand there)
-attacks clips through solid objects
-No actual story or lore, most of it is made up head canon from autists
-Have to load everytime to that dream world if you wan to level up
-Sloppy controls
-one of the worst fanbases

Nioh is much better, even if it doesn't have an open world, the combat, visuals, sound, etc... are just so much better.

And before you ask, yes I finished Bloodbore beginning to end. Default weapon is the best weapon and the guns are nearly useless.

>Nioh is much better
nioh is shit aside from the basic combat flow, everything else is mediocre

>Gor BTFOing Bloodbornefags
Absolutely based.

I-I thought you were a good guy, koopalingfriend.

I am. I just dislike Bloodbornefags and Sonyroaches because they somehow managed to make /v/ worse then what it already was.
I also fell for the PS4 meme so im extra spiteful of them.

i may or may not be able to relate to this
I got a ps4 for christmas when i was in high school for littlebigplanet 3, haven't really used it for much of anything else
but still i do have my eye on a few games that i want to get when i get around to them, ie fallout, final fantasy 7 remake, and a few others
but nintendo still comes first and foremost because i know they'll be able to deliver

tldr, i can understand spite for sony fans -- especially those from /v/ -- but sony isnt worth any hate imo
xbox, however, is

Dunno what you mean dude.
Sony is full of Jap Kikes and they get lazy and greedy every single time Microsoft stops trying.
This is not to say Nintendo or Microsoft in the past has not been greedy over years but the point still stands.

Sony raising the price of PSN after coming out with a statement that it was one of their most profitable ventures was the last straw for me.

given the playstation move and double screen gameplay with the vita i can see what you mean
but im just saying that sony actually does care about their games,
granted, nowhere near as much as nintendo does, but still
xbox only cares about the power of their hardware
you mean playstation plus? i've been using psn for some time now and i've never been charged
im not too keen on subscription services due to their cost, but given nintendo's ultra-cheap price for their service in 2018, i'll let it slide

Paid online in general is a dogshit practice and im sad to see that the Switch will be getting it as well later down the line.
(I unironically miss miiverse)

i miss it too , not gonna lie about that
but im optimistic about the new online service
if we end up using it at length -- and we all probably will for mariokart, splatoon 2, the inevitable smash game and whatnot -- its gonna cost no more than $1.70 a month, basically a chocolate bar
compared to other companies that's an incredible price

shutn the fuck upm gor

Dont bully Gor anymore
He is /ourguy/ now since he BTFO'd Bloodmeme

gor stop samefagging as the koopafag you autistic fuck i hate you so goddamn much fucking kill yourself

shut the fuck up gor

Im not gor you sperg

someone post the recommended 3DS gaems image, you know the one

update someday

thanks brethren

That ain't me, you baloney brain.

I think I'm going to buy a mini usb fan for the dock.

question, gor
you got Veeky Forums x yet?

question, gor
stop samefagging as koopacunt you autistic pervert

not him, man

I have Veeky Forums Z.

no i mean the chrome extension
call me a shill but its really useful

He aint me you autistic nerd

good or shit: slick star
+can charge boosts without slowing down
-cant change direction outside of boosting


>page 10

What's page 10?

This thread a while ago before saved it and i did not refresh the page.


Has anyone played Implosion? I have heard good things and really have been craving a hack n slash but it being a mobile port has me worried.

this is the most pointless thing i have ever seen
when it comes to lost causes you really commit

Is that that meme internet currency?
Asking because im retarded when it comes to stuff like this



Yes it's for memers and low lifes.

Yeah but it's crashing.

How long has it been doing that?

>10 again



Well this is weird. I thought something wrong was with my Joycons. The left one was showing to have 75% charge while the right one was fully charged.

Was looking online, I guess there's early posts of this happening but before the somewhat recent Joycon software update. I turned of the switch after some gayming, undocked it and left it alone for a few hours to watch that Castlevania Netflix anime and work on my gains. Showered, took the switch to my bedroom and now it's showing that both controllers are at equal battery drain.

Thanks for reading my blog. Like and subscribe and check my Patreon for more wacky videos.

/mhg/ here, what do you faggots think about Capcom's betrayal of Nintendo with Monster Hunter? Do you guys think that Splatoon 2 will BTFO MHWorld in terms of sales?

More then likely its backlogged vary hard right now in Japan alone.

>Do you guys think that Splatoon 2 will BTFO MHWorld in terms of sales?
Yes, at least in Japan. MH is old and busted, Splatoon is the new hotness.

what's the easiest, most retard proof way to remove the top screen of a n3ds?
I took mine out after ignoring it for several months and it has some crumby shit right in the middle of the screen
it's like underneath the plastic part

I am going to import MHXX for the Switch and will be pirating MHWorld. I also really feel that Splatoon is the new king of local MP in Japan and NIntendo should probably try their hand at the hunting genre. Thoughts?

>Nintendo should probably try their hand at the hunting genre.
Id unironically go for a remasterd version of duck hunt and those weird old shooting games on the old NES

Pokemon snap is a hunting game....

I meant a Monster Hunting game, you numbnuts...maybe using the BotW engine?

Pokemon are monsters. What's wrong with snap?

Ohhhh just looked, wiiu only. Sorry. Just another thing the switch can't do.

Monster Hunter is trash, so I don't really care. Expect micro transactions up the ass tho. I wouldn't be surprised if you can buy money and gear with a Shark Cards type of set up.

Monster hunter will probably do 5 million this year and Splatoon probably 2 million.

acceptable wedding ring?


More like Cringetendo


Unless the person who receives it is a giant NES nostalgiafag.

gor is pregnant


Shut up fag


Whats yo obsession with gor m8?
Niggs just a namefag