Riven best girl edition
Riven best girl edition
I'm gonna put a baby in sjokz and she's gonna walk across the stage to give postgame interviews, apologizing to people her huge belly almost bumps into
cant zhonya's cancel Camille ult if you use it mid hop?
or cant you simply buy a banshee's so she cant just gapclose and raw dog it on you??
Jinx is cuddly and cute
Why do people complain about camille of all champs
xth for Syndra
yes you can
but its still imba, you cant ekko ult out of her ult, you cant tp out of it, nothing, where is the counterplay in that? why not have it work differently
fact is shes so overloaded that because of her ultimate alone she has been succesfully played support
>Kill a full health Yi with three autos, E and ult as Rek'Sai while being mauled by him, Poppy and Zyra
When's the gutting?
Its really the ult that's my issue. You should at least be able to flash.
t. immobile adcbab
because she is a more recent addition and a step in the wrong direction
the guy who designed her said it was his first champion and I hope he never makes one again, camille is a terrible design and overloaded from the start
fluffy tails
The fact that every champion can disengage at will whenever flash is up is why Camille ult was needed though. There's easy counterplay to it. Don't get caught out of position. You've just been so used to mashing your F key whenever you fuck up that you're not used to actually getting punished for making a mistake
xth for breast metal waifu
>people who vote no in the remake
what the fuck is their problem?
and if i afk then i get fucking banned,i had to endure a 55 min 4v5 since the begign,im mad
lol it took you 5 hits to kill a yi
I'm gonna put a baby into YOU, user!
Brand is my favorite champion
what happened to perkz?
its rigged he normally doesnt bm this much, hes making it obvious
>Perkz right now
>flash is a literal free escape
>all the meta champions have some form of dash, blink, or escape
>there are even items that give you dashes
>but Camile having the ability to actually punish people who misposition is bad
Perkz is ACTSHUALLY inting what the fuck
H-Hey he W'd my autos don't bully
That's okay I'll put it into sjokz and she'll get even bigger
>voting for remakes
This is the problem. The game should auto-remake at 3 mins if someone hasn't connected
Not my problem. If he couldn't get back in 3 minutes than fuck him.
Yet its flash, it has a longer cool down than the ult. Its not a kill but its still a valuable trade that's still not in the target's favor. When Camillie gets her ult back she can easily engage again. Also notice how much of a gap closer she has. Unless you're Caitlyn she's gonna reach you regardless and ult your ass. There's very little counter play to it and that's the issue. It doesn't need to kill to be powerful the fact that it forces a flash is enough. There's nothing you can against it in it's current state.
>that midair Zhonya's
Western League of Legends
other champions can punish too, camilles ult is retarded against the philosophy of muh counterplay
her e alone is enough to punish mispositioning
Well god damn that was lit as fuck
lol it's such a joke compared to skt
This fucking game, man
RIP in peace MVP
Zhonya nerf when
I don't think that's how babies work, user...
>guy says his premade buddy will be back soon
>he does reconnect quickly
>proceeds to feed his ass off and starts flaming
literally every time
solo queue when?
>League esports
>There's very little counter play to it
There's very simple counter play to it. Don't get caught out of position. Goes to show how used to being babied you are that you're so appalled that a champion has a skill that can actually punish you for a mistake instead of just being able to use your cancerous mobility for a get out of jail free card. Play like it's dota. Don't get caught.
>implying Zhonya isn't best item
>implying brown girls aren't best girls
I don't care, it's all in the name of a heavily pregnant Sjokz to fuck
nice spoderman gj
>these back-to-back thows
I don't understand this game
What the fuck is this fiesta? Western teams have no idea what they're doing
Why the fuck are P1 throwing so hard? Just in the past few minutes they've completely failed to just hit someone once to finish them off.
The gaps between them being almost dead and using an escape ability is so painfully large, but I guess right clicking on someone in the hardest thing in the game that not even the pros can manage.
But every team is a joke to SKT, even KT.
Tbh Longzhu vs. SKT was the best series this year so far, Khan and BDD are so fucking good. That 55 minute game 2 with Cass top was such a nail biter
What a fucking fiesta
Name one couple cuter than Viktor x Cassiopeia
If you can...
I am a clown and I find this offensive
Is that KKoma?
>and the award for the most retarded lolg poster of 2017 goes to
KT is literally either SKT tier or garbage
there is no other option
if they're garbage, western teams can beat them
they literally lost earlier to clown tier teams
what the fuck is this game
Korea is laughing at us
braum x graves
>Perkz cannot stop inting
as long as that shit stays top I could care less
has Riot ever given you a skin for a champion you play?
seriously guys is this game rigged what the fuck is shit
tihs has to be the lowest quality pro game ive seen in ages
G 1-4 LUL
Rigged and trash
This is the lowest quality gameplay I've seen in a long time, holy fuck
Statistically, being dc'd at the start of the game but reconnecting in the 2-5 minute range still leaves your team with only a 42.5% chance of victory. To compare, giving up first blood leaves your team with a 41% chance of victory
Straight-up missing the first wave is a huge penalty to your lane phase and should lead to the enemy snowballing every time if they're competent.
I am ashamed i'm from west.
Remember what I said about the gap closer? You know, the one that has insanely good reach? user the issue is that no matter how well I position she has the speed and mobility to reach me and the ult will 100% no way out kill me. You're hardly even considering her gap closer at all. you act like its a Xin level dash.
How do you play sexy girl of big black balls?
>Bramble Vest hits live
>finally show trynd mains what it's like to feel pain
>this is the average game of EU
>EU players trying to pass it off as "western" players now
>tfw really like Jhin's personality and voicelines (Smiiiiile, everyone's watchiiiing.)
>tfw suck at adc
wat do broskis
This game was fucking horrid
Also fuck Vedius worst caster
Sjokz looks way older with blonde hair.
She should go back to having dark hair, preferably black.
Just play him; I'm bad with every adc except him
love it
>Also fuck Vedius worst caster
him and azeal are so fucking awful holy shit where does riot get these shitters from?
>Camille dashes to the ADC
>Your team doesn't immediately turn around and assfuck her so hard she goes 100-0 in under a second
At that point it's just your team not doing what they should. If you're positioned properly at the back of your team and Camille dives you it should be an easy kill if your team turns back on her.
>preferably black
Based NA poster
Pathetic EU shitters
>G2 still lost even tho they had the best champ in the game with the most broken ult in the game
Play him mid and use your traps for wards.
>have no teleport scrolls or buybacks
>literally impossible to win a 4v5
>try to rat
Is G2 retarded?
>EU loses every game they play against NA in S6 worlds
>EU is losing against NA now
>This latest game
Hearing people still try to defend EU as the better region gets better and better
Both teams were equally bad, it was just a contest of who could throw harder
Competitive isn't soloq, you dumbass
fucking hell that game was funny to watch but it is so fucking bad gameplay wise
Sjokz would look so much better with a massive, stretched taut belly
Sorry, how many NA teams have made a semi final at worlds? :)
But Riot also considers EU to be the stronger region
Tbh if corki stayed and tried to backdoor they could at least have a chance. Trick suicided too tho
>dude just 1v5 her lmao
You can't be this delusional. Why is it that every lolbabs advice on dealing with a champ relies heavily on the enemy being as braindead as physically possible?